chapter | t h i r t e e n

22 5 19

thirteen | smart and stupid

I LET OUT a frustrated groan when my laptop suddenly shuts off and all that I've edited vanishes.

The topic assigned to my group in World History was The American Civil Rights Movement and we have to report two days from now. Our teacher told us to be creative so I suggested we report our topic through a reality show episode. Our group is excited to show it to the class since I'm sure nobody else thought of presenting it that way, but the downside of this project is that it's so difficult to edit especially since we weren't allowed to film at the institute. What's worse is that some of my groupmates haven't even sent their videos yet.

Like, c'mon, I already helped make the script and volunteered to edit because no one wanted to. I even filmed several scenes because they insisted everyone should appear on the video. All of us are beginning to feel pressured since our teachers keep stacking us with things to pass so I agreed to everything even though I know it will only make me carry more weight. I figured it would be the best way to help them. The least they could do is pass their videos on time but they couldn't even do that.

I bring out my small notebook while waiting for my laptop to cool down. I check all that I've finished and the remaining work I still have to do.

• ELA: Character Analysis on Portia (The Merchant of Venice)
• ELA: Debate
• Algebra: Classwork Activity #3
• Computer Science: Read pp. 121 - 126
• World History: The American Civil War Rights Movement (Reporting = Reality Show Episode)
• Chemistry: Quiz #3
• Trigonometry: Quiz #2
• Arts: Painting (Pointillism)
• Health: Infographics (Communicable Diseases)

I almost sob at the list of things I have to do.

I put my notebook away and restart my laptop with a frown on my face. While doing so, I suddenly remember that I gave my members a deadline today for passing their videos. I immediately message them.

NOVEMBER 17, 2021 AT 4:01 PM

Selena Kennedy
Hey, girlieee
It's already 4 pm 😆😆😆
Ur videos please 😅😅😅
Just send them to my email, ohkie?
U know it, right???

Adeline Aoun
yeah you sent it to our gc right

Selena Kennedy
Yeahhh 😁😁😁

Adelina Aoun
okay i'll send it before 6
my fam and i are out rn

Selena Kennedy
Ohhh, ohkie 😊👌
Enjoy 😚😚😚
Please don't forget to send it later 😁😅
Sorry for disturbing!

Adelina Aoun
it's fine 😘

I decide to contact Blue next, the other member who still hasn't given me his video.

NOBEMBER 17, 2021 AT 4:04 PM

Selena Kennedy
Hey, bro 👋
Have u already sent ur videos? 😁😁😁

Read 4:05 PM

I let out a sigh and slump against my chair. I couldn't even find it in me to get mad at them. I feel like at this point, I'm used to this kind of attitude.

A small smile forms on my lips when I open my editing software and see that my progress has been saved. Thank God for autosave! At least one thing is going right for me today.

I'm in the middle of repositioning a clip when I suddenly receive a notification. Clementia mentioned me.

NOVEMBER 17, 2021 AT 4:30 PM

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