Chapter 14

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"I think we need a girls night," Kara suggests to Lena over lunch. "Are you busy tonight."
"For you? Never." Kara's heart flutters at that.
"Good! Because Eliza can watch Kenna tonight and we're going out with Alex and Maggie!"
Later that night at the alien bar, Maggie and Kara are getting very competitive over pool- Kara's losing. Alex and Lena, sitting at the bar, have had a few too many.
"How did you know that you liked girls?" Lena blurts.
"Um, well..." Alex starts, surprised.
"Sorry if that's too personal, But I kinda need some... advice."
"Well I knew after I met Maggie. I mean there were some signs earlier... but I didn't know what, or how much, they meant until I met her." Alex says looking over fondly at her girlfriend who is playfully taunting Kara. "You're not-? Do you-?" Alex asks quickly turning back to look at Lena.
"No!" Lena exclaims, "I don't thinks so. I don't know. Maybe?" She says getting less confident with each word. She unconsciously looks at Kara and can't help but smile, now Kara's pouting and gestures angrily between the pool table and Maggie. Suddenly Alex puts things together and nearly chokes on her drink.
"Oh my god it's her," Alex says inclining her head slightly towards her sister, being careful of her super-hearing.
"What-?" Lena tries to act shocked, but her voice is too high to be genuine.
"Oh come on it's so obvious! Also, and you didn't hear this from me but, she's crazy about you too." Lena turns away from Alex for a minute, not quite ready to admit to it yet. Kara catches her eye from across the room and gives a little wave, immediately brightening despite her previous outburst.
Finally done with pool, Alex goes to talk to Maggie, and Kara comes to sit with Lena. "Hey how was pool?"
"I don't want to talk about it," Kara says with an exaggerated scowl. Lena laughs and Kara can't help but join in.
"Hey Kara... I there's something I need to talk to you about,"
"What is it? Is everything okay?"
"No everything's fine, I just wanted to..." Lena hesitates "..know if you'd want to do karaoke with me!"
"Oh my god! Of course!" Kara practically jumps from her seat, dragging Lena along with her.
Lena is almost regretting her choice-the stage looks daunting- but Kara looks over at her with such excitement, that suddenly it's one of the best decisions she's ever made.
On the stage Lena's nervous, Kara takes her hand for a moment and then she's singing her heart out and dancing, Lena tries her best to keep up. By the end of the song, it's the most fun Lena's had in a while. They sing the last few notes starring into each others eyes. The song ends and they're both breathing heavily, and not from the exertion, not on Kara's end anyway. Kara's ears are filled with the sound of two hearts beating rapidly. They stand there for a minute, oblivious to the world around them, locked in each others gaze and inching closer. Kara's about to reach for Lena when suddenly the DJ comes up on stage.
"Alright thank you! Great job guys! Who's next?" He asks the crowd as he takes the mics from Kara and Lena, who barely notice.
"Are you ready to go? Can I take you home?" Kara asks Lena at the end of the night.
"You know what? Let's walk, it's a beautiful night."
They walk arm in arm, on Kara's claims of,"I'm a little tipsy... and cold!" Even though they both know neither is true.
Lena is feeling very conflicted as they walk. She enjoys every moment spent with Kara no matter the situation, but now she's nervous. Because what if Kara doesn't like her like that? And what if she leaves? And 'how do I talk to her now that I've finally kind of admitted my feelings?'

"Do you want to come up for a minute?" Lena asks as they reach her building.
"I'd love to but I can't stay,"
"Just for desert? Please? I wanna tell you something..." Lena says nervously playing with the zipper on her jacket and avoiding eye contact with Kara.

"I had fun tonight," Lena says taking a bite of her ice cream.
"So did I!" Kara smiles fondly at her, "But that's what you wanted to tell me?" Kara says gently teasing Lena, trying to ease the tension.
"No, I was just- ugh," Lena can't help but smile, Kara always seems to have that effect on her. "Okay, I need to get this out," Lena's cheeks are tinged with pink "I think- I might-" Lena trails off with a breathy laugh.
"You might...?" Kara says encouragingly.
"I like girls." She says quickly.
"Oh my god, Lena! that's great!" Karas smile is so big as she pulls Lena in for a hug.
"I was kinda talking with Alex about this tonight and, I don't know, it just made me want to tell you?" Lena admits.
"You know you can always tell me anything, and I'm so glad you decided to tell me this." Kara's trying so hard not to pass out because now Lena's single and gay, and the possibility of them has never been greater. Still she forces herself to control it because, ultimately this means nothing, Lena is just her friend.
"I mean I'm still figuring things out and I'm pretty sure about this, but I'll definitely want to talk to you more... it helps."
"Of course! I'm here anytime, no matter what." Kara's phone goes off, it's a message from Alex, there's a Supergirl emergency. "Except for right this second, I've got to go." Kara says looking back up at Lena. "I'm proud of you, call me tomorrow!" Kara gives Lena a quick hug before rushing out the door.

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