Chapter 21

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On a much needed day off the girls find themselves enjoying the afternoon at National City Zoo. Kara and Lena are chatting over lunch in the picnic area. Kara's focused on the conversation so she doesn't notice Kenna leaving the table. A few seconds later when she does notice that her daughter is no longer beside her she starts freaking out. "Where's Kenna? McKenna?!" She calls out looking in each direction.
"She's okay." Lena reaches across the table to calm her. "Kenna's right here." Lena points to the girl standing just a few tables over. "She's starring down a seagull, I was watching her."
"Oh my god, I was so scared. I should've been paying attention."
"It's okay, we've got two pairs of eyes looking out for her today. You're allowed to take a break once in a while."
They're on their way to see the tigers when Kara gets a Supergirl call. "McKenna, honey, I'm sorry but we have to go home right now."
"But I wanna see the tigers!"
"I know sweetie, but we can come back another day."
"No I wanna see them now!" She stomps off pouting, only stopping to stare into the nearby peacock enclosure.
"McKenna," Kara sighs frustrated. "I don't have time for this," she mumbles to herself.
"I can stay with her here - if that's okay? I'll bring her home by four." Lena volunteers.
"Really?" Kara's instantly relieved. "You're the best" she says and runs over to tell Kenna.
"Will you be okay if I go and you stay here by yourself with Lena?"
"Yes mommy, I'm a big girl now." Kara  swears there was a tiny eye roll to go with her statement, which was something she didn't think she'd have to worry this early.
"Okay But promise me you'll listen to Lena, she's in charge."
They walk back over to Lena, Kara stands behind Kenna with her hands on her shoulders. "I trust you." She says firmly, looking into Lena's eyes.
"Go," Lena says with a smile. Kara kisses her quickly on the cheek and Kenna too, and is gone in a flash.
"So, to the tigers?" Lena reaches out a hand and kenna takes it.
"To the tigers!!" She pulls Lena excitedly in that direction.
"How Come parrots are the only animal that talks?" Kenna asks when they're in the bird exhibit.
"Well they can't really talk, they're just mimicking sounds." Lena realizes she might not understand but Kenna is hanging onto her every word. "Other animals can sort of talk too," she continues, "just not with words. like a dog wagging their tail, that means they're happy. You just have to learn how to listen." They keep walking and Lena points out various animal behaviours, an angry zebra with its ears pinned back, a snakes hisses a warning to mean 'back off'.
"I want to stay at the zoo forever!" Kenna declares.
"Well I don't think they'll let you stay that long but, you could be a zookeeper one day." Lena points to a worker feeding animals in an exhibit
"What do zoo keepers do?"
"They look after the animals, make sure their home is clean and safe, give them food and water, make sure they're healthy and happy. Call the vet if they're sick."
"Maybe I'll be a vet."
"I think you'd make a great zookeeper or vet. You can be anything you want when you grow up."
"I want to know everything just like you."
——- ———
"I'm hot." Kenna whines.
"Here have some water and we'll sit in the shade for a bit." She hands her her bottle and Kenna takes a sip.
"It's waarmm!" She pouts.
"Okay how 'bout ice-cream, or a slushie?" They make their way to the snack bar and stand in line. "What colour do you want Ken?"
"Can I have all of them?!"
"You are you're mother's daughter," she laughs ruffling the girls hair.
"What does that even mean?"
"It means you're just like your mommy, cause she would want all the colours too."
"Duh, who wouldn't?" Lena just smiles as they move up in line to order.
They find a picnic table and Lena pulls out the zoo's map.
"Hmm, what's left to see before we go home?"
"Can we go to the gift shop? So I can get mommy something because she had to go home and didn't get to see the tigers?" Kenna asks, making sure to use her puppy dog eyes.
"Sure, and you can get something for yourself too if you want."
"Yay! Let's go!" She grabs Lena's hand and takes off in a run. Kenna browses the whole gift shop before deciding on the perfect thing for her mom. Once they've checked out it's time to go home.
"Okay kenna, we should start heading back to the car now."
"No I wanna stay here!"
"I wanna see the penguins!"
"We already saw the penguins, it's time to go home now."
"I'm not coming. I'm staying here with the animals."
"McKenna," Lena says sternly, "we're leaving now." Kenna tries the puppy dog eyes again, but Lena knows she has to put her foot down this time. Kara trusted her with this, and Kenna can't always get her way, no matter how cute she is. Kenna finally listens but sulks all the way to the car.
"I wish we could stay longer too honey, but It's time to go home. We can go back to the zoo another time."

when they get home kenna runs to Kara to give her her present. Kara opens the bag and pulls out a stuffed tiger. "Aww Ken, he's so cute. Thank you!"
"Cause you didn't get to see the tigers." Kara gives her a hug. "Did you know tigers can't roar?"
"No I did not. How do you know that?" "Lena told me! She said they sound more like kitty cats than lions." Kara looks up at Lena impressed.
"Well that's very cool!" Kenna nods and continues telling Kara all about the zoo. "And! I had a slushie which all of the colours!"
"You did!?" She looks up at Lena "without me?" She pouts pretending to be jealous.
"Oh honey, you can have one with all of the colours next time." Lena teases, but knows she'll still have to buy her one next time anyway. Lena goes back to her own apartment soon after.
Later Kara's putting kenna to bed and she's still gushing about the zoo and Lena.
"You has lots of fun today didn't you?" Kenna smiles sleepily and nods. "Sorry I had to miss some of it."
"S'okay," she closes her eyes, ready for sleep.
Kara and Lena are on the phone once Kenna's asleep.
"Thanks for doing all that today."
"Oh it's never a problem, I love spending time with the little zoologist"
"Yeah Im pretty sure she wants to turn the living room into a zoo after today."
"Ooh sorry about that, I may have fed her fascination a bit too much." Lena laughs.
"No it's good! I'm glad she's so passionate about something and learning new things. You're so good with her. She won't stop talking about you. You guys need to hang out more often - I mean if you'd want to."
"I'd love too. You know I love you both."

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