The scorch.

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Tw: blood. Kinda graphic.

It's been about a week. I'm not sure where I am but I've been walking toward the only land mark I can see. I'm not sure what it is. It looks like a city but the sand is everywhere I can hardly tell.

I found out that the bag the boy had given me had food as well as a gun. The gun proved handy when a bunch of zombie things attacked me. I have no idea what's going on honestly.

I started talking to myself a little bit. Maybe it was because I'm going crazy but I think that it's to keep myself from going crazy. Not much to do other then walk. And run away from those things.

I had a dream about Sonya last night.

In the dream we were running from something. Not sure what. And then she grabbed my hand and told me to hide. So I hid. And so did she. And then we stayed there for a while until whatever we were running from left. And then she hugged me and kissed my nose. That was it.

God I miss her.

But I don't know where she is. I don't know if she's alive even.

Don't think about that.

I resolved to finding a good spot to sleep since the sky was getting dark. Somewhere those things won't be able to get to me.

I looked around. Just sand. A cave.

A cave? That's weird.

"I probably shouldn't go in that cave." I said to myself. "There's probably something in there waiting to eat my brains. Who knows what other monsters there are roaming around. This could be the home of one. Or many"


I walked up to the cave and hollered inside of it. "Wakey wakey! Anybody home?"

I don't think anyone was home. I layed my bag down and used it as a pillow. My eyes closed almost instantly.


What is that?

Something wet was dripping on my face.


I opened my eyes and sat up expecting the worst.

Sitting in front of me was a dog.

"Huh!?" I tilted my head at it. It did the same. He trotted up to me and sniffed. I didn't move and let it's wet nose wander around on my face. I think it finally approved of me and licked my face. His tongue was so dry.

Poor thing.

I pulled out one of the canteens from my bag and poured a small amount into my hands.

Instantly it licked it up gratefully and wagged it's tail.

"Good boy!" I said. He wagged his tail again.

He was a black lab and skinny as hell. What do you feed a dog when you don't have any dog food. Meat? Do I even have meat?

I had some canned beef. I cut it open with my knife and let him eat it.

Maybe it was a waste of food but if I ran out of food I could just eat him.

Just kidding.

He ate the food up and barked at me.

"I'm offended. How dare you." I said in monotone. He tilted his head at me and I gave in to his cuteness. I gave him belly rubs and ear scratches and he was soaking it all up.

Suddenly he sat straight up.

"What is it boy?" I asked standing up too. I pulled out my knife and got ready to run.

Something jumped at me and latched onto my hand. No. Bit into my hand! I screamed and saw the zombie thing ripping into my skin.

The dog reacted almost instantly and jumped at it. The zombie did not let go of my hand and it's teeth sank deeper into my. I screamed and kicked at it with all my might. It felt like it was biting my hand clean off. It clawed at me and fought back. With the help of my new friend I finally got it off of me. I ran and the dog followed after.

As soon as we lost it I looked at my bloody hand. All that was keeping it on my arm was the white bone. The wind had blown a large amount of sand into it and I didn't have enough water to wash it off so a dabbed at the open wound with the edge of my shirt. It didn't work.


I tore a piece off of my shirt and Tied it around the wound. Maybe it wouldn't get infected.

"Doubt it" I said to myself again.

I squatted down and looked at the lab.

"Thanks dawg" I said and laughed at my joke. I gave him some more pets and we walked.

"Imma name you tortoise." I said matter of factly and gave him a pat on the head. I'm not sure why I wanted to name him that but I liked it. He seemed to like it too so I stuck with it.


I had been walking for another hour or so when I reached the top of a dune. I saw some monster people talking to each other in the valley between this and another sand dune.

I didn't know that they could talk.

I realized I was standing in the open and if they saw me they'd probably jump at me.


I dropped to my knees and army crawled to where I could observe them. I pulled the dog to my side to keep him from running to them. He barked a little bit and squirmed away from me.

"Hey! Come here!" I whisper yelled. The people stopped talking and looked around.

"Tortoise you little shit come here right now!" I ordered whisper yelling again. Some of the people stood up and looked around.

Tortoise walked to the top where he was in plain sight and looked down at the people below.

I'm not sure why they weren't attacking him. Or each other. They just looked at him.

I grunted trying to reach for his legs ducking a little bit whenever someone almost spotted me.

"Come here!" I groaned.

"Who's there?!" Someone called.

I guess they can talk.

Tortoise started walking down to them.

"No no no no no! get back over here!"

I reached for him and completely exposed myself to everyone.

*Sneak level 1000*

"Fuck." I said obviously giving up on being stealthy and started running the opposite direction. I didn't get very far when someone tackled me.

"Hey hey hey calm down." They said. I pushed them off me and pulled out my knife.

(Am I the only one who thought of gally? "Calm calm calm calm calm calm calm calm." Lol annnnyyyywaaaaaays)

"This yours?" Someone else called. Was that an accent I heard? Wow we're getting some zombie psychopath diversity!

I looked over and saw a blonde boy petting my dog.

"Tortoise you little fucker get over here!" I yelled.

Tortoise did not get over here.

Tortoise wanted pets.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Some friend" I said to tortoise. He didn't seem to hear me. The boy who tackled me chuckled.

"I'm Minho." He said holding out his hand. A few other people had shown up on top of the dune and looked down at me. They definitely weren't some of the monsters. I didn't know there were normal people even left.

"Y/n?" I heard someone ask. I looked over and saw a boy. I couldn't really see him in the dark. He walked over and once I could see his face I gasped.

It was the boy from W. C. K. D.

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