Chapter 20

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"So, we've become pretty close friends right?" Sam asks out of the blue at work one evening just before it's time to head home.
"Yes, I'd say we're good friends," Lena's slightly confused as to where this is coming from, "what is this about?"
"Well, I don't want to overstep but, I just wanted to ask you about Kara's sister."
"Alex?" Sam nods, "what about her?"
"Well we got along really well the other night, and we have a lot in common... so I was thinking... I want to get to know her better," she shrugs trying to remain casual.
"Okay," Lena tries to hold back her amused smile. "So what do you want me to do about this?"
"Well you see we never really got the chance to exchange information..." Sam trails off beginning to lose her nerve and waiting for Lena to catch on.
"Are you asking me for Alex Danvers' number?"
"Yes. Would that be inappropriate?"
"I don't think she'll mind. Not in this case anyway."
"I'm not one for gossip but I have to tell you this," is how Lena begins her phone call with Kara. With calls between the two so frequent most greetings have just become cumbersome and therefore obsolete. "Sam asked me for Alex's number."
"Oh?" Kara responds, immediately intrigued.
"Yeah I think she might actually ask her out,"
"That's great! I think they'll be good for each other."
"I hope so, I like Sam."
The topic shifts somehow, and Kara's asking Lena what she's up to tonight.
"Just finishing up some work," she sighs.
"You work too much," Kara pouts. "Want me to stay on the line and keep you company while you finish up?"
"Yes that would be wonderful! Paperwork is so dull." Kara can almost see Lena glaring at the mountain of paperwork on her desk. "Tell me about your day,"
"Well first..." Kara launches into a dramatic retelling of her actually quite average day. Lena finishes her work with a near constant smile on her face. she's all done sooner than expected and a little disappointed, she doesn't want to hang up yet. So she readies to leave with Kara still on the line. She locks up her office, gets on the elevator and they both know that Kara can hear that she's leaving, but she just keeps talking. The car ride home, up to Lena's apartment the conversation never stalls. Finally Lena's in her bed, and Kara tries to stifle a yawn.
"You should get some sleep," Lena says gently.
"But that means I'd have to say goodbye to you," she confesses. And Lena's heart aches. Does that statement mean the same thing to Kara as it does to Lena?
"I don't want you to go either, but you need sleep, and I'll probably see you tomorrow anyway."
"I promise." This seems to satisfy Kara and they bid each other goodnight and hang up the phone.

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