Chapter 28

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Kara and Kenna arrive in Metropolis safe and sound and are eagerly welcomed by Clark and Lois.
"Kara, long time no see!"
"Last time I heard from you I thought we were going to be sisters in-law." Lois teases. Kara's cheeks redden.
"Right," she chuckles nervously "about Lucy it was mutual we're just friends now. Actually I uh, I've moved on."
"Oh? Tell us more?"
"We're keeping things pretty private right now but um, I'm seeing Lena Luthor now." Kara sees the look of alarm from clark and concern from Lois and quickly continues, "I'm in love with her, she's the best thing that's happened to me in a long time."
Clark tries not to tense at his cousins confession. "I know she had nothing to do with it and you can't choose family, but that name is still a little hard for me to hear."
"I can understand that, but she really is great. You should meet her sometime, give her a chance."
Clark nods, "I can see she makes you happy, I'll take that as a good sign."
"Yes, we'd love to have dinner with both of you next time we're in the city, we've been meaning to visit more often." Lois effortlessly smoothing things over as she so often does.
Lois takes Kenna out for an afternoon of 'much needed aunty/niece bonding time', but Kara has a feeling it's more for the benefit of her and Clark. They haven't had a chance to really talk in a while.
"How do you do it? Have a regular job, a wife, and save the world? Does it ever feel like too much?"
"Yeah it's definitely difficult sometimes, but I feel like it's my duty. And besides, I've had years of practice. I'm used to it by now."
"Have you ever thought about having kids?"
"We've talked about it but it was never something we felt like we needed. Plus the complications of the job and all that. It just isn't for us." Clark shrugs.
"I know what you mean, I'm not sure I would've even chosen it myself before I was blessed with Kenna. It's so difficult some days, I feel like I'm not a very good mom when I can't be there for her."
"Kara no, that doesn't make you a bad mom," Clark says reassuringly, "from what you told me your mom and dad where busy ruling krypton, do you think they were bad parents? What about the parents in the military who have to be away from their kids?"
"Well no but- they usually have a partner at least. I just feel so alone some days."
"I can't know what it's like to be a single parent, but I've definitely felt like I was the only one who could save the city, or even the world. But we're not alone Kara. There's more support for people like us now, the DEO is better and there are more heroes out there. It doesn't have to be all on you or all on me."
"Thanks for this, I really needed to talk with someone who understands what it's like."
Lois and Kenna get home and Kenna goes down for a much needed nap. The adults are left to catching up over coffee. Once the conversation inevitably turns to journalism, Kara takes her opportunity. "Do you still love it?" Kara asks Clark.
"I do, it s an escape for me. Ive always thought of it as a low stakes way to be involved in doing some good in the world."
"I'm glad it can be like that for you. Truthfully I've been thinking about giving up my day job." She admits.
"So what you'd be Supergirl full time?"
"Not quite, I think it will give me more time to be a mom."
"That could be dangerous, you might not be able to have a normal life again." Lois says with nothing but love and the knowledge of the demands the life of a hero entails.
"My life has never been normal. And this aspect has always felt like hiding or pretending to me. I am a little worried about dating Lena as Supergirl though, the press would have a field day with that and I don't want to put her through that."
"Not to make things worse," Clark sighs, "but she'd be more likely to become a target. Kenna too."
"So I am delusional? This can't work?"
"As the former girlfriend and current wife of a Super I've definitely had my life at risk, but a lot of it was my own doing and because I stuck my nose where it didn't belong, I knew what I was getting myself into. Talk to Lena before you make any huge decisions." She advises.
"Thank you both for entertaining my midlife crisis, and for your advice, but I think that's enough for one day. Let's just enjoy the rest of our visit."
Lena can't believe she's saying this, but she's glad Kara's out of town for a few days. She feels less guilty about not telling her about seeing Lilian. Lena has been considering Lilians proposal for a few days, she needs a hell of a lot more information out of her before she can agree to anything. Which is why she is currently making arrangements for another meeting with her mother. Lilian is hesitant to share more details lest anything leak.
"Perhaps I could arrange for you to see something in person. You understand I can't give you physical copies of course, what with potential leaks to competitors and intellectual property and all that."
"I'm familiar with the risks, I do run a highly innovative tech company, mother."
"Then you understand you are one of these competitors, and the fact that I'm even letting you in on this shows a great deal of trust. Does it not?"

Lilian sends a discreet car with tinted windows and insists Lena wear a blindfold so she can't know the location.
"It's not that I don't trust you, only a select few people know this location. They're are highly dangerous materials here. I can't have civilians exposed to that."
"Oh but exposing your daughter is just fine." Lilian huffs, and Lena can't believe she is blindly following her mother into god knows what.

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