The maze (sonyas pov)

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Sonyas POV. Ooooooooh! Exiting!

"Y/N" I screamed as she was pulled into the maze. The walls shut and she was gone.

"No!" Harriet screamed. Hot Tears instantly sprang to my eyes and slid down my cheeks. I fell to my knees.

She can't be gone.

"No! No! No! NO!" Harriet slammed her hands against the walls making me cry even more.

I didn't want Harriet to hurt.

I didn't want y/n to die.

I didn't want to be here.

I didn't want to have to watch her face as she looked at me with absolute terror right before the doors shut.


I cried even harder. It hurt so bad. Harriet slid down the wall and she started crying. I needed to help her. I crawled over. My face already extremely wet from the tears. I leaned against the wall next to her and she pulled me into the hug.

"How could this happen?" I asked her hiccuping and shaking.

"She's got to make it," Harriet said tightening on me.

"No one survives a night in the maze." Beth said near us. Anger built up and i shot to my feet.

"What the fuck Beth!" I screamed

"What it's the truth!" She yelled in my face. I clenched my jaw and my fists curled into a tight ball.

Don't do it Sonya. Don't lose it.

I stood for a second breathing in and out as evenly as I could before calming down.

"You're sick." I said. And turned away from her.

She didn't respond. She just looked at the ground and then walked away.

I don't know why I was so protective of her. Of y/n.

I mean I liked her of course but I was almost never violent. In fact I was acting more like Harriet right now. I knelt back down and cried again. Harriet next to me sniffled. She was more of a quiet cryer. Me on the other hand was wailing into my hands.

I curled up into a ball.

The night became darker and Harriet and I slowed down in our crying. My face was sticky from all the tears and I whiped it with my sleeves. Nothing else came out. I was still shaking but I just couldn't cry anymore. Me and Harriet stayed there.

"She's gonna make it." Harriet said.

I breathed in a shaking breath and nodded. Just then we heard a scream. A blood curdling scream. I shot to my feet

No! That can't be her. Harriet started to cry again. God I can't watch her cry anymore it's too depressing.

I sat back down and hugged her again. She hugged back. It was my turn to let her cry.

"She was like a sister." She whispered.

"I know," I breathed

I just told her I liked her and now she's gone.

Even though I thought I was done I felt more tears slip down my cheeks.

Please let her be ok.


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