Chapter 25

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They go out on an official date to a nice restaurant the two of them can hardly stop starring at each other long enough to finish their meal.
After Dinner they get ice cream and walk around the park. As they near the pond Kara stops short. "Lena! We have to feed the ducks!"
"With what? Our ice cream?"
"No they have a pellet machine! You've never fed the ducks?"
Lena shakes her head, "Do you do it often?"
"Me and Kenna come here so much she swears the ducks recognize us. And we've pretty much named them all." Lena gives her an adoring smile. Kara has such a big heart, of course she would name the local ducks. Kara fishes a handful of quarters out of her purse and instructs Lena to cup her hands under the machine. As the machine cranks a few curious ducks begin to make their way over.
"Okay, now you just have to hold your hand out and they'll come right up to you. They're going to peck your hands but I promise it doesn't hurt and they won't bite." Lena trusts Kara even though she's still a little skeptical of feeding any sort of wild animal. "Oh someone's coming!" Kara points to a duck getting out of the pond. "I think that's Mr. wiggles."
After the ducks have been fed they enjoy they continue their walk around the park, now illuminated by street lights.
"You know this really isn't that different than what we were doing before," Kara jokes as she bumps Lena's shoulder with her own.
"Yeah but now We can do this-" Lena stops to pull her in for a dramatic kiss "-whenever we want," she finishes as they break apart.
"I'll give you that, that's definitely a plus." Kara smiles as she goes in for another kiss. Despite the lighthearted jokes and kisses, the mood turns more serious.
"So... are we gonna tell other people we're dating? Like go fully public?"
"Yeah I want that if you do. But just to be clear you're okay with just dating Kara Danvers right? Cause you can't date Supergirl without blowing my cover. Not to mention how dangerous that could be for you too."
"I understand that. Are you okay with Kara Danvers being in the public eye and dating a public figure?"
"I think we'll be okay, I'd like to keep Kenna out of the spotlight if I can though."
"Of course." Lena nods in agreement. "Have you thought anymore about telling Kenna?"
"I don't know what the right thing to tell her is, but I do know that I'll always want you in our lives. Whether it's as my best friend, my girlfriend, or whatever else may come. Even if we - god forbid- break up, I don't want to ever lose you."
"You won't, I feel the same way about you. I can't imagine not having you in my life." Lena snuggles closer, Kara takes a deep breath.
"Lena, I can't promise that I'll always be here, the danger of my job prevents it. I know you don't want to hear it, and I'll always try my best to prevent it, but someday I may be defeated and I may not make it home. I could get hurt,"
"Kara-" Lena interjects, starting to get teary eyed.
"No this is important," she says firmly. "If anything ever happens to me I want you to take care of Kenna. Will you do this for me? For her? It's a lot of responsibility, I know, but I know you can do it. I don't need an answer right now, and you can say no if you want." Lena is quiet for a minute.
"Why me?" She finally asks.
"What do you mean 'why me?'" Kara says like the answer should be obvious.
"Yeah why not your mom or Alex or- I don't know?"
"Lena you're more important to me than you know." She holds her closer and kisses the crown of her head. "Because I trust you. You took such good care of her last time there was an emergency. You're so kind, and smart, and so good with her. She already looks up to you, but most importantly she trusts you."
Now Lena's really crying.
"Of course I'll do it, I was just surprised to be your first choice." Kara cups her cheeks and brushes away tears.
"I love you, and I know you love Kenna, she loves you too. I'm so glad you're in her life. You're a good role model." Lena takes the hand cupping her cheek And brings it to her lips. 
"I really needed to hear that, you always make me believe in myself." Kara is trying to fight the tears forming in her eyes.
"I'm sorry, this is all a little too heavy for a first date," she laughs.
"Our relationship isn't exactly normal, and this is hardly our first date, we've practically been dating this entire time anyway."
"You're absolutely right." Kara pulls her in for another kiss "God, why did we wait so long to do that?"
"Can we please watch like an action movie or a horror movie, I've had too much emotion for this week." Lena fakes dramatics.
"Fine," Kara sighs equally as dramatic, "I guess we'll have to watch the Notebook another time." Lena just throws a pillow at her.
"No!" Lena cries as Kara readies to retaliate, but she's laughing anyway. "No more pillow fights remember? We broke the lamp last time," Lena pouts.
"Fine," she sighs "I guess you win again," Kara drops the pillow and makes her way to Lena on the couch.
"Sorry babe, can't help being right all the time she teases. Kara climbs on top of Lena, going in for a hug.
"You didn't say anything about a tickle fight though," before Lena can register anything Kara's hands are at her sides and Lena's writhing and squealing beneath her.
"Kara I swear-" she cuts herself off unable to smthng laughing.
"What?" Kara asks innocently "I can't let you have all the fun."
It's late by the time Lena heads back to her apartment, she's still in the clouds of a great night, and a little sleepy too. She has the key in the lock before the feeling of goosebumps alert her that something is wrong. There on her doormat is a piece of stationary with handwriting she would recognize anywhere, even without the gaudy family crest stamped upon it. She snatches the paper up and gets safely in her apartment as quickly as she can. Her breathing is heavy as she looks out her peephole for anyone who might be watching her. Then she checks all windows and exits are secure, and blinds are drawn before she even thinks about looking at the note. She pours herself a glass of scotch and sits down at the island.

My dearest girl,
Let's catch up. Your research lab Monday 8:00pm

It seems as though things were going too well in Lena's life, and the universe has knocked her back in her place. She debates calling Kara, but decides she doesn't want to put her at risk. Lilian can be highly unpredictable. This note for example is unexpected, the casual almost warm tone, meeting at a location Lena has total control over... she almost wants to believe that her mother does just want to check in on her daughter, but Lilian has never been one for chit chat, or warmth. A thousand scenarios run through her head, Lex is out of prison. Lilian is dying. Lena has disgraced the Luthor name again. This is a last ditch attempt to convert her to the dark side. Or, the most likely scenario, Lilian needs funding or supplies for her next great idea to rid the world of aliens. Lena tries not to entertain any thoughts involving Kara, because there's no way Lilian knows she's dating Supergirl... right? Maybe they should have been more discreet. Maybe Lilian is hoping she'll bring Supergirl as backup or security to the meeting and get a shot at her or walk her into a trap. No, she can't tell Kara any of this, because she just might walk right into that trap anyway to fight for her. Lena decides that this is tomorrow's problem, and heads to bed with no intention of falling asleep.

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