Chapter 16

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On Wednesday Kara and Lena meet up at the rec centre for the soul cycle class. Lena can't help but admire Kara in her multi coloured tights and lilac tank top. It almost makes Lena regret her boring black tights and cropped sweater. Throughout the class both Lena and Kara keep stealing glances at each other.
"I. Hate. This." Lena pants, leaning over the handlebars trying to catch her breath as the class ends.
"Ugh, me to." Kara, who hasn't even broke a sweat, says in agreement. Lena just glares at her. "What? It's kinda boring," Kara says unable to keep from smiling. Lena can't help but smile back, a common occurrence around Kara.

As they're leaving the building Kara notices a poster for a weekly art class. "Lena look!" She grabs her arm and points excitedly at the wall.
"Oh cool, you should sign up!" Lena says encouragingly.
"You should too! Will you do it with me?"
"Oh I'm not really that into painting..."
"Please? I'm doing the stupid exercise for you, you have to do painting for me." She pulls out that pout that Lena can't say no to.
"Kara you wanted to join that class!" Lena laughs. Kara fakes a scoff of offence.
"Please just try it? I promise it will be fun!"
"Okay," Lena agrees with a dramatic sigh, "but I'm going to suck."
When Samantha Arias comes in for her interview at LCorp it's a breath of fresh air for Lena. All the previous candidates have been power hungry men with boring outdated ideas.
The interview goes as smoothly as Lena had hoped, she even finds herself genuinely liking this Samantha.
"I do have to warn you, I am a single mother so I require some more flexible hours if that's possible."
"Of course, that's not an issue. I created this position so both of us could work less overall." As the interview progresses it becomes clear to Lena that Sam will likely be her new CFO.
"Well Ms. Arias, you would make an excellent addition to this company, we'll be in touch." Lena stands, ending the interview.
"Thank you Ms. Luthor." Sam stands and goes for a handshake.
"Please call me Lena, you didn't hear it from me but, we're going to be working very closely very soon."
"Thank you, Lena." Sam says with a grateful smile.

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