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(Minki's POV)

(A few weeks later)

I shifted around in my bed, having been awoken by my alarm, despite not needing it.

I stared at the ceiling, thinking over the fact that having hearing aids could potentially help me. I could maybe be able to hear things! Would I be able to speak? I don't remember how to speak well because it's been so long..

A hand infront of my vision caught my attention and I looked over to see a exsausted jisung there, his hands fumbling slightly as he slowly talked to me. 'Hey hyung..can you come make breakfast?' The smell of something burning finally registered to me and I shot up, looking at him in panic as I ran downstairs, finding Chenle and Mark pouring water on a fire that had been started somehow.

I stamped my foot aggressively, making the attention of the all the boys in the house turn to me. I glared at the two boys at the stove.

'What. The fuck. Have you just done. To my kitchen.' I asked, my face showing rage. The boys legs were shaking as they stumbled over their words, trying to squeeze out an explanation.

Taeyong came up, softly placing his hands on my shoulders, making my eyes snap over to him. He gave me a slight smile, his thumb slightly rubbing against my very exposed skin. "First off, may I question why you don't have a shirt on?" He asked.

My face immediately busted out red as I huffed, pushing his hands off. 'I just woke up. Jisung came in and asked if I could make breakfast and then I smelled something burning. My first instinct is find the danger, not put a shirt on.' Taeyong nodded in understanding before gesturing to the two boys. "Mark was trying to make eggs, but he burnt them to the pan, then, while trying to scrape them off, somehow Chenle put the heat all the way on high and they caught on fire."

I sighed, rubbing my forehead between my pointer and thumb.

I looked up at the said boys, my eyes dark. I pointed behind me, silently telling them 'out.' They obeyed and scurried into the living room. I looked around. 'Now. If your not gonna help me clean, or if your not gonna help me make breakfast, living room. Now. Stay out of the way.' Some of my boys helped the ones who didn't understand sign and they left. All but Yuta and Taeyong.

I let out a soft breath, nodding before walking over to the stove and turning it down, carefully placing the pan in the sink, knowing I would have to throw it out at some point because it was beyond saving.

I turned to the boys. 'Okay, to be fully honest, I'm not in the mood to make anything fancy this morning, so how about we just make some bacon, eggs, and toast? We need to go out for supplies later anyways.' They nodded and helped me prepare the things.


I looked around at all the boys, standing up and tapping the floor with my foot.

With all eyes on me I hummed quietly. 'We need to go out for supplies. Not everyone is going, it's dangerous to go in such large groups. After lunch I'll decide who's going and staying, okay?' Everyone nodded and we finished our breakfast.

I stood when I was done and tapped the table to excuse myself.

My body was racked with shivers from the cool air of the morning coming through an open window. I looked out to see the nature. The flowers seemed more dull than usual.

I washed my plate and braced myself against the counter, feeling terrible as I thought about who all would venture out. I knew I was going, and I didn't want any of the boys. They were so young, they didn't deserve a death like that.

A hand on my back made me jump and whirl around, staring at Yuta with wide eyes. I relaxed slowly, leaning back against the sink. 'Scared me.' He smiled at me. "I'm sorry man, that wasn't my intention." I nodded softly, raising a brow at him in a silent question of 'did you need something.'

He leaned beside me, looking up at the ceiling. "I can get those hearing aids for you when we go out today, if you decide I'm gonna be one of the ones venturing out." I nodded slowly. I knew Yuta was capable. I looked up to the ceiling, feeling him pat my shoulder as he passed by.

Would...would I finally get to hear something? Would I finally get to hear the voices of my loved ones? Would I get to hear music and singing?

I let a small smile grace my face at those thoughts.


Finally the time had come to tell everyone who was going out.

I looked around at the boys I had gathered in the living room.

I held a wooden bat with nails in it in my hand, having found both things around my room from where I used to play baseball (of course not professionally or anything) and from my posters.

'Ive decided that only me, Taeyong, Yuta, Mark and Johnny are going out today. We're stopping by the hospital and the convince store.' I had made the last minute decision of chosing mark, but I knew he was strong enough to survive when we went out there.

The said boys nodded and stood up. I looked at the other boys. 'What I need you boys to do is to start setting a boarder around the house, atleast measuring it out so we can get the materials to create one. We need to keep this place safe. Find any weapons or things that could be used as weapons, but please leave the knives in the kitchen, I'll be getting more specifically for survival today.' The boys nodded determinedly and I let out a soft breath, flashing a small smile at everyone.

'Alright.' I turned to my little group. 'Lets get going boys.'

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