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I hate doing changes right in the middle of the books process but I'm thinking of not writing [pov] whenever someone is talking in 1st person anymore. sorry if u ever feel confused about it. The book will for sure be edited when it's completed *crying emoji*

The darkness came faster than he thought, transforming him yet into a werewolf, once again reminding him of what his other half was...

A monster.

He was laying down by the tree, not wanting to haunt. Not wanting to do anything. He was exhausted.

"Cassy..I'm so sorry.." Noah repeated those painful words in his head over and over again, to himself, howling quietly, not even holding back the small cries.

He wanted the best for her. But he obviously wasn't that.

Worse thoughts came to his mind and he ended up seeing the incident like it was yesterday. He closed his eyes in hope that they'd go away, but it just made it worse. His teeth clenched, too much that his gums were starting to bleed and tears were forming in his eyes.

"Stop..go away...." He begged inside his head. He kept begging but nothing could ever make him forget it.  Noah didn't want that horrible memory in his mind anymore. He had forgotten about it and now that Cassy was back, he couldn't stop seeing it whenever he looked at her.

It was so easy to hide the pain yet so painful. The feeling, everything, just came back like a wave, drowning him in in an ocean filled with horrible images of the woman he deeply cared about.

I never meant to do it, I never meant for any of this to happen. I didn't want this. I just wanted to live a happy life, with her...

"Noah!" A female voice called out my name, far away. His eyes opened and immediately went silent since his werewolf instincts kicked in and he was ready to defend myself. He started growling but his nose sniffed the smell of the human which distracted him for a second and he recognized it which turned out to be Cassy's. She had just stopped by another tree a few steps away from him.

She just stood there and stared back at Noah, probably wondering if it was safe to come closer but didn't give it much thought and slowly started making her way towards him. He tried to stop myself from attacking her, taking a few steps back himself. His werewolf instincts were telling him to attack since she was a human and him not being in his right mind made it even harder for him to control himself.

But he held it back as much as he could and once she was right in front of him she bent down, keeping a little distance between them.

"Hi there, you know I'm here for you" she said in a soft and sweet voice that played like music to his ears which made him sit and close his eyes again.

I know Cassy, I know that so well..

"I'm not gonna hurt you" and then a hand was set on his head, slowly starting to move and pet him. He was calming down and trying to just focus on her and her light touches.

Once he had finally calmed down, he opened my eyes again just to meet with her own two beautiful hazel ones. He could see the bright light and life in her eyes while his own were filled with darkness and guilt.

She closed her own eyes right after and leaned her head against his. Her breaths were slow and quiet, she was trying to make sure he was completely calm which he was. She seemed to notice as she opened her eyes and smiled.

He couldn't see her smile, but he knew for sure that she was. She always smiled whenever she managed to calm anyone down. Just the way she used to do to Noah when they were kids.

He was chuckling on the inside to her cute face expression that he was picturing in his head. All he wanted was to hug her back and kiss her forehead like the old days, telling her that he was fine now and there was nothing to worry about.

He brought his face closer to hers and smelled her before licking her cheek, making her let out a soft chuckle under her breath "okey I get it, you're feeling better" it was weird. How my werewolf instincts didn't kick in despite having a human right in front of me.

He knew it was Cassy, but still, his animalistic self dominated more over his human self. Yet she had this weird effect on him that he couldn't put his finger on.

Random thoughts wondered in his head that he had no right answer for. He stood up on all four and turned around which seemed to confused Cassy at first, but then realized that he was just moving a bit closer to the tree to lay down and rest. The main thing he was worried about was if her parents could have been following her this whole time, all the way to the tree.

Once they both made it there, he stood still to focus on the smelling. He couldn't smell any unfamiliar scent, which most hunters had so he took that as a safe call but still didn't let his guard down.

His eyes landed on Cassy that slowly sat down beside him, letting out a sigh. He wonder what happened back at her place when he left. Hopefully nothing bad. The curse was enough to make him feel bad. He didn't want to be the reason for any more of her problems.

She stood up straight and looked down at the big wolf for a few seconds, not hiding the sweet smile that her lips formed. She just felt so close to Noah, that it even made her question many things.

Do we know each other?

Is there something I don't know?

But she decided to let it slide this time, not wanting to think about unnecessary stuff when she had other important things to take care off such as the weird tension that she felt back home, and what relationship Noah had with her parents. She was gonna get her answer, one way or another.

She took a few steps closer and sat down beside him, putting her hand on his back and caressing the smooth, a bit dirty fur and closed her eyes with her head leaning against the tree.

Im back :0 Le gasp

This book is soon 1 year old

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