The safe haven!

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We loaded onto the ship and began a peaceful journey to the safe haven.

Wicked was gone. We were safe.

All of us immunes finally felt like we could settle in and relax. It had been a long time since we all felt comfortable and safe. Thomas was recovering from a bullet wound. Teresa told us all about their fight in the medical room with janson.

Teresa was rewelcomed into our group after a thorough check for any trackers or communication devices that she could contact anyone with. I wast really worried as most of wicked was dead and she wouldn't really have anyone to contact and it seemed like she had come to her senses. She also said that Thomas and I had the cure in our blood. Since we hadn't given Brenda anymore of my blood she assumed I was the same as Thomas who saved newt right at the last second.

"Why didn't you let me die?" She asked referring to when I held her up on the berg.

"Just because I hate you doesn't mean I want you dead." I said "plus I don't really hate you."

She laughed and we made up. She was grateful and kept giving me hugs.

Vince wanted to do a ceremony but nobody would let him until Thomas woke up since he was really the one who got us all here. Finally Thomas did wake up and we began the ceremony.

"Many have sacrificed so much for us to be here. Friends. Family. So this is for them." We cheered at him. Vince had the idea of a stone for us to carve the names of people who hadn't made it and unveiled it to the crowd.

Next to me sonya cheered and I put my arm around her waist. she kissed my cheek before facing back to Vince.

After the ceremony I was thinking of who had died and who's name someone needed to write.




Amy's face flashed in my mind and I stood up.

"Is ally here?" I asked. Ally was Amy and Mary's friend. She must be having a hard time on her own. I knew that the both of them had died leaving her alone.

"I think so. I'm not really sure." Harriet said.

"I need to find her." I said.

"Ask Vince." Sonya said pointing across the campfire at him. I walked over to him.

"Hey Vince. Do you know if a girl named ally is here?" I asked.

"Um yeah I think."

"Where is she?"

"Eh. I'm not sure. She could be in tent number four if she isn't here." He said. I quickly searched the crowd. Ally was Asian and she had long black hair to her waist. I didn't see anyone who fit the description quite perfectly. She could have cut it but I knew that she took pride in her healthy hair and probably wouldn't.

"I'll go look in the tent." I said and started walking to one of the large tarps. On the way I fished around in my pockets. Multiple times in between Amy's death and now I had checked to make sure it was in my inside pocket and there it was. Still folded up neatly. I pulled it out. It was the letter I found from Amy.

To ally and Mary. It still said. My urge to read it wasn't quite as strong as it was the first time now that I thought about how much ally had been through.

I reached the tent and opened the thick canvas flap. Beds and hammocks laid out in rows. There were a few people sitting around until I saw her same long thick black hair. Sitting in her hammock reading a book. I felt bad for what I was about to show her because I knew it would disrupt her peace.

"Hey ally." I said softly. She looked up at me and turned and hung her legs off the edge.

"Hey y/n." She said. "How's it going?"

"Alright. How bout you?" I asked and crouched down and put my normal hand on her arm affectionately.

"I'm getting by." She said and looked down.

"Do you want to come outside?" I asked. "I have something for you." I didn't want to give it to her with people around. I figured she would want to be alone.

"Um... sure." She said confused.

She followed me outside and I sat her down at a picknick table we had built next to a few others but we were pretty secluded.

"So I found Amy right before she died." I said. I heard her take a sharp intake of breath. "And after she died, I found this. And I'm so sorry that Mary isn't here to read it too." I said sadly and handed her the letter. Ally sniffed and took the paper from my hand. In the dim moonlight I could see tears in her eyes.

"Thank you." She whispered.

"I'll leave you alone." I said. She nodded. "Wait." I put my hand on her arm. "If you ever need anything or if you just want to hang out, me Sonya and Harriet would love to." I said and she nodded before giving me a long hug. I hugged her back and she broke down in my arms. Eventually she pulled away and wiped her tears thanked me again before I took my leave.

"Y/n?" I heard ally say after I had gotten a few feet away.


"Could you and Sonya sing again some time?" She asked. "It would remind me of better times."

"Sure." I whispered. She nodded and turned away. I kept walking back down to the campfire.

"Did you find her?" Sonya asked as I sat down next to her.


"How's she doing?" Harriet asked.

"She's putting on a smile but she doesn't look too convincing." I said. Sonya and Harriet looked down sadly.

"But now we won't lose anyone else." I said. They nodded.

"It's a nice feeling to be safe." Sonya whispered.

"Yeah." I said. I put my head on her shoulder. She leaned into me and wrapped her arm around me. "It is."

Omg! I'm gonna have one more chapter to this story and then it's over. 😭

it's been really fun writing this but it's also a bit of a relief being finished. It's a little bit tiring but also so worth it.

Anyways! Thank you so much for all the reads and support I've gotten! Feels good.

Y'all are the best!

Btw next chapter is an epilogue but it won't be very far into the future. So I'm probably not gonna have like little kids running around and what not. Haha.

That's all! Thanks for reading!

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