1-Prologue-third person Pov

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It was a rather gloomy day in London, England. The mist that spread through the streets made it hard for anyone to see through, the clouds didn't help as they were grey and tears of rain fell through the sky. There wasn't much going on that particular day, most were snug safety in the comfort of their homes. The rain danced on the outside of Phil's window, he watched with intense eyes fascinated by the little water than ran down the glass. The chatter of small kids filled the dirty halls and a deafening bell could be heard making Phil flinch as well as his roommate. A woman stormed into the room, standing in the doorframe staring at the two boys "chores! Now!" As soon as she left, Dan grudgingly got up, setting his book down heading to the door "Dan look!" He hummed as he turned to see Phil kneeling on his bed staring at the rain "isn't it beautiful?" Phil was the sort of person to find anything beautiful, even rain and as he stared at the rain that slowly dripped down his window, he was entranced by it. Dan smiled and walked up, hopping onto Phil's bed and leaning against the window smiling sweetly "it is" Dan and Phil were known as the 'orphanage freaks' though they were unsure as to why. Is it because they find rain beautiful and fascinating? No. Is it because they find comfort in each other's company? No. Is it because they have no other friends other than each other? No. It's because they have powers. They didn't mind, they adored their powers. It made them unique, they didn't want to be like everyone else. Both, born with these powers and both abandoned because of it. Both, abandoned at the same time and both have stayed together since they were toddlers. "We better go before madam starts whipping us again" Dan jumped off Phil's bed, taking Phil's hand helping him off. Both boys, hand in hand, ran off as far as their little legs could take them, Dan off to scrub the floors and Phil to wash the dishes. They can talk at dinner

Not an hour later, Dan worriedly walked around the orphanage fiddling with his oversized hoodie. He bumped into Lola, the only caretaker that was actually nice to Dan and Phil "oh hey Daniel!" Dan beamed up at her, waving shyly but soon remembered what he was doing and who he was looking for "Lola, have you seen Phil?" Lola stared down at the small 5 year old, bending down. She shook her head apologising and Dan thanked her, going away to look for him again. To Dan, the orphanage was a maze! He was only 5 after all, as opposed to Phil who was 7 (I know theres 4 years apart from them but in the story there's only 2) Dan searched for a while, the sound of his feet against the floorboards made creeks. He eventually came to their shared bedroom, looking over to Phil's bed seeing Phil's clothes floating in mid air and hearing small crying sounds. Dan closed the door and walked over "Phil?" Dan sat in the bed, looking at him and before his eyes Phil reappeared, becoming visible and Dan could see his puffy red eyes "what's wrong?" Phil cried harder, using his sleeve as a tissue "I'm never gonna get adopted!" Dan smiled sympathetically and hugged Phil tight, letting him cry into his chest "yes you will, in fact we both will! And we'll get adopted together!" Phil had an appointment earlier today and judging by his reaction, it didn't go well. Both Dan and Phil have been through 15 appointments and not one of them ended in adoption. Dan and Phil have convinced each other that they'll be together forever, they arrived here together and they'll leave here together. Phil wiped his tears and nodded, leaning on Dan's chest. Lola came in the room, sighing and knelt down handing both the boys a piece of chocolate that she stole from the staff kitchen "boys, don't worry. You'll both get adopted" Dan munched on the chocolate happily while Phil stared at his sadly "together?" Lola nodded, smiling and taking both of their hands "I'll make sure you'll get adopted together" Phil finally eat his piece of chocolate slowly and sadly

"No please!" Dan stared sadly at Phil, tears rolling down his cheek "I'm sorry boys, there aren't enough spaces" the orphanage was sending all the children to separate and different orphanages as the current one couldn't look after them all and Dan and Phil, the two boys who promised each other they'd stay together forever were now being split up and sent away from each other "please! I have to stay with Dan!" The two other caretakers we're having just about enough with these two boys and were trying to tear them apart, one pulling Dan and the other pulling Phil. The boys hugged each other tightly, crying into each other's shirts "don't forget about me, Dan" Dan nodded and gave Phil his promise ring, slipping it on his finger. Phil did the same "as long as we wear these rings, we won't leave each other" they were torn away brutally and Dan was placed in a white van with a bunch of other boys. Phil waved sadly, crying into Lola's skirt

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