5- Dans/Phils Pov

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Oliver smiled at me, shaking my hand "Dan. It's a lovely name" I blush a bit, letting go of his hand "I'm sorry for coming in here. I know I wasn't meant to" Oliver kept telling me it's ok, then asking why I'm in his classroom. I chuckle nervously "I'm afraid that's personal" he smiled, laughing "I didn't mean to pry, are you a teacher here?" I laugh, shaking my head "ah no, not at all! I'm a library assistant in the university library" Oliver smiled, giggling "but I am" I turn in surprise seeing Phil crossed armed standing in the hallway. Oliver was a bit taken back too, I could tell. Phil walked up, standing next to me "Dan, who's your friend?" I stared at him, surprised by his A) sudden appearance and B) his out of the blue attitude. I cleared my throat, deciding to ignore it "Oliver, this is my best friend Phil. He's a teacher at the university" Oliver reached to shake Phil's hand in which Phil took reluctantly. I noticed this of course "you seem to have been friends for a while, judging by your rings" Phil took his hand back, covering his ring with his other hand "what are you? Sherlock?" I stare at him, opening my mouth in shock. Never, have I seen him like this "Phil! I'm sorry about him, Oliver. We have, ever since I can remember" Oliver laughed awkwardly, fiddling with his fingers. He checked his watch, eyes widening "blimey! I have to go, here's my number if you want to meet up for a cuppa" I took the sheet of paper, watching him run off. I smiled at him as he ran away, smiling dreamily. I looked down at Phil who was biting his lip bitterly, staring at him "what's wrong with you? He was just being nice!" Phil looked up at me, glaring. He exhaled and plastered at smile on his face "why are you in here anyways?" I rose my eyebrow suspiciously, crossing my arms at him "no reason. Let's go"

Phil's Pov
I didn't mean to get jealous. God no! It's such a strong and hideous emotion! Dan excepted my offer of living with me and we've been housemates for a good while now. But, Oliver has been coming over a lot and Dan has been going out with him, leaving me alone. I don't know why I'm so jealous, he's not mine. We're just friends, if he wants a boyfriend he can have one. Who am I to get in the way of that? I shuddered as the cold air hit my body, looking up at the winter sky as I smoked. Dan didn't know about my smoking habit, thank god. Nobody did, if anyone found out I'd- id rather not think of that. I overheard Dan saying goodbye to Oliver, laughing and sounding happy as he closed the door "Phil! I'm home!" It made me sick seeing that man with Dan, my Dan. Ugh! Stop Phil, I'm behaving like a child! We're both grown men, so behave like one! I let out my cigarette, slouching against the wall sighing "does Dan know you smoke?" I jump, placing my hand on my heart glaring once I knew it was Oliver "no" he walked over to me, looming over me sighing in pity. I glared up at him "it's a nasty habit, you'll die" I roll my eyes, picking at my nails groaning "I don't need you to tell me that" Oliver crouched in front of me, sighing and tutting "I'm Dan's boyfriend now, you have to except that and make an effort to like me" my eyebrows furrow, widening my eyes at him. What?! I want to slap that smile off his face! "I don't have to do anything, I don't have to like you just because your Dan's boyfriend" he gets up sighing, crossing his arms "suit yourself, Lester" I watched that slimy man walk away, finally I can be alone. Well, I have to go in at some point. I don't want to, I just want to stay out here alone. I gather my courage and get up, climbing through the window and throwing off my coat and hat "Phil?"  I run to my room, jumping on my bed and going on my laptop pretending I've been here the entire time "in here!" I hear Dan's footsteps outside my door, then seeing him walk in. He comes and sits on my bed "have fun?"

Dan laughed dreamily and fell backwards on my bed, giggling like a lovesick idiot. It was bittersweet. On one hand, I'm happy he's happy. Seeing him like this is lovely but on the other hand, I wish it was me who was making him this happy and not Oliver. It makes me both happy and sick "yes! Oliver is amazing! Perfect! I had such fun, Phil!" My heart ached, I don't know what to do "I'm glad you had fun" he looked at me, smiling and took my laptop out of my hands "what's gotten you so sour?" I snatch the laptop back, ignoring him and staring blankly at the screen "nothing, I'm glad you had fun" I don't like being cold to someone so dear to me, but he has no idea how much he's hurting me. He sighs and gets up, leaving my room. Why me?

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