chapter | t h r e e

40 5 21

three | after dinners and evening talks

"NO, REALLY, SELENA," Beverly says before giggling. "We don't need your help here. Rosa can wash the dishes. Go catch up with the boys."

Do I miss the boys? Yes. Do I want to talk to them? Yes. Do I have the guts to? No.

If it isn't already obvious, I'm trying to get out of my situation.

Dinner finished but the conversations are still ongoing. The adults have decided to retreat to the patio to continue their chat while the younger children went up to Cassandra's room, leaving me nowhere. At first, I thought my mom would let me tag along and listen in on their adult gossip but Beverly was able to talk her into letting me stay with the boys in the living room. I didn't like the idea so I did my best to respectfully turn her by saying I could hang out with Cassandra and her friends, but they're having a sleepover ergo no one's allowed to disturb them.

"But I always used to help her clean when I was staying here," I try to reason. It's just me, Rosa, and Beverly inside their dining room now because my mom already left to interact with her newfound friends.

Rosa and Beverly share a look before the latter finally releases a loud sigh and crosses her arms. "Okay, I'm going to leave. But I expect to find you talking to the boys before you go, understand?" I don't want to lie so that leaves me with no choice but to just stand there. "It's been too long, Sia."

"I know."

A big smile makes its way to her lips. She walks up to me and kisses me on the temple. "Rosa, please talk some sense into this one," Beverly says while looking at me and cupping my cheeks. "You know where we are."

I watch her walk away before transferring my eyes to Rosa who I know has been watching me all along. She has a smile plastered on her face but it's obvious it's a mocking one.

"And you don't want to talk to the boys because?" she asks as she begins collecting the dirty plates.

Rosa is the head maid of the house. According to her, she has been working for the Montgomery's since Jaxon's father was a kid. She's approaching 80 and I told her it would be best if she retires to maintain her health, but she turned my suggestion down. When I asked her why, she said working made her feel like she had a purpose to wake up. I understood her then.

I trail closely behind her and do my best to help with the chore. She keeps stealing the plates before I could even touch them which causes me to let out a loud groan. "Rosa," I but all whine. "Just please, let me help you."

She smirks. "But I don't need your help, child."

"Well, I do!" I exclaim with wide eyes to express myself more. "I need your help."

"In what? Avoiding those five?" she laughs after speaking. "And what is the point of doing this foolishness, Selena?"

"I just-I just... I just don't feel like talking to them."

"If you tell me a your reason, I'll help you. But think about the nature of this reason. Is it a good one? Is it even valid?"

I look away. "I don't know."

"Tsk, you just don't want to talk to your crush."


"Rosa!" my jaw drops at what she said. She just smirks at me. "What are you—It's not like that!" I deny but I couldn't help myself from giggling at the end.

"Sure, sure..."

"Rosa," I start with a genuine smile. "Maddox isn't my crush anymore."


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