Chapter 7

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Lena had barely slept all night. Despite Alex's reassurance, she was still worried about Kara. 'What if she lost her powers? Or her memory? Oh no I'm going to have to take care of Kenna forever. The poor kid." These were just some of the many awful thoughts keeping Lena awake. She was grateful when morning finally came, but was startled when she was met with a shock of blue eyes instead of her white ceiling.
"Good morning Kenna." Lena said sleepily.
"What's for breakfast?!" Kenna said with more excitement than anyone should have before eight in the morning.
"Hmm..." Lena replied, pretending to think about it. "How about.... pancakes?!"
"Pancakes!" Kenna squealed. "Chocolate chip?" She asked, suddenly serious.
"Yes you can have chocolate chip." Lena said with a smile, and reached out to tickle Kenna. Kenna giggled, then jumped onto the bed, giving lena a near crushing hug.
"All right those pancakes aren't gonna make themselves!" Lena declared as she lifted, a still laughing, Kenna off the bed and carried her to the kitchen.
Making pancakes turns out to be a little more difficult when you add a three year old who insists on mixing everything herself. Lena was in the middle of wiping down the counters when there was a knock at the door. Lena's heart skipped a beat, both hopeful and scared to death.
"I'll be right back Kenna, you just keep on mixing." Lena said as she made her way to the door. Lena threw the door open as soon as she reached it, hoping for the best but expecting the worst.
"Kara!" Lena exclaimed, relief flooding through her as she threw her arms around her best friend. "Thank god, I was worried sick!" Lena whispered into Kara's neck, and pulling back just as Kenna rounded the corner.
"Mommy!" She exclaimed.
"Hi baby! I missed you so much." Kara said wrapping the toddler in a hug.
"So how was your work trip?" Lena asked quickly. Kara looked up, confused. "I didn't tell her." Lena mouthed motioning to Kenna.
"Ohh! It was good, but hopefully I won't have to go on another one for a very long time." She said holding Kenna tighter.
"Well, you're just in time for pancakes, care to join us?"
"Chocolate chip!" Kenna said nodding.
"Well if they're chocolate chip I can't say no!" Kara said standing up, taking Kenna's hand, and following Lena into the kitchen.

"Kenna why don't you go get your things then we'll head home okay?." Kara said once they had finished eating. There was a beat of silence, until Kenna left the room, "Thank you. For taking care of her, I'm sorry I couldn't-"
"Thank you for taking care of the city-the world actually. You don't have to apologize. I'm here for you always." Lena said taking Kara's hand.
"I wanted to tell you..." Kara started.
"It's okay Kara, I understand."
"I'm so glad you're my best friend."

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