The box

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I awoke to hear a loud noise surrounding me. My eyelids broke open and I found myself in a dark box with mesh walls moving at a fast pace. I think it was going upwards but it was hard to tell. I tried to think of how I got here. But nothing came to mind. I couldn't remember anything. A light started flashing in my face and I was startled out of my thoughts.

What is going on?

Then the box slightly slowed. Then it came to a sudden stop throwing me around. It was a good thing I was already sitting or the stop would have forced me onto my butt.

I heard soft murmuring and looked around trying to find the source.

"HELLO!!" I yelled

More murmuring. Then a blinding light broke through the ceiling. I covered my face shielding myself from it.

"Hello!" A girl called to me

I let my eyes adjust and looked up at her.

"H- hello?" I more asked than replied

"Need some help?" She asked jumping in the box. She had creamy brown skin and dreads in her hair. I thought of the way this situation could work. She could hurt me. By the looks of it she was a lot stronger than I. Maybe she was here to help.

"I'm Harriet." She said and reached a hand out to me.

I took it deciding that I had nothing to lose really and shook it.

"I'm... " I started. Who am I? I looked at my hands as if that would give me the answer. She seemed to notice my confusion.

"It's alright. It happens to all of us." She said without much explanation.

"Um... where am I?" I asked as she pulled me to my feet. My hands winded into my hair and Down my face.

"Well we call this place the glen." She said. "Not really sure what it is. We all just appeared here one day like you did." She said nodding at me.

I nodded not understanding much and she chuckled at me.

"Cmon" she said and wrapped her arm around my shoulder guiding me through what looked like a little village. Houses (houses as in what looked like little rooms with only two solid walls and canvas curtains for the other two and sticks for a roof) spread across a Field of bright green grass. And passed that looked like a forest but the most startling thing was the thick walls that surrounded the area closing it off from whatever was outside them.

"First things first," said Harriet turning right into one of the shacks. "Here's where you'll be sleeping." She said. We pushed past one of the canvas curtains that slit down the middle into a small room with two cot sort of beds And a hammock hanging above one of them.

"You'll be sharing with me and Sonya!" She said excited. Which made me like her. I still had no idea where I was or what was happening but she wasn't rolling her eyes at how clueless I was like I probably would.

"Sit down." She said and gestures to one of the cots. "We rotate who gets the cots and hammock every month. Reminds us to change the sheets." She chuckled as I sat down. She sat down in the cot across from me. It was light in there. The curtains allowing natural light to flow through and brighten things up. The canvas flapped as a breeze passed through. I breathed in a gulp of fresh air. Something I could tell I hadn't done in a while some how. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back sighing.

"You're taking this pretty damn well." Harriet said to me. When I opened my eyes she was smiling. I then thought of all the questions I had running through my head and the bliss I felt only moments before faded away.

She seemed to sense this and patted my shoulder. "Ask me a few questions for now and we can get to the others later." She said.

"Ok," I said wondering which question I should ask first

"So let me get this straight," I started "you all showed up one day in that box just like me?" She nodded. "And your not sure why?" I asked. She nodded again.

I heard a few murmurs outside.

"How many more people are there?" I asked

"About 37 girls." She said.

I waited for her to continue but she just looked at me.

"No boys?" I asked raising my eyebrows. She just shook her head at me.

"This place doesn't sound so bad now." I said which got me a sudden laugh from her. I was glad I was sorta fitting in. No matter the circumstances.

"Oh man, sonyas gonna like you!" She said laughing

And that was the other question I was thinking. "Who's Sonya?"

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