The plan.

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Thomas had finally agreed to kidnap Teresa. Although I was extremely mad at her I also had my doubts about it. Newt lashed out and we found out that he was turning. That cut our time rather short so we got to work as soon as Teresa had taken the chips out of our necks.

My job was to go with Sonya frypan and Harriet to steal some bergs. We would need them to get as many people out as possible.

"You all got it?" Asked Jorge. "You know what you need to do?"

"Yup." I said.

"Now don't fuck this up alright. We got lives on the line and I would rather nobody died."

"Thats reassuring." I mumbled. Sonya giggled and my nerves instantly calmed down.

"Alright let's go."

We all went through the walls and put our plan in motion. A few of the boys were on getting Minho specifically but also getting the other immunes outside to Brenda. It was meant to be similar to how we got Sonya back. We connect the bus to a berg and fly them out of there.

I ran with Sonya Harriet and frypan. We found a landing sight for multiple bergs. An idea popped into my head.

"Frypan! Come with me." I called over.

"Y/n! Where are you going!?" Sonya whisper yelled.

"I have a plan." I said.

"Stick to the one we already have!" She said as she walked towards me.

"I know but this will make it so much easier!" I told her.

She huffed. "Just... just don't die alright?"

I grinned at her. "You got it." She chuckled. I pulled her in for a quick kiss.

"We gotta get to it whatever it is you're gonna do." Frypan said

We pulled apart and I tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. She smiled at me. "Be safe." I told her as we walked away. I wasn't really worried anymore. Sonya had shown me just how capable she was and I knew she could defend herself plus she had Harriet who would kick anyone's ass who touched Sonya if she needed to.

"Let's go!" I told frypan and he followed me to another berg. I looked into the cockpit and saw it was empty. I smashed a side window and climbed in helping frypan after me.

"I'm gonna need you to make a deep voice for me." I said

"I need to what!?"

"Sound like an adult."

"my voice is pretty low already!" He said defensively.

"Yeah yeah just make it lower." I said and we went over to the cockpit.

I heard the waki taki in my pocket start to work.

"So what's your plan? Over."

"Just stick to your job and I'll handle it. Over."I said back.

"Alright.... don't screw up. Over."

"Damn Harriet have some faith in me. Over."

"Whatever. Over" she laughed.

I laughed and waited for the other berg to turn on and take off. We saw a red flare go off and I told frypan to sit in the other seat.

"Got that deep voice ready?" I asked.

He sighed. "I don't know what's going on." I snickered at him and waited a bit for the other berg to fly past us with the bus. I turned on the berg and took off.

Pretty soon we heard someone speak on the radio.

"This is janson. We need you to go after that berg!" A scratchy voice came on. Fry caught on to my plan.

"Yes sir!" He said in a deep voice and I tried not to laugh. This was too easy.

"Do you need back up?" He said.

"Not yet no sir." Fry replied.

"Let me know if that changes."

"Yes sir."

Frypan muted the mic.

"You're a genius!" He said. I laughed and followed the other berg.

"Is that you? over." The waki taki asked.

"Sure is! Over." I replied.

"You sneaky mother fucker!" Sonya laughed.

"Why thank you my lady!" I laughed.

"Good luck! Over." Harriet said. I didn't reply and just kept following them.

"Frypan! Go smash the tracker." I said. He got up and pretty soon I heard banging coming from the other room. Then a few moments later frypan walked into the room and sat down.

"Berg 46. Your tracker has been disabled."

Frypan grabbed the mic. "Haha! Suckers! You fell for it!" I grabbed it from him.

"Sending my love janson!" The other side went silent for a moment.

"Y/n?" Janson asked.

"You guessed it! We're taking you down!"

We heard janson yell at someone through the receptor. Me and fry pan laughed maniacally. I pulled down and landed the berg outside of the walls near the other. The immunes on the bus piled into the other berg and Sonya came running out when she saw me.

"You sly dog!" She yelled and wrapped her arms around me. I laughed and kissed her.

"I'm so smart." I said jokingly.

"Yeah you are!" She said. Harriet jogged over laughing.

"Janson must have freaked!" She said.

"He did!" Frypan said. "It was hilarious!"

Suddenly I felt paws on my back.

"Tortoise!" I yelled and knelt down to pet him. I had left him with Vince to make sure he didn't walk into to much danger.

"Wait does that mean-" I was interrupted.

"Hey fellas!" Vince said. Both him and Jorge were walking towards us. A few others including Minho gally and Brenda followed them.

"We still got work to do!" Jorge said and shooed us all onto the berg. Jorge flew it up.

"We've got to find Thomas!" Brenda yelled. As we arose from the other side of the wall we saw almost the entire city in flames.

"What happened!?" I asked.

"Lawrence." Said Vince.

We searched around and I was beginning to lose hope in finding him in this mess.

"There!" Someone called. There on the roof of a skyscraper was newt, Teresa and Thomas. I guess newt got the cure! Jorge lowered us too them. It looked as if Thomas had been shot. Teresa and newt were helping him the best they could. I hopped out to help them lift him onto the berg then newt. I was about to jump up when the building shook sending me to my hands and knees.

"Hurry!" Sonya yelled.

I gotta be strong!

"Come on Teresa!" I said and she grabbed my real hand as we ran to the berg. I gripped the side of the berg with my prosthetic just as the building broke from under my feet. Teresa hadn't jumped quite high enough and she swung from my other hand. She gripped my wrist with both hands and I was pulled up onto the berg followed by Teresa.

I layed down on the open door completely out of breath before sonyas face came In front of mine and kissed my face a million times.

"Jesus! I thought you wouldn't make it!" She yelled and closed her arms around me.

"Lucky me." I said and smiled hugging her back.

We did it!

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