Car ride

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Sorry for not updating yesterday. I was super busy and so so so tired. But I'm good now!

"Bertha?" Minho asked. "You named the car Bertha?"

"Jorge likes cars." Brenda said snickering.

"Whatever. Get in." Jorge said.

We all squeezed onto the car. It was tight but we did fit. I was sat by a window with Minho on my right and Jorge sat in front of me in the drivers seat. Tortoise was laying on top of me and Minho.

It was quiet. My thoughts flashed back to Sonya and Harriet. Sadness washed over me again. There must have been a look on my face because Minho noticed.

"You ok?" Minho asked.

"Yeah." I whispered and looked up the window.

"I think you should talk about it." He said. I could see Jorge nodding his head out of the corner of my eye. I think everyone was subtly eavesdropping. I didn't mind. The car was silent for a few minutes before I started to pour my heart out.

I started with my feelings. "I feel like it just hurts ya know? Like of course it hurts but it just hurts and I-I don't know how to make it stop. A-and I feel like maybe they could be alive but I'm s-so scared that I'm getting my hopes up and that... that they're gone and when I finally understand that I feel like it's gonna be so painful I can't handle It. But if I just except they're dead now it hurts too much." I said with a quakey voice. Tears started forming once again.

"Anything else?" Jorge asked. He was less subtle in his eavesdropping. Probably just didn't care.

"I feel so guilty for leaving everyone there. God. I feel so bad." I said the tears slipping out finally.

"But you said you got locked out." Minho said.

"Yeah but. But maybe I could've found another way in. I hardly even looked. I shouldn't have followed that stupid key!" I shouted the last part.

"Hey it's ok." Minho said patting my back.

"I have this letter." I said. "Amy wrote it. To mary and ally. And I was gonna give it to them but now Mary's dead and I have no idea where ally is!" I said clutching tortoises head to me.

"I just feel like I could have done so much better for them. But I left them there. I let them down. I let her down." I said holding my head down. I could see Jorge smile as soon as I said that.

The car was quiet for a bit once more. Jorge kept glancing at me in the mirror.

"I have a feeling you felt something more for 'her'." Jorge said.

My head snapped up.

"What are you talking about?" Minho said rolling his eyes as if that was the stupidest thing anyone had ever said.

Jorge laughed.

I was still looking at him with the wide eyes. We made eye contact through the mirror.

"I'm right aren't I?" He chuckled.

"Wait what?" Newt said.

"But... " This time it was Thomas.

I think aris was smiling to himself.

"You like girls?" Brenda said.

I looked down again and nodded. Not really sure how they would react.

I could feel Minho stare at me.

"Me too." Brenda said. Thomas looked at her. They made eye contact and she winked at him, smirked and then turned back around. I think it was about something that happened while I was gone.

"Damn. And I thought you liked me." Minho said shaking his head.

We bursted out laughing.

"Wait what!" I asked.

"I'm kidding calm down." He said smiling.

"I like boys." Our heads turned to newt.

"Ok wait. Did three people just come out?" Teresa said laughing. We all laughed again.

"Who knew car rides did this to people." Aris said.

"I like boys and girls." Thomas said.

"Four." Teresa corrected herself.

"Good for you guys." Jorge said.

"What about you Jorge?" I said giving his shoulders a squeeze. "You like boys too?" I smirked

He laughed.

"I don't like anyone." He chuckled out

"DONT deny it Jorge. It's natural." I said teasingly.

"I'm bot denying anything." He laughed.

"Whatever you say hermano." I say mocking him.

"Hey! That's a trade mark. You aren't allowed to use it."

"Fine fine." I said.

And we continued our drive.


After about twenty minutes Jorge turned on the radio. He flipped through a few channels until he came to one that wasn't too staticky

I remembered the song vaguely and hummed along.

"Since when could you sing?" Minho nudged me.

"Since never." I said.

"You sound really good." Teresa said.


"Harriet told me you and Sonya used to sing." Aris said.

"Yeah. We did." I said thinking about h the at first night.

We were silent for another few minutes.

"You should sing for us." Brenda said.

"No." I sighed. I don't think I could handle that quite yet. They seemed to understand and didn't bother me about it.

"Maybe some other time?" Aris asked. "Harriet said that it was the most beautiful thing she's ever heard." I smiled. I didn't know Harriet thought that about me and Sonya singing. I guess she could be sweet sometimes.

"Yeah." I said and nodded.

"Thanks" he was all said.

The car came to a stop. I looked out the window and saw we were in a canyon. What were all these cars doing here?

I opened the door and tortoise hopped off my lap. I stepped out and looked at the rusty cars surrounding me.

Is that a bullet hole?

"GET DOWN!" Jorge yelled and we all dropped.

We were being fired at.


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