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(Minki's POV)

The sun was set now and still no sign of the boys.

Suddenly I saw my door moving out of the corner of my eye.

I reached over and put my hearing aids in, the sound of slamming on the door filling my ears.

I shot up, running to the door and opening it, seeing a bloody Haechan infront of me. He had tears in his eyes as he tried to explain what was happening. I covered his mouth. "Slowly!"

He seemed to calm down just slightly.

"I-its Taeil.." I frowned heavily. "What about him?" He looked at the ground before grabbing my hand and taking me downstairs to show all of the boys surrounding a door, the sound of a body and gutteral screaming being the only sound.

I walked through, standing infront of the door. "What's going on." I asked no one in particular. Taeyong placed a hand on my shoulder, his face grim as he spoke the words I was so scared to hear.

"Taeil got bit. He was hiding it cause the thought he could fight it. He tried to bite Haechan." I looked at my feet before turning on my heel and walking out of the crowd so the boys couldn't see my tears. "Someone take care of him. He's no longer Taeil and a danger to those of us here." I let out a heavy breath. "I know he's your friend, but he couldn't recognize you right now, even if he tried." I once again retreated to my room, the last thing I heard before closing the door being a sickening crunch and thump.


What time was it? I had no clue.

There was still no sign of the boys and I was starting to lose hope slowly but surely.

A soft knock on my door made me sit up. "Come in.." I mumbled.

Yuta peeked in, a weak smile on his face. "Uhm...I think...I think you should come downstairs."

I slowly got up out of bed, weight already collecting in my chest from the look on his face.

We made our way downstairs.

There, in the doorway, stood three of the six boys I had sent out earlier that day. I kept my face stoney, scanning over Shotaro, Jaemin and Kun's faces. All had tear stains.

I looked down at their clothes to see the blood on their clothes wasn't black. It was red. Meaning it was from actual people.

"You met survivors." They nodded. I nodded softly, walking up and hugging each of them tightly. "They.." my voice cracked as I tried to keep from crying. "They aren't the only ones we've lost today. We'll...we'll hold a ceremony in the morning." I pulled away, turning my backs to them. "For now, please, rest up. You need it after what you've been through." I left the room and went out onto the back porch, the night breeze running across my skin as I stared out.


After a while of being out there and a few cigarettes later, I heard the door open and two sets of footsteps.

I took a drag of the stick in my mouth. "Four more crosses to be added." I mumbled, staring off to the two crosses that already stood proudly, surrounded by wild flowers.

They looked so dull.

Yuta nodded from beside me and Taeyong just gently took my cigarette from me. I didn't have the energy to fight back.

I looked to the sky, where it seemed that four more stars shone brighter, right beside the two that had appeared a few weeks ago. I smiled weakly. "They didn't deserve this. They should have lived. This is all my fault." Another presence joined us.

"No it's not Hyung." Shotaro's soft voice floated through the air. I looked back at him.

His eyes were puffy and he was in his pajamas, obviously he couldn't sleep well tonight. Not like any of us could anyways. I smiled a bit at him. "If I hadn't of sent you guys out there you would have never ran into those survivors." Shotaro frowned.

"They weren't just survivors. They knew YangYang and Kun hyung, said something about payback before shooting at us." I could hear Yuta and Taeyong's breath catch in their throats.

I walked to Shotaro, hugging him tightly. "It'll be okay, I promise. Why don't you go and spend the night with Sungchan hm? He really needs some company right now." Shotaro flashed me a smile and nodded, heading back inside.

As soon as I heard the door close and his footsteps fade I whipped around to Yuta and Taeyong who looked like deer caught in headlights. "What the fuck did he mean by that. How did they know about you guys? Hm? How did those fuckers, who killed our boys, know who the fuck you were. And don't you fucking lie to me like you did the first time we met."

Taeyong seemed shocked that I had knew he was lying.

He let out a sigh before leaning against the railing and staring out into the yard. "We were a mafia before all of this happened. I didn't fully lie to you that day, but I did tweak the truth." I let out a small huff. "Tell me the truth Taeyong. The real truth."

He nodded, motioning for us to sit on the chairs set around the porch. "You see, before this whole thing we were the notorious gang NCT, we had been doing a great job at concealing our identities from the public." He looked at me, gauging my reaction. "We were in the middle of a meeting with another gang, with another notorious mafia by the name of SHINee when one of their men ran in, blood spurting from his neck. But it wasn't a knife cut, no no, it was a bite. A too deep of bite to be human. He was covered in what we thought was tar at first, but, then those things came in. They saw us and came at us. We couldn't react fast enough as those monsters jumped at us. We could fight them off, but SHINee couldn't. We tried our best to help but they told us to leave, so we did. We were wandering the streets when we saw you boys in trouble and decided to help out."

I nodded slowly, processing everything I was just told. Yuta looked worried.

"You don't think of us any differently, do you Minki?" He asked, his voice shakey. I shook my head softly. "Of course not. It's not like anything could really happen with all of this stuff going on. But, as we have seen from today, some rivals, and maybe even some of your allies are still alive. We have to be more careful when going out. Not just of the infected, but of survivors too. From now on only one group, none of the other side of town until we figure out everything going on over there."

The two boys nodded and I got up, sighing, nodding slowly. "Great. Awesome. I'm gonna head to my room. Tomorrow I'll make those crosses and we'll have a ceremony for the fallen. Goodnight."

With that, I once again went to my room. 

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