Chapter 19

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Sunday evening Kara is having a few friends over for dinner, of course Lena and Alex are already there, now they're just waiting on Sam and her daughter. Lena is putting together a salad, as Kara pouts in protest. Lena just rolls her eyes at the overdramatic blonde.
Sam finally arrives and Alex opens the door.
"Hi! I'm Sam Arias," she sticks her hand out for Alex to shake, "and this is my daughter Ruby," an adorable ten year old smiles up at Alex, not a hint of shyness in her demeanour.
"I'm Alex, Kara's sister," She holds a fist out for Ruby to fistbumb. "She's told me lots about you." She says looking up at Sam.
"Yeah she can't shut up about anything that has to do with Lena."
"Lena's the same with Kara." They share a knowing look as they walk further into the appartement. Kara and Lena pause their bickering over salads to say hi, and introduce Kenna.
"Do you want to play barbies with me?!" Kara's about to deter her, afraid the older girl won't be interested, but Ruby excitedly agrees before she can say anything. The adults talk and finish preparing dinner while the girls play.
Sam asks Alex about her job and Alex seems caught off guard. "Oh um, I'm in the FBI," 
"That's very interesting, do you mind me asking what kind of work you do? Or what department you're in?"
"Uhm- I have a lot of cases- top secret, they're top secret, I can't really talk about it. Confidentiality and all that." She immediately takes a drink to prevent saying anything else, and to hide her blush.
Kara gives Alex an incredulous look that was meant to convey 'what the fuck was that?'  Alex could rattle off her cover story in her sleep, J'onn had ensured that. Lena catches the glare and elbows Kara before Alex notices. Lena understands why Alex is suddenly flustered, though she won't say anything in front of them.
Finally it's time to eat.
"So Sam, do you have any family in the city?"
"No, just Ruby. I'm actually adopted so I don't have much extended family, that I know of anyway."
"Im adopted too!" Kara exclaims.
"Me three," Lena raises her glass towards Sam.
"Really? That's an interesting coincidence,"

Somehow the topic eventually turns to significant others, and Sam asks Alex if she's seeing anyone.
"Uhm, no - I just went through a messy break up."
"Oh I'm sorry for asking,"
"It's okay, it was for the best, I'm over her now anyway." There's almost an awkward silence, "what about you?" She asks Sam, to fill it.
"No, Ive mostly been focusing on Ruby and work lately." Alex nods understandingly.

"Ruby what grade are you in now?"
"I'm in grade 4."
"Do you like school?"
"What's your favourite subject?"
"Well i like science, but mostly just art, it's my favourite!"
"I like art too!" Kenna exclaims, "And so does mommy."
"Yes we do, maybe you could come over and paint with us sometime," Kara looks too Sam, who nods, and Ruby can't contain her excitement.
Sam and Ruby are getting ready to leave after desert, Alex offers to walk them out.
"Oh thank you, but you don't have to. Don't go out of your way."
"No I should get going anyway,"
"Okay," Sam smiles, "i'd like the company."
Kara, who still hasn't caught on, is once again confused, Alex never leaves Kara's this early, not even when she has work in the morning. Once the goodbyes are said and the door has closed Kara turns to Lena. 
"Do you think Alex is doing okay? She seemed weird tonight," she asks.
"Kara, did you not see the way she was looking at Sam?"
"What?! No. How was she looking at her?"
"I think Alex likes Sam,"
"I had a great time tonight, it was so nice to meet you," Sam says as they reach the parking lot.
"If you thought that was fun you should wait until game night, I know Kara wants to invite you, and you'll love the rest of our friends."
"That does sound fun..." They reach Sam's car and Ruby gets in, "Bye Alex!" She calls over her shoulder. Alex waves back "Bye Ruby!" Sam laughs and fiddles with her keys, not quite wanting to leave yet.
"Are you parked close?"
"Yeah that's my bike" Alex points to her motorcycle a few spots over.
"No way! That's awesome, can I check it out?"
"Sure," Sam pops her head in to talk to Ruby for a second and then locks the car. "So you're into bikes?"
"Yeah! I used to fix up old ones in my spare time."
"Oh sweet, we'll have to compare notes sometime."
"I'd like that," she looks up with a shy smile. They stand there, just starting at each other, until finally Sam breaks the silence. "I should probably..." she takes a step back towards her car.
"Right, well.... goodnight."
"Goodnight Alex."

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