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Tw: blood. I will let you know the specific paragraph as well so if you need to you can skip over it. This hole chapter isn't really important for the story but it's just your relationship with the girls growing.

It's not very much blood and I'm not going to be going into a lot of detail or anything so I'm not really sure how serious this one is. Anyways enjoy!

It was a couple hours later and Harriet and Sonya had given me a tour and answered most of my remaining questions. I had learned that the walls were a large maze sort of thing with monsters inside. They couldn't describe to me what they looked like because apparently no one had ever lived to tell. My visit here took a dark turn very fast when I heard that.

Seriously!? Monsters in a giant maze!? This is ridiculous! How do we even get out?

The gravity of the situation dawned on me. I was stuck here with a bunch of strangers and I might never get out. My only comfort was that I wasn't alone and that all of these girls went through and are going through the same thing as I.

I looked over to my right to see Harriet carving a small price of wood in her hand leaning against a tree. Sonya was laying down next to her with her knees pointed up and a log behind her head for a pillow. We made eye contact and she smiled at me. Her smile was sweet and made me instantly smile back. A genuine smile. Not just the ones you make when you're being polite but A 'I actually am smiling' smile.

She crinkled her eyes when her smile widened a little at me. It made me happy.

I looked at the wood Harriet was carving and peeked over her shoulder.

"What is it?" I asked. Sonya sat up and looked at it too

"It's gonna be an owl." She said and adjusted her grip on the wood. She stopped and examined it for a second until she replaced her knife on it and a small chip of wood flew off.

"Can you teach us?" Sonya asked. I nodded at her. Harriet sighed and pulled out a knife from her pocket handing it to me. Sonya clapped excitedly and pulled out her own knife. Harriet apparently had a few pieces of wood already in her pocket and pulled those out. She looked for a good one and handed it to me doing the same for Sonya.

"Here," she said and I took it. She then moved the knife in my hand into a different position and told me it makes it easier. Sonya followed suit and changed her grip. Harriet gave me instructions on what to do and I tried to follow them as closely as possible almost cutting myself multiple times.

(This is one of the paragraphs I will put more bold letters when it's over.)
"There ya go!" Said Sonya to the wood  as she finally made the right cut. I was having a harder time and the knife slid over the wood and into my hand

"Ouch!" I yelped. I looked at my hand and saw a small drizzle of blood sliding down.

(It's pretty much done I won't be mentioning any more blood~)

Sonya jumped over to me and looked at my hand

"Are you ok?" She said. I nodded at her

"I'm good" I smiled but she could see the small tears forming. It didn't hurt too much but enough that tears sprung to my eyes.

She looked at me and squeezed my other hand.

"It's ok," she said and Harriet pulled a small kit from one of her many pockets.

"Here," Sonya said as she took the kit and started wrapping my hand up. The tears were mostly gone by now and she looked up at me through her eyelashes as she finished up on my hand.

"You good?" Harriet asked with a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm good," I say again. "I don't think that carving is my strong suit though," I chuckled.

They laughed as well and a few girls came and reminded us that it was dinner time. One of them looked at me and introduced herself and the other two.

"I'm ally!" She said and shook my unbandaged hand. "This is Mary and Amy," she said pointing at the other two. They waved and then took their leave.

"Let's go! I'm starving!" Said Harriet who hopped up and started walking where the other three had gone.

"Come on," said Sonya holding a hand out for me. "The cooks evil," she said as we started walking "but the foods delicious," she said bugging her eyes out a little bit when she said delicious.

"God! I'm starving!" I said

"Did Harriet forget to feed you," she sighed knowing the answer.

"It's fine," I told her "that means the food will be twice as good," she laughed and looked into my eyes as we walked. I blushed a little bit and tried to keep my eyes down.

"You have very beautiful eyes," she said deep in thought.

"Thanks," I said not really sure how to respond. "I've never seen them," I said then continued "well I'm sure I have I just don't remember." I said and she hummed in response.

"You have pretty eyes too," I told her. It's true, her eyes were beautiful.

"Thanks!" She blushed and smiled at me. I smiled back and we walked into a large area full of tables and people.

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