At last

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The title omg

"GET DOWN!!" Jorge yelled

We were being shot at.

By whom? I don't even know.

"Marcus must have lead us into a trap." Jorge yelled at no one in particular.

"Y/n! Get tortoise." Aris said and pointed near the canyons rock walls where tortoise was mindlessly sniffing the grass that poked out of the ground.

"Shit tortoise. You're always putting yourself in danger." I mumbled to myself

I started army crawling over to him.

"Come here tortoise." I told him. He trotted over to me completely unaware of what was going on. Wow he actually listened to me for once.

I reached over to him and wrapped my arms around him and pulled him near.

"Get up!" Someone ordered from behind me. Their voice was muffled but I knew it wasn't one of the people I came here with.

I stood but didn't turn around as I was afraid they might shoot.

"Hands up!" They called.

"You mean hand." I said And put my hand and what was left of my other hand up. I heard a sharp intake of breath at the sight and realized that I hadn't changed the bandage since I found the others in the scorch

"You need to get that changed." They said.

Pfff why would they care? They are holding me at gunpoint.

"Go over to your friends." They said and put the guns barrel against my back.

I slowly walked over. I could sense tortoise following me.

"Y/n! Where were you?" Jorge said to me. I felt the gun leave my back and another sharp breath. Now that the gun wasn't right up against me I felt safe enough to speak.

"I was getting tort-" I started but was interrupted by the person behind me twirling me around.


Although she was wearing a bandana that covered half of her face I knew who it was instantly.

"Harriet?!" I said my eyes widening.

"It's you!" She said and dropped her gun pulling me into her arms. I hugged her back as tight as I could afraid that this was a dream or something and she would disappear. But she didn't. I couldn't believe it! Tears of joy came sliding down my cheeks

"I-I thought you died in the maze!" She said with a cracking voice.

"Harriet are you crying?" I half heartedly teased. I never thought I would see her cry.

"Shut up." She smiled and wiped her tears.

I smiled back at her. she looked behind me and turned me around clutching my shoulders.

"Y-y/n?" It was Sonya. My heart ached at the sight of her. I missed her so much.

"Sonya." I breathed.

"How did you.. I-I thought you- I thought... That you-" she stuttered.
I couldn't hold myself back and pulled her into a warm embrace. She tensed up as if she was afraid of something but as soon as my arms were around her she relaxed and held me back. We stayed like that for a few moments. And then I pulled back and looked into her eyes. Hers roamed my face as if she was re-remembering it. I smiled at her and let out a sigh.

She looked at me more intensely and pulled on the collar of my shirt smashing her lips on mine and squeezed her eyes shut.

I gasped and my eyes widened again not exactly expecting that but let it happen. Soon my eyes were closed too and I was leaning into her. It felt like an explosion of tingles shooting up and down my body.

The butterflies are back!

She pulled back. Too soon for my liking.

"I've been waiting to do that." She said.

I blushed at her words "me too." I whispered.

I looked back at Jorge who had an affectionate smile on his face. I heard thumping from behind me and turned to see Harriet jumping around in circles.

"Finally! Finally! Finally!" She chanted pumping her fists in the air. I chuckled.

"She hasn't changed a bit." I said to Sonya who just laughed and looked into my eyes again before pulled me in for another kiss.

It was the same but this time I was more prepared and kissed her back passionately like I had thought about so often. Her hands were on the back of my neck and mine was on her back.

She pulled away and her hands slid around my back and pulled me into another hug.

I hugged her back and closed my eyes and let all my worries go. It felt so safe. So calm. So perfect. It was exactly how Sonya made me feel every time I was with her.

And now I had her back! At last! She was back!

And I would never let her go.

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