Chapter 29

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Things have mostly returned to normal since Kara has returned from her trip. They are doing their best to keep their relationship quiet, which doesn't take much considering the closer than average friendship the girls already shared.
Thankfully it's a normal day for Lena work as well. At least until she gets a call from Alex. "Hey Lena! How are you?"
"I'm good, is everything all right?"
"Would I be making small talk if it weren't?"
"Okay true, it's just you never call me just to talk,"
"Well I do need you to do something. Could you pick Kenna up from daycare between 4:30 and 5? Supergirl mission's going a little longer than expected and Kara wanted me to call you, we shouldn't be too late though so don't worry."
"Yeah of course I will. Be safe!" They hang up and Lena looks at the clock. She calls for her assistant. "Jess, could you clear my schedule for the evening, I have to go home early tonight."
"Of course miss Luthor." She readies to leave and finishes up the file she's working on. She heads over to Kenna's daycare just in time for pickup. The kids are outside on the play equipment waiting for parents to take them home. Kenna runs over as soon as she sees her. "Lena!" She gives her a big hug. "Mommy's working tonight?"
"Yep, so we get to hang out for a bit."
Lena signs Kenna out, luckily she's a familiar face to the teachers as her or Alex are often doing drop off or pickup when Kara can't.
"Are we going to your house?"
"Yes, but first we have to go to your house quickly."
"Just to get some things incase you have to stay over night, but your mommy shouldn't be too late tonight."
"Okay, can I bring Sparkles the Unicorn?"
At Lena's eating their diner of chicken and broccoli Kenna isn't even complaining about her vegetables and Lena's a little proud (even if it is just because they're covered in a yummy cheese sauce, she'll take it as a win).
After dinner Lena shows Kenna some of her books on animals and she's so excited and insists on reading them right now. They settle in on the couch and Lena starts reading the one about jungle animals first. Kenna absorbs all the animal facts like a sponge and even shares some Lena didn't know.
It's getting later and still no word from Kara so she gets Kenna ready for bed and puts her down in the guest room. She should really talk to Kara about letting Kenna redecorate it, so she can have a space here as she hopes her two favourite girls will be spending a lot more time here. Lena decides to call Alex for an update or at least estimate of when they'd be done.
"Hey Lena," Alex answers "I can't really talk right now, the mission is still ongoing. Is everything all right?"
"Yes, just wondering when you'll be finished."
"I can't be sure, I'll update you when I know more."
"Okay, thank you." She hangs up and is determined not to let it worry her. She busies her self with the dinner dishes before going to bed.
In the morning it's the weekend so no work or daycare. She tries Kara's cell first but no answer. Alex doesn't answer either, but it is early and they were out late presumably saving the world, or at least the city from god knows what. So she'll try again latter on. Right now she's got to make breakfast.
She goes to wake kenna. "Morning Ken," she says softly while gently rubbing her shoulder, hoping to stir the little girl awake.
"Morning Lee," Kenna yawns happily. In an instant she's latched on to Lena like a koala, silently insisting on being carried to the kitchen. "I like when I stay here."
"Me too kiddo." Lena sets her down on the counter and grabs the plates. "So, what do you want to do today?" Kenna shrugs in response, preoccupied with her breakfast for the moment. Lena can't help but smile, she's so much like Kara.
After breakfast once they're both dressed Lena asks, "How do you want your hair today?"
Kenna thinks seriously for a second, "A braid please, and you could have one too if you want.
"Okay, I think we can do that." Lena smiles.
As she does their hair Lena's naming things that they could do and Kenna's not really interested, and keeps shooting them down. Finally Lena mentions shopping and Kenna lights up "Yes please!! Mommy hates shopping."
Lena sends both Kara and Alex a text of where they'll be today along with an additional 'please call me when you're home safe' to Kara.
"So, what are we shopping for today Ken?" Lena asks as they enter the mall.
"Well, I spilled grape juice on my fancy dress, and my princess shoes are too small, and also I think maybe Sparkles the Unicorn needs a friend."
They start off with just about every kids store they can find, until they pass a store with gorgeous dresses in the window. "That would look so pretty on you!" Kenna drags Lena to the display window and points out a royal blue dress that is practically a ball gown.
"That's gorgeous honey, but where would I wear it?" It's different from the form fitting dresses she usually wears. Kenna drags her into the store and they try it on just for fun. Before she knows it, Lena ends up buying an expensive dress just to wear to Kenna's tea parties. This kid is too much like her mom she thinks again, they both have Lena all too easily wrapped around their finger.
On their way from lunch in the food court, the Build-a-Bear is coming up and Kenna's telling some story and doesn't notice as Lena leads them into the store. Kenna lets out a squeal of delight as she notices where they are. "Well you said Sparkles the Unicorn needs a friend, we couldn't go home without one." Kenna takes her time considering each stuffy, "Sparkles the Unicorn needs the bestest one for a friend." Lena doesn't mind one bit, she'd do anything to make this girl happy.
Their next stop is determined by Kenna wanting to smell all the candles on the display. Kenna keeps making Lena smell the gross ones and she thinks it's hilarious. Her giggles could cure just about any ailment in the world Lena thinks. Lena buys her a sparkly mermaid hand sanitizer, and some bubble bath for herself, then it's time to go home.

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