The Vigorous Abysse

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The massive pit below them burned with vigor. Three people were near the abyss. In the middle was, Mitchell Bass, who was the adopted son of a family of bookkeepers. Near him stood Lee Nixon and Kirk Cox. Mitchell was throwing rocks, and Lee and Kirk were watching him. Mitchell lobbed another volley off the ledge. The rock fell into the swallowing darkness.

The abyss stretched out below them. The depth of the pit was dizzying. Mitchell picked up a rock heaved it into the pit. He watched it disappear.

"How deep is it?", Lee asked. A flock of birds disappeared under the shroud of the pit. He watched Mitchell heave another rock into the hole.

"Mitch?", Lee tapped Mitchell on the shoulder.

"What?", Mitchell went out of his trance, "What did you say?"

"He asked how deep that hole was", Kirk said.

"Wouldn't call it a hole", Mitchell grumbled, "It look's about a mile long."

"A mile? Hole's aren't that deep", Lee exclaimed.

"Exactly. That's no hole. Look's like an Abysse", Mitchell replied.

"What do you mean by Abysse?", Kirk asked.

"It was in one of the books in the store", Mitchell threw another rock. He saw it tumble and heard it crack.

"Was it in one of those books with those strange eyeless people? I didn't sleep so well when you showed them to me"

"Those were the Gods, Lee. But-", Mitchell hefted another rock."No, that wasn't the same book. The Abyss was the one with the excellent-looking pictures of flames and fir-"

"That one? I remember that one. That one was disturbing."

"I didn't like those books either."

"Seemed pretty interesting to me", Mitchell shrugged, "It wasn't too bad."

"You have a poor taste", replied Lee.

"Not really, It was pretty interesting", Mitchell answered.

"What exactly is an Abysse then?", asked Kirk.

"The picture of it has these flames reaching out a deep pit"

"That was what it was all about?"

"I don't like reading the words that much."

"Oh", Kirk picked up a smooth pebble and watched it glance over the rocks.

They went quiet for a minute and then Mitchell perked up.

"I bet there's bound to be some treasure in such a deep hole", said Mitchell.

"Could be", Kirk threw another rock, "Doesn't look like it right now though."

"Could be! There's bound to be a treasure in deep holes. Then what's the use of deep holes!"

"I agree. What would be the use of deep holes?", Lee chirped.

"Nothing", Kirk said, "They're just there."

"Well, I'll go down myself tomorrow and see if there's a treasure, there's bound to be a massive load", Mitchell replied.

"I'll go with", Lee said

"Alright", Kirk grumbled, "I'll tag along"

Mitchell chucked another stone and watched it disappear into the abyss. He shivered.

"It's getting late. I'll see you tomorrow"

"Seeya!", Kirk ran toward home.

"Bye", Lee waved.

Both of them disappeared. Mitchell stood by himself and then ran toward the small bookshop.

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