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(Minki's POV)

I woke with a start to my wrist buzzing aggressively.

I let out a small breath before reaching over and grabbing my phone, checking the time.

I slowly hauled myself out of bed, setting out my outfit for the day on my bed before grabbing a towel and hopping in the shower, letting the hot water relax my tense muscles and wash all the worries and stress away. I let out another breath, my stomach in knots at the thought of the huge test I'm about to take.


I walked out, my towel wrapped around my waist to see Jeno waiting on his bed, his eyes droopy from sleep, a towel in one hand and his phone in the other as he texts who I'm only able to assume is the other boys.

I softly tap the wall, watching as he looks up and smiles. 'Good morning hyung.' I return the salutation before walking over to my bed, pulling on my undergarments and drying my hair, going over everything I studied as I do, feeling when the door to th bathroom shuts but ignoring it.

I reached over, grabbing the black sweats I set out and pulling them on, grabbing the similarly colored tank top and pulling it over aswell. I looked around, making sure I know where my shoes are before treading over to my closet and searching through my sweaters. Hm...I thought. Pink or beige..

I eventually grabbed the baby rose pink one, pulling it on and grabbing some socks, doing the same with them and then pulling my shoes on, looking around to spot Jeno just now putting on his socks and shoes. I smiled a little, walking over and grabbing my phone off the charger and placing it in my pocket.

I made my way over to my desk, grabbing all my homework and placing it in my backpack before turning to Jeno, tapping my desk for his attention. 'Ready to go get the others and get going?'

He nodded, walking over and showed me his phone screen, showing that the boys were waiting downstairs for us.

I nodded and opened up the door, heading out and downstairs with Jeno trailing me. I was ready to see my boys and tell them like usual to stay safe. It felt like today was one I especially needed to tell them to.


I sat in my seat for my exam.

It had started about an hour ago and I was making very good progress.

I frowned, seeing a desk out of the corner of my eye flip onto it's side.

I looked over, only to see one of my classmates shaking and spasming out on the linoleum. I stood up quickly to go help but her friends had already beat me.

Something didn't seem right.

Just as she had stopped moving, she suddenly shot up again, sinking her now bloodstained teeth into her friends neck, pinning her to the floor as she yanked her head back, the chunk of flesh hanging in her lips as blood ran down her chin.

I felt...numb.

I didn't know what to do.

I could feel the vibrations of people running by me, making the whole situation come slamming back into me. The boys!!


I had found all of the boys but Jisung.

My hands were shaking as I avoided more of those...those people.

I couldn't tell what they were. They were infected with...something I just didn't know what.

I finally made it to a janitors closet, ripping it open and finding Jisung there, hugging his knees and shaking, there being blood on his shirt and face.

He looked up at me, his eyes wide before he jumped up, hugging me tightly. I hugged him back just as tight, feeling feet slamming against the ground coming closer.

I whipped around, ready to protect Jisung from any threat, only to find the other boys there. I let a little smile grace my face before looking around, motioning for them to follow.


We slowly made our ways through the halls and finally out the doors, seeing the entire city around us being engulfed in smoke, fire and chaos.

I gulpled, looking back at the boys. 'Lets not go to the cabin yet.'  I walked over to a trash can, carefully looking around before dumping all of its contents into it, just hoping it didn't make too much noise. 'we're not gonna need any of this stuff anymore, so let's go and find supplies instead. Let's stay in a group and head into the city. We need weapons, food, and water, okay?'

They all nodded, doing the same as I did before grouping up again.

I looked around at them, swallowing hard and looking around, making sure there weren't any infected before taking off, heading to the convenience store I knew was close to the collage.


It was difficult, but we made it.

I looked around carefully, making sure there weren't any of the infected in the store.

I motioned the boys in and we went through the isles, grabbing necessities and things that they liked. I found a case of knives and looked around, trying to find a key or something to be able to get into it.

I saw a rock on the ground so I grabbed it, smashing it against the glass and flinching, immediately stopping all movements and looking around, scared I attracted something. I reached in, grabbing two of the knives and opened them up, making sure they were sharp before hooking them onto my pants.

I looked out over to the boys, doing a headcount before motioning that we should leave. They all nodded and we were off again.


On our way to go to the cabin, we ran into a small problem.

Unfortunately, the noise I made in the store attracted a few infected and I was the only one with weapons.

I was struggling, trying my best to get the infected off of me without getting bit.

Suddenly, there wasn't a weight on me anymore.

I looked up to see a tall guy with brown hair and a round face, he had blood on his white button up, but it didn't seem like he cared.

It took me a minute to register he was talking to me as I tried to read his lips.

Chenle came up to me, hugging me tightly, not caring if this complete stranger saw him signing to me. 'Hyung! Are you okay? I'm sorry I couldn't help you!' I shook my head softly, holding my hand up. 'You're fine Lele, I'm not gonna let anything happen to you, it doesn't matter that you couldn't help me, I'd prefer if you weren't in danger at all.'

A tap on my shoulder pulled my attention away from him and to a man with black hair standing there. "What are you all doing? Why are you the only one with weapons? Do you know how much danger you were in just now?" I nodded silently to what he was saying, fidgetting with my hands, realizing the blood of the infected was actually black instead of red.

I looked to Chenle, seeing him speak for me before the man with black hair turned back to me. 'My name is Lee Taeyong. You're not safe here. Let us take you somewhere safer.' I stared at his hands in shock for a bit before shaking my head. 'No, it's okay, we have a place, we were heading there now.' I stopped to ponder. 'Would...you guys like to stay with us? You did save our lives and I want to be able to repay you with shelter and food.'

It looked like Taeyong was debating before he turned his back to me, talking amongst the other seven with him.

After a bit he turned back around, nodding softly. I nodded back, looking over my boys, doing another head count before making a motion to come.

I met eyes with a boy with long black hair for a second. He looked like someone out of an anime. I quickly looked away, leading the way through the park, taking them to our little cabin.

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