Chapter 22

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Alex and Sam have been going out for a few weeks now and things are going well. Tonight they're snuggled on the couch after watching Moana with Ruby. Now she's in bed and they're just talking.
"You know I'm so glad you asked Lena for my number," Alex starts.
"Why cause you wouldn't've had the guts?" Sam teases.
Alex scoffs in mock offense before responding, "I would - You're ruining my reputation you know."
"Oh really how's that?"
"People will think I've gone soft!" She says dramatically. "With all the cuddling and the kids movies and shit."
"I drive motorcycles too you know, you're not the only badass in this relationship." Sam laughs before alex shuts her up with a kiss. They pull apart and settle back into the couch enjoying the silence for a minute.
"Hey next time we should watch Bridge to Terabithia, It always makes me cry though." Alex says.
"Yeah and I'm the one turning you soft." Alex gives her a playful shove and Sam bursts into giggles.
The next day Alex plays soccer with ruby in the backyard, Sam's sitting on the deck trying to catch up on some work, but mostly watching them. After winning yet another game Ruby heads inside to get a drink. Alex joins Sam on one of the deck chairs for a much needed break.
"She asked me to come to her game next week."
"Really?" Sam smiles. "That's great! She really likes you, you know."
"I really like her too. She's a good kid. She's got a really hot mom too," Sam throws her head back laughing at that.
"You're awful." She teases, but kisses her anyway.
"Oh my god, gross! Mom!" Ruby whines in disgust.
"Sorry honey," Sam laughs, Ruby ignores her and goes back to practicing.
"Oh hey, Kara wanted me to tell you she wants to us hang out with her and Lena again soon." Alex changes the subject so as not to torture Ruby with any more 'gross' pda.
"Yeah of course! Whenever we're all free. But speaking of Kara and Lena..? I wanted to ask you something about them..."
Was there ever anything going on between them?"
"No. Not officially anyway, why do you ask?"
"Well when I first met Kara and saw both of them together I totally assumed they were a couple and they said they were just friends. And I know it's none of my business, but they seem pretty close for 'just friends'."
"Oh yeah they're totally in love with each other but won't admit it."
"Why not?"
"I don't really know, but According to Kara it will 'ruin things cause Lena doesn't feel the same way'. If they just knew the truth..." This gives Sam an idea and Alex can see it on her face. "No."
"Come on, they just need a tiny push in the right direction."
"I'm not getting involved in my sisters love life."
"It's for their own good! They must be miserable like this. Pinning after each other all the time because they're too stubborn to just be together..."
"I'll talk to Kara you talk to Lena." Alex caves.

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