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Cassy's POV

Since I knew Noah was the werewolf in my dreams , I wasn't scared anymore. I just casually walked through the forest to see if he'd show up. I wanted to see him and just have a small talk.

Yes I know..he told me to go because he didn't want me to be there when he's a werewolf but it's not like I could dream something else. It's like I'm stuck here.

Besides I'm till wondering what happened in the forest when we were by the tree-and how Lilly showed up.

I hope he'd tell me some day.

I can just ask him now.. but I'm not so sure.

As I made up my mind and turned to my right to go see Noah, I heard a noise come from a bush. I walked closer to it, thinking about it being Noah and scare him.

But who I saw was not him.

It was another werewolf. But his eyes, they were silver, cold...

But...I've always seen Noah in my dreams, why is someone else here? Who is it? How?

The werewolf came closer to me, very slowly. It was getting ready to attack me. The thought of getting killed crossed my mind and the first thing I thought about was to just run.

I started running to the tree. Noah could be there and help me.

But once I was a few trees away from the tree, I fell on the ground, I didn't look back as a stood up and moved away bushes that were blocking my way, to see if Noah was by the tree.


Noah wasn't there..

My eyes grew big and at that moment I knew it was the end for me. I had nothing to protect myself with and how could I ever win over a werewolf?

I felt small and weak, like I used to feel in school.

After what happened to me when I was young, I stopped socializing with people, I was being more scared of creating bonds with others and that resulted in me becoming a quiet person and the weird one in my school.

I wasn't bullied but I was ignored and just feeling lonely made everything worse. I belonged to no group and there wasn't a single person who approached me.

I never understood why. I couldn't ask people why they were avoiding me and I never knew what kind of rumors they spread.

I just accepted it and went on with my life. The incident really changed me and I don't even know if I had any friends before losing my memory.

For some reason my parents didn't really help me remember anything else but them. As if everyone I knew just disappeared in a second and no one wanted me to remember them.

I was so deep in thoughts that I forgot the werewolf was near me. I suddenly felt something breath on my neck. It sent shivers down my spine as I realized it wasn't a werewolf, it was a human.

I screamed and turned around but the person pushed me on the shoulder which made me fall hard on the ground.

"Fallen for me already?" He mockingly asked.

I didn't look up, and yet I could sense the smirk on his face. How dare he?!

I stood up and without thinking, I pushed him.

"How dare you push a lady?! How rude!" I suddenly bursted out. Forgetting that I was getting bad at a werewolf.

He was human now, sure he was still stronger than me and as much as I hated to talk to people, I wouldn't let this person, in my dream, hurt me in any way.

He then stood up pretty fast and was going to come closer to be, probably teach me a lesson.

But being who I am and not take this 100% seriously, I put my finger on his lips, preventing him from talking or screaming, whatever he was going to do.

"Now listen here! This is my dream, how dar-" he covered my mouth before I could finish my sentence and screamed shut up.

Lord help me:')

"Ok listen, be quiet and I won't hurt you, ok? He tried to act as cool as possible. I'm pretty sure I was the reason he was at the edge of losing his temper.


I just nodded, looking into his silver eyes that did actually look magical if you looked close.
He also looked kinda cute..

But he has an ugly personality and Noah is cuter.

"So..who are you? And why did you attack me?" I bluntly asked.

If this dude has a dumb reason then I will throw hands.

"You just looked really tasty. Why would I hold myself back?" He then said.

Why am I not scared? A werewolf is right in front of me. Is it because I really can't believe any of this? The fact that there's actually werewolf's out there in the world and not just in books.

This is also a dream so that could be another reason... ahh where's Noah. I wanna see him.

"Well let me tell you, my blood is not tasty at all and my flesh probably doesn't taste like actual meat." I tried my best to get out of this situation. He didn't seem like someone who'd show mercy.

"Then I guess I'll have to find out myself.." I looked at him in the eyes and saw a smirk appear on his ugly face. He was enjoying this. He was enjoying scaring me.

Being a dumb idiot myself, I hit him hard on his chest but he obviously didn't react. It didn't hurt him at all.

I'm not that weak?!

I mean sure he's a werewolf but he's in human, how does he not feel anything?

"Don't fkn mess with me.." he said with a low voice and in only a second I felt my body get lifted up and my feet leave the ground.

He was carrying me bride style!

I let out a squeak by the surprising move he made but it's not like I just stayed quiet and let him take me somewhere so he could eat me.

I started kicking my legs so he'd let me go. But I felt air hit my face the minute after.

He was...flying?!

This guy can fly?! What! This doesn't even seem like a dream anymore!!

"Wh-what, let me down! How dare you?!" I couldn't kick myself free anymore, I'd fall to my death!

Noahhhhh where are you, I'm scared...!

This guy had no limits and just flew like a maniac. He was laughing, devilishly of course.

"Where are you taking me?!"

"A place where you'll become my queen."


Here ya go! :)

Thanks for reading<3

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