4- Dans Pov

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I stared as Phil ran out of the Starbucks, stumbling over his feet. I chuckled and took the paper. He'd wrote his address and phone number, adding at the bottom of the paper 'call me, Phil'. I smile down at it, stuffing it into my coat pocket and walking out and away from the Starbucks. It amazes me how he hasn't changed a day, he's still that same kid I knew. I'm happy that he got his dream job, he'd go on and on about wanting to be a teacher and he's finally got it. I stopped walking and groaned, remembering I flinched around Phil. Damn it! He's gonna be so suspicious now, in fact he was. I just have to be more careful from now on

I hummed as I listened to music, tapping my foot to the rhythm that played in my ears. Putting books away is really my main job as a library assistant, sometimes I help kids find books or check books in for return but not often. I take off my headphones, placing them around my neck smirking when I see a girl walking up to me "let me guess, you want the guide to stargazing again?" She nodded, smiling and started following me as I go to get the book "I saw you talking to Professor Lester yesterday" I reach up, getting the book and handing it to her. I cross my arms looking down at her "what of it? I was talking to him about Adrian" Roxy scoffed, rolling her eyes "liar. He's your friend, he's from the orphanage" I punch her arm playfully, sighing. I regret telling her about Phil, she keeps going on about him. It doesn't help matters that he's Adrian's teacher "Ok fine, but I was taking to him about Adrian too" I finish putting the books away and walk out of the library with her "he's the one who gave you that ring!" I look down at my silver ring with 'P' engraved in it. I've never taken it off, it's so precious "you have to stop obsessing over this, Roxy. We were just roommates" I walked up to Phil's classroom, remembering that we we're gonna meet up. I crossed my arms as I leant against the doorframe "but if you have powers then maybe he does! You told me you were outcasts" I groan, instantly regretting that I told her that "no, it's just me" she scoffed, staring up at me. She knows when I'm lying "I didn't tell anyone about yours, I won't tell anyone about Professor Lester's power" I was starting to get annoyed, my grip tightening around my arm "I'm not telling you, it was already a risk telling you about mine" Roxy has a very short temper and she never takes no for an answer. It took her ages to finally get me to give in about my power. I look through the window to Phil, who was gathering his stuff and placing it in his bag "c'mon Dan! I won't tell anyone, there must be a reason you were outcasts!" I finally snapped, glaring down at her "Roxanne! I'm not telling you, our life isn't a mystery for you to solve! We're real people and I've had about enough of your bullshit!" I hate shouting, at anyone especially my own family but she won't leave it alone! She looked away from me and walked away, not saying anything. I groan, running my fingers through my hair. I stared, watching her walk away silently and as I watched her, voices started faintly ringing in my ears. I closed my eyes, letting the flashback take over me, sinking back into my past

I laugh as Phil continues making funny faces towards me, pulling his ears and sticking his tongue out. My stomach hurt from laughing and my smile was so wide it reached my ears. We both eventually calmed down and Phil looked down at his paper, fiddling with his fingers. I look at him concerned "Phil?" He didn't look at me, continuing to fiddle. His black hair fell in his eyes and my heart stopped in fear "ever wonder what the future will be like?" I sighed with relief knowing he's ok and I lean on my desk, smiling at him "sure I do" he looks at me, me seeing the wonder in his eyes. I continue smiling at him, watching him fiddle with his fingers "what do you think about?" I hum, pondering to myself and looking at the ceiling thinking. I then answered "us. What we'll look like and be like, what jobs we'll have and stuff like that. But one thing I do know for certain is that'll we'll be together forever" I took his pale hands in mine, smiling at him. Phil smiles back, griping my hands tightly "forever?" I nod, wrapping my arms around him embracing his scent. I'll make sure we'll be together forever. He's so precious to me "forever and ever" Phil swung his arms around me, smiling into my shoulder. We will always be together "hey! I know! Let's write our names in our desks! That way, we'll definitely be together!" I pulled away from Phil and got out my pocket knife, carving 'Dan' into the brown wood of my desk. Phil watched intensely as I carved out every letter with difficulty. Once I was done with a very messy 'Dan' I passed Phil the pocket knife and he did the same with his desk, carving every letter to the name 'Phil'. I watched as he drew every letter with great detail P-H-I-L-heart? I looked up at him, smiling. He added a little heart at the end of 'L'. "Mr Howell! Mr Lester!" We both looked up with fear in our eyes and hearts, staring at our teacher who was standing in front of us crossing her arms
End of flashback

I closed the door behind me carefully, knowing I shouldn't be in here. The university is, luckily, combined with a high school and primary school. I guess it's easier than building 3 separate buildings. So when we went here, we stayed in the same place. Saved us from moving schools, all we had to do was move to a different section. I look around, searching for the desks and boom! I sit at my old desk, running my fingers over my name carved in the wood. I smiled fondly, looking over to Phil's desk right next to mine staring at his carved name. I blushed at the heart, giggling to myself "life was so simple back then, Phil. When did it all end?" I lean over, drawing my fingers over Phil's name in the brown wood "excuse me?" I jump up immediately when I saw a young man standing in the door way "I-I- I'm sorry!" He laughed, rubbing the back of his neck nervously "no it's alright, I'm Oliver" I walk up to the blond man, shaking his hand "Dan"

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