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I awoke to the sun on my face. I stretched out and opened my eyes half expecting to be back in the glen.

I wasn't.

I was still in the scorch. I sat up and pet tortoises head who was still laying on my lap and thought about stuff. Mostly Sonya.

I wanted to see my friends but half of them had died in the last two weeks. I didn't even know if the rest of them were alive or where they were.

I sniffed a little bit. I can't think about that.

I reached up to brush the hair out of my face only to find I was missing a hand.

Oh yeah.

It's been a really great week.

I heard Teresa shuffle beside me.

"Gmorning." She said.

"Mmm" I replied. I didn't really want to talk. She chuckled and handed me a few pieces of beef jerky. As soon as she took it out of the bag tortoise popped his head up and looked at me with his big brown eyes.

"Ugh fine. You can have a bit." I said and tore a piece off. "But you better not pull another one of those abandoning me for ear scratches things." I said and booped his nose. Obviously he didn't understand but he's a dog so what do you expect. I let him lick the jerky off my hands and he wagged his tail thumping it on the ground every time. I ate the rest of it and took out my canteen giving a little bit to tortoise again.

A few more people were waking up and I played with tortoises ears while waiting for everyone to get up so we could keep walking.

"Where's the right arm again?" I asked.

"We think they are in the mountains."

Mountains? What mountains?

I looked around and saw a very distant mountain range.

"Those mountains?" I asked. Pointing at them with my stub.

She nodded.

"Oh boy." I said. "That's gonna take days." She sighed and nodded again.

"Let's get started then." Said newt in his accent. I snickered.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothin." I said knowing he would get defensive if I told him I was laughing at his posh accent. Minho on the other hand knew exactly what I was thinking.

"I know it's stupid huh?" He said to me giving me a knowing glance.

Newt looked back and forth in between us.

I laughed again and nodded. "I wonder where it came from." I said

"The poshest of cities in London of course!" Minho said.

"Ah but of course!" I said in an accent and pretended to sip a cup of tea with my pinky out.

Newt finally realized what we were laughing  about.

"Slim it shanks." He said to us. Minho laughed but I had no idea what that was supposed to mean.

"What is that? a foreign language?" I asked.

("I like your funny words magic man!" Idk this just came to mind.)

They all laughed at me. Except aris.

"It's their slang. You know how we called people sticks?" Aris said. "That's they're way to say 'shut it sticks'"

"Ohhhh gotcha." I said.

"Let's get going." Thomas said.

We agreed and began walking.


We settled back down for the night in the sand. We had walked almost all day and I was aching all over and collapsed on the ground. It had been a particularly difficult day.

Earlier today Winston had started turning into a crank and couldn't go on. We left him with a gun that he cpuod use on himself. It was sad but I was glad that he didn't have to turn into one of those monsters.

The dark sky made the sand look a deep blue color and we were too tired to start a fire. We all just layed down and slept. We didn't get much sleep before tortoise started barking like crazy.

"Shut up tortoise." I said.

He nudged my face trying to get me up. I trusted that he was trying to get my attention for a reason and wasn't just being annoying so I opened my eyes and looked around. There was an insane lighting storm and some how no one had heard the thunder except tortoise of course.

I realized how much lighting there was and that we needed to take cover and fast.

"WAKE UP!" I yelled and almost everyone sat straight up.

"WE GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE!" I yelled over the thunders increasing volume.

I started gathering everything up and kicked at people to go faster.

"There's a light over there!" Thomas called.

"Let's go!" I yelled and started running for the light on a hill.

We ran barely missing the crazy lightning striking, I swear, every square inch around us. People were yelling but we didn't have time to stop. We were almost there and the lighting was getting stronger and bigger.

"Minho!" Someone called behind me.

Oh come on! 2 seconds and we would have been inside. 2! And the lighting had to hit him now!

I turned around and saw a few people helping Minho off the ground so I kept running and opened a door leading inside.

"Hurry up!" I yelled. Finally they got inside and Minho was able to get up. I looked around. A few people were missing.

(Haha when I wrote missing i accidentally typed kissing. Imagine 😂)

Most people were ok though. Tortoise nudged his head on my hand and I gave him a pet.

"Good boy tortoise." I said kneeling down.

"That's a stupid name." Someone said. It was a girl. But it wasn't Teresa.

"Who's there?" Thomas called. I saw the silhouette of someone walking towards us. Suddenly cranks jumped at her and reached for her but something stopped them. I stumbled back on my butt.

"Here." Teresa said helping me up.


"Who are you?" Thomas asked.

"I'm Brenda. Follow me."

We were hesitant but went with her when she told us we could stay here with the cranks instead.

She had a good point.

She also explained that they had tied them up before they turned fully.

We followed her and after maybe twenty seconds I said what I needed to say.

"Tortoise is not a stupid name."

She laughed at me.

"Yes it is." Minho said.

I gasped and stopped.

"I'm shocked Minho I thought I could trust you! Don't you forget that tortoise  here saved your life once and my life twice." I said holding my head up and continued walking with them.

"Yeah but you didn't have to name him tortoise did You? That's the weirdest name I ever heard."

"Pffff says you!" I said. "You named the dog in your maze bark! Now that's a stupid name."

"Y/n! Shut up! We don't even know this girl and your telling her everything. Now she knows wicked had us!"

"Whatever!" I said "she's probably gonna kill us anyways."

"I'm not gonna kill you." She said. "...maybe."

"Well that's reassuring! Thanks very much!" I said sarcastically.

"Shut up." She chuckled "We're here." She pushed a door open.

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