chapter | n i n e

48 4 32

nine | sleepovers and reminiscing

I THROW THE pillow at the TV but it hits the floor.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" I squeal happily with a big grin on my face. After hours of waiting and watching, I have finally reached the wonderful episode 5. "They're kissing! Yes!"

When I told my mother that Clementia and Blaire has invited me for a sleepover, she stilled and her eyes instantly widened. I didn't utter either Clementia's or Blaire's name in our small household for 5 years so I don't blame my mom for her reaction. Despite her surprise though, she still didn't allow me to go to the sleepover which wasn't really anything new to me at this point. However, she did allow me to stay at Clementia's place until 7 pm. That was the real shocker.

Blaire doesn't have a rich background but they have a comfortable lifestyle. The same could be said about Elena and her family. Compared to us, Gwendalyn is quite well off because she comes from a family of doctors. She doesn't even live with her parents anymore. They gifted her a unit for her birthday last year.

Clementia, on the other hand, lives in a manor made of brown bricks and dark-colored roofs, illuminated from the inside by bright lights. That alone speaks for how wealthy she and her family are. There's a horseshoe driveway in the front and a big 3 tier marble outdoor fountain. There's a long swimming pool in the backyard too with chaise lounges located around the area and a garden maze that has another fountain in the middle surrounded by rocks and plants.

I was in awe the moment we arrived. It's been so long since I last visited that I've forgotten what the manner looks like. Being here has reminded me of its beauty and grandeur. However, my reaction was short-lived because Clementia and Blaire immediately pulled me inside the theater to watch Shadow and Bone. Mister Jones, her butler, was even the one who brought us our snacks because we didn't dare get up. We haven't moved from here ever since.

Clementia chuckles at my reaction as she tries to remove my hand that's currently latched onto her arm and shaking her wildly. She failed. "Sia, would you relax?" she shakes her head, her eyes transferring between me and the screen.

I let go of her but my giddy expression remains. "Darklina! Darklina!" I chant while raising my fist in the air.

Blaire raises an eyebrow at me when she finally gets off her phone. "What happened to her?" she asks Clementia who's busy watching the show.

She doesn't take her eyes off the screen. "You'd know if you didn't spend this entire time on the phone with Keir."

"Ooh," I subtly provoke while putting my hands over my mouth and looking at them with wide eyes.

"Oh, c'mon, don't be like that," she says while flailing her arms around, her hand still clutching her phone. "We don't see each other enough as it already is. The only time we even get to spend together anymore is when he'd pick me up from the house and drop me off. It's not a crime to miss my boyfriend, you know?"

I crease my eyebrows and look at her curiously. "Why? What happened?"

"Well, it's just that... if I'm not with you and the others, I'm studying. I couldn't really see my boyfriend if I'm always busy," she lets out a loud breath as she leans her head back.

Clementia scowls a bit, tearing her eyes away from the show. "You make it sound like it's a bad thing."

Blaire looks at her with furrowed eyebrows. "What are you talking about? Of course not. I'm the one who asked for this kind of setup with him and I don't regret doing it," she says and I see Clementia visibly relax in her spot. Hearing her say that removes a certain weight off my chest too. I want to patch things up but I don't want our friendship getting in the way of their relationship. She's so happy with him. I don't want anything to get in their way. "But he is Keir and he is my boyfriend. It's natural that I want to be with him. Duh."

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