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Cassy furrowed her eyebrows in suspicion. It was the elevator man who gave her that weird bottle of glitter during their last encounter. 

"What do you want?" She asked without caring about what he said. Thought she couldn't deny the fact that the bottle had come in handy but that didn't matter at that moment. 

The man smirked and shook his head, admiring her bravery.

"I only came here to ask how you were feeling."

He showed a smile that Cassy had a good feeling was fake. This guy was definitely not here to ask how she was doing and she made sure to let him know that she wasn't buying it.

She looked at him again with bored eyes and crossed her arms.

"Why are you here again?" She asked.

His silly smile fell and was replaced with a busted one. He looked around to make sure no one was around  to hear them. He cleared his throat and leaned forward to whisper.

"I hope my boy didn't cause you too much trouble."

His boy? What?

And then it hit her. Chris! Chris was his son?! The man who one day appeared out of the blue without saying much was the father to the boy who also appeared out of the blue and suddenly kidnapped her, almost making her his wife.

She could see where Chris got his mischievous personality from.

"Wait a minute. So you're telling me Chris is your son? Then why did you take so long to come? Your son is a mess, sir." She casually expressed her concerns.

He looked down for a second in shame and then up again.

"Chris stopped listening to me many years ago. He's a ruler now and doesn't let his parents come visit since he's always busy. As much as he's a mess, I'm happy to hear that he managed to be something more than this perfect king image he's trying to be."

His words held a lot of care and love for the boy. Cassy knew how important the love of a parent was for a young child. She was deeply loved by hers, even from a distance.

Chris was lacking love. That's why he thought taking stuff and forcing people to like him was gonna work. He didn't know how to properly show care. 

"Listen old man. All I can tell you is that Chris will get better and I'll make sure he learns how to communicate better. " 

Cassy was still unsure of what she could do when it came to handling Chris. But the struggles would be worth it if it meant Chris' well being. Hope was all she could hold onto. 

The determined response was all he needed to feel reassured. Cassy was indeed a very special person and had so much more to live for. From the moment he laid eyes on her, he knew that she was going to do something great in the future, something that could change everyone's life for the better. Starting with Chris. 

"Then I'll leave my troublesome son in your hands. Miss Cassy." He bowed to her with respect. A gesture to which she found a bit awkward but took it out of politeness. 

"I'll take over his duties while he rests. Please don't tell him I came by or else he'll insist on coming back home to work and I can't allow that. I think you know how stubborn he truly is."

Cassy nodded and with that, the old man made his way outside. But before exiting the hotel he turned around and said one last thing. 

"Next time we meet, call me by my name. Enyx. I'm far too young to go by old man." He softly chuckled and disappeared into the darkness. 

Lily who had hid inside the bag the whole time, peaked from the open gap in the bag and whispered to Cassy to get her attention. 

She looked down and saw Lily with a worried look on her face. She knew Cassy could handle many things by herself but she always wanted to help. Sadly the state of her body made it impossible for her to do everything she wanted to do and help Cassy with work. 

"I know i can be powerless sometimes but if you ever need help just tell me." Lily pouted.

Cassy appreciated her wish to help and had the perfect task for her.

"Lily since Chris is pretty much alone, why don't you go check up on him for me? I think you can make your way to his room without being seen, if you're careful enough. You don't have to do it if it's too risky."

WIthout hesitation Lily flew out of the bag and nodded her head in response. She seemed very excited but nervous since it was Chris she was gonna go check up on and with him she didn't really have anything to discuss about.

But she'd do anything to help Cassy. 

Lily left right before a couple entered the hotel. the sight of them holding hands and standing so close to each other reminded Cassy of her sweet moment with Noah. 

It had been awhile since she last saw him and truth be told, she really missed him. There was still so much more she wanted to ask him. She also wanted to know how he was doing and if he was eating and sleeping well. 

the couple booked their room and thanked Cassy before leaving. 

A sigh left her lips and she bent forwards, leaning on top of the counter with her hands resting on her chins. The sudden wave of restlessness swam over her and she started feeling tired. 

As she was about to close her eyes to rest for a second, she saw Lily from the side of her eye, flying faster than ever towards Cassy. 

"It's Chris! I got there and asked him how he was doing and everything, if he- if he needed something and he started mumbling stuff i couldn't understand and-"

"Lily get to the point, quick." Cassy held her hand up to cut her off and hear what the problem was.

What Lily said next made her heart drop. 

"Chris fainted and he's not breathing!"

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