Chapter 18

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Kara stops by LCorp with donuts on her lunch hour one day. Sam's office is next to Lena's, so the girls decide to stop in. Lena knocks on the door and peaks her head in, "Hey do you have a few minutes?"
"Yeah sure, come in. What's up?"
Lena opens the door further, revealing Kara and steps into the room.
"This is Kara Danvers, Kara this is Sam Arias."
"Hi!" Kara greets brightly "I've heard so much about you, it's nice to finally meet you!"
"I've heard a lot about you as well, nice to finally meet you too," Sam says warmly. Then Kara breaks out the donuts and they chat. Lena and Sam's relationship seems relaxed and casual, and Kara knows immediately that Sam is a potential addition to the friend group.
Lena gets some powdered sugar on her face and it's the cutest thing, Kara can't help but giggle.
"Here," Kara reaches over and wipes it off with her thumb, "you have some donut."
Lena's stomach flutters and she's stunned into silence for a moment. Sam breaks the awkward silence with an even more awkward question. "So how long have you two been together?" They're both super flustered.
"We're not-"
"We're just-" They both start.
"Friends." They finish together.
"I'm so sorry! I just assumed-"
"No, really it's fine!" Lean assures her. They both force a laugh, but Sam notices how they look away with pained looks.
"Oh shoot! Is that the time?" Kara says trying to sound casual. "I have to get back to work. It was so nice meeting you Sam, we'll have to have dinner or something sometime!"
"Absolutely," Sam agrees getting up to shake Kara's hand, Kara goes in for a hug instead.
"And Lena we still on for tomorrow?"
"Of course!" They hug too, but it's shorter than usual, with Sam's innocent comment still lingering in both of their minds.

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