Chapter 3

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One morning on her way to work Lena got a call from Kara. "Kara is everything okay?" Lena asked. Kara would never call this early unless there was an emergency, so Lena was a little worried.
"Lena I'm so sorry to ask, but could you watch Kenna today? The daycare is closed because some kids had chicken pox, and everyone else is busy..." Kara rambled.
"Well she'd have to come in to work with me..." Lena said. "but it wouldn't be a problem. Of course I'll watch her."
"Thank you so much! I could get my mom to drive out and pick her up later if you need?" Kara said, not wanting to inconvenience Lena.
"No, no that's fine, she can stay with me for the whole day."
"Okay I'll drop her off around eight-thirty and I should be able to pick her up by three or four at the latest. You're a lifesaver thank you!"
—— —————
"Okay Kenna, you be good and listen to Lena. I've go to go. Love you." Kara said, kissing the top of her head. "Thanks again Lena!" Kara called as she rushed out the door.
"So, Kenna did you bring any toys to play with?" Lena asked.
"Yeah, but I don't want them right now."
"Hmm" Lena was trying to think of something for the child to do that wouldn't be too disruptive. Then she suddenly remembered the 'stress relief' colouring book, and pack of pencil crayons from last Christmas that were shoved in the back of her desk. "Kenna do you like to colour?" Lena asked as she was rummaging through the drawer.
"Yes its my favourite!"
"Well, you can colour in this today if you want." Lena said handing her the book and pencil crayons.
"Thank you." Kenna immediately plopped down to the ground and started searching for the perfect picture to colour. Lena smiled at the look of determination on the little girls face, and got back to her work. A good part of the morning had passed with Lena working and Kenna colouring. Lena looked up at a tap on her knee. Kenna had come around behind her desk and was holding something behind her back.
"What's up kiddo?" Lena asked with a smile. Kenna thrust her hands out holding her picture towards Lena.
"Is this for me?" The picture was of a very colourful bouquet of flowers and had 'to: Lee love:Kenna' scribbled across the bottom of the page. Kenna just nodded enthusiastically. "It's beautiful! Thank you. Hmm should we hang this up?" Kenna just nodded again. Lena searched her desk and pulled out a role of tape.
"No!" Kenna cried.
"What is it?"
"Tape will ruined it!" She exclaimed.
"Ohh.. hmm.. what about tacks?"
"Those make holes." Kenna frowned.
"Staples? No same problem... what about a picture frame." Lena suggested.
"Yeah that'll work!"
Lena called Jess into her office and asked her to have someone pick up a few frames. Then Jess reminded her that it was almost time for a meeting.
"Okay Kenna we have to go to a meeting now, there's gonna be some other people there but you can just bring your book and colour Okay?"
"Okay." Kenna replied. And took Lena's hand as she followed her to the meeting room.
Lena set Kenna up in a chair with her colouring before everyone else arrived. Then people began filing in, most doing a double take at the sight of a toddler in a board room.
"Good morning everyone." Lena greeted. "Today we will be joined by my new intern McKenna, she will be listening in, and learning how things work." Lena was met with a lot of confused looks, but she kept going. All the while McKenna just kept colouring.
" if there are no more questions... that's all for today." Lena concluded.
"I have a question," one man spoke up.
"Yes Mr. Williams, go ahead."
"Just why is there a toddler here?"
"It's a learning experience did you not hear?" Kenna piped up before Lena could answer. There were a few stifled chuckles amongst everyone.
"Yes, that's exactly right. Thank you McKenna. Now have a good day everyone." 'What a kid' Lena thought to herself, smiling.
Back in Lena's office Kenna was playing with one of her dolls on the couch.
"What would you like for lunch Kenna?" Lena asked.
"Mommy packed me a lunch. And one for you too."
"Ohh, that was nice of her. Do you want to eat now?"
"Okay." Kenna said pulling a lunchbox out of the backpack she brought with her. Then she pulled out a sandwich and a juice-box and handed them to Lena.
"Thank you." Lena smiled. Kenna smiled back and got out her own lunch. Lena examined the juice-box on her desk. She had never really had one before, and was trying to figure it out. Kenna wordlessly took the juice from Lena, pulled the straw off and out of its plastic, then popped it in the top.
"Thanks Kenna." Lena said a bit sheepishly.
"It's okay Mommy still doesn't know how either."

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