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It was dark out now and there was already a cracking fire in front of us. Around me girls walked and chatted. Lots of them introducing themselves to me. A few dirty looks and lots of smiles. Which was reassuring. All but the looks of course. Harriet was throwing rocks and sticks at the fire from where we sat and Sonya was humming a song. Her voice was very sweet and she sang a very high octave. Probably a soprano. I know my voice doesn't go that high. I'm sure if I tried it would sound.... well it wouldn't sound good that's for sure.

"You sound nice," I told her.

She looked at me and blushed a little bit making me smile.

"You should hear her when she's actually trying," said Harriet.

"You should do a song then!" I said.

"Uhhh," Sonya hesitated.

"This isn't something she never does she's just nervous cause your here now." Harriet teased.

Shit. Harriet is making this so much harder. I thought to myself.

Just don't blush.

Sonya sighed. "Fine, but only since y/n wants to hear."

I smiled at her and she returned it. I think a few of the girls were listening on on our conversation because people started quieting down and Sonya started singing.

(She's singing the night we met by lord Huron if you want to listen to that while reading or something)

She had only sang a few words when I recognized the song. I'm not sure where but I'm sure that I had heard it before and as she kept singing some of the words came back to me. She closed her eyes and the words flowed from my mouth harmonizing with her as she got to the chorus. I think someone had pulled a guitar out and was playing along as well.

Sonya looked at me surprised. I just kept singing. I closed my eyes letting the perfect sound ring in my ears. I heard a few others hum to the song as well and the warm fire crackled in the background. Everything was perfect for just a moment. I felt something on my hand and opened my eyes to see Sonya holding my hand. I looked at her.


She wasn't looking at me. Maybe not wanting to see my reaction. I held it back and a smile played on her lips. The glow of the fire on her face. She closed her eyes and rubbed her finger in my palm.

More butterflies.


Why is this happening? I mean I know that I'm gay or at least bi, I don't know any boys tho so I'm not really sure but... I've known this girl for 7 hours and already she's got a hold on me.

The song ends and a few people clap and cheer. Sonya chuckles and looks at me. I smile at her and I see Harriet smirk from her other side seeing our hands.

"Sing another one!" Someone shouts and a few cheers go around.

"Do you know any more?" She asked.

"I'm not sure. I didn't even know I knew that song until you started singing."

"Ok I'll start with one and if you know it you can sing along," she said and I nodded.

She started singing once again. This time there was no guitar I wasn't sure if the person playing just didn't know this song or there was no guitar to this song so it was just the sound of sonyas voice and the fire crackling

(This time she's singing fever dream by mxmtoon)

I knew this song too and starting singing with her. She smiled and closed her eyes and leaned her head back.

It sounded so beautiful I had to close my eyes as well. This time no one else hummed along. It was just me and her. I could have sat there for days just listening to her.

When the song finished I yawned. The peace of the moment getting to me and making me suddenly very sleepy. I saw a few others yawn and Harriet stands up stretching.

"Wanna go to bed?" Harriet asks us and both Sonya and I nod. We stand up and I loosen my grip on Sonya a little bit but she hold firm letting me know she still wants to hold hands. I hold it back and we start walking to where our hut was.

It was a good thing I went with them because I was completely lost at where I was. We entered and you could still see the warm fire glow on one of the flaps of our tent giving the shack a soft warm light.

"You can take one of the beds," Harriet said to me. "Do you want to start with the hammock or a bed?" She asked Sonya.

Sonya didn't answer but climbed into the bed and closed her eyes already almost falling asleep.

I sighed and Harriet chuckled. I started untying sonyas shoes and slid them off putting them on the floor near her bed. Harriet put a blanket over her and started unlacing her own shoes before climbing into the hammock hanging above my head.

I did the same and climbed into bed pulling the thin blanket on top of me. The bed was surprisingly comfortable. And the pillow was cold and soft. I sank in enjoying myself completely. I could hear people at the campfire talking and the light in the room flickered a little every once in a while.

"Do you like her?" I heard from the hammock above me.

What the fuck am I supposed to say? Yeah I like her even though I like hardly know her?!

Shit y/n what's wrong with you?

"I'm not sure," I say "I think so but I don't even know her."

"Well i think she likes you," I smiled



"Don't tell her I like her please."

"Ok." She said "but when you two get married you owe me ten bucks for calling it."

"You did not call it!" I whisper yelled

"I just did!"

I snorted.

Sonya moved around and groaned into her pillow

I tried to suppress a laugh but it came out anyways. I heard Harriet above me doing the same.

"Plus what would you even want the money for? You can't buy anything here" I continued.

"Might be able to bribe the people who sent us here to get us a better radio!"

"You have a radio!" I whisper yelled again.

"A shitty one."

"Damn," I said.

I heard Harriet yawn

"G'night y/n" she said


About a minute passed until she spoke again.

"Ten bucks." She said

"Where the hell am I supposed to get ten bucks Harriet!?"

"I don't know figure it out!"

"God!" I said "you are impossible,"


"Good night Harriet."

"Good niiiiiight!" She said trying to sound cute. I snorted again and turned over in my bed. My eyes rested in Sonya. Sound asleep.

She looked very peaceful. I smiled slightly remembering her holding my hand.

Sleep came easy that night. My mind was completely quite except the the sound of her voice. 

My first day in the glade had been everything except what you would expect it to be.

And I was glad.

AWWWW!!! Harriets like a sister now! I'm so freaking excited right now!


Just had to get that out. Ok 👌 cool. I'm good now.

Thanks for reading so far!!

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