12-Phil's Pov

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I breathed heavily, wandering around my once home. I kicked some rubble, rubbing my shoulders to keep warm. White swirls formed in the air as I breathed, my teeth made a chattering sound as I walked around. Everything was so dark and eerie, that's to be expected when something gets abandoned but it also felt homely and familiar. Maybe that's because I grew up here? I walked into the office, looking around. Nobody was ever allowed in here, not even the teenagers. The glass of the window had dark stains on, the hinges rusty. Dust decorated everything from the chair to the shelves. I sat on the chair, drawing my finger over the dust covered desk. Light streamed through the old glass, giving the room a white glow. I looked down at a draw in the middle of the desk, curiously I pried it open with a pen that was left on the desk. I coughed, waving my hand in mid air as dust flew around. Files lay neatly in the draw, making me pick them up and go through them. Files, files on the children? I went through them until I came across one that caught my eye: mine. I put down the stack of files on the desk, and open up mine. The first page had a picture of me and information. I decided to read it aloud "Philip Michael Lester, aged 6 when brought, Parents: Julie and Michael Lester, Sibling(s): none" I stare at the writing, most of the information I knew but it had my parents names? I go over to the second page, which had more information on me and a picture of two people "abandoned at: Regents Park on the 16th August by parents Julie and Michael Lester, Parents: supposedly dead, Sibling(s): dead" I put the file down, breathing heavily and taking all this in. My parents? They might be alive! It says 'supposedly dead', that means they might still be out there!

I rummage through the files, looking for Dan's. I found it and swung it open "Daniel James Howell, aged 4 when brought, Parents: Jackie and Tom Howell, Sibling(s): none" I went to the second page, looking at the black inked writing "abandoned at: Regents Park on the 16th August by parents Jackie and Tom Howell, Parents: dead, Sibling(s): unknown" I get up, running out of the orphanage and home, not caring if Dan hates me for running away. I bang on the door, looking at the files while waiting. Dan opens the door, gasping when seeing me. Before he could say something I budge past him, coming in "parents! My parents could be alive!" He closed the door, looking at me with an eyebrow rise "woah, slow down. What?" I waved around the files, staring at him "these! The orphanage had files on us! It's got our information" he took his file, looking at it and skimming through the pages "we already know all this, except for the part about my parents" I walked into the living room, pacing excitedly. He walked in, observing me "but look! My parents are 'supposedly dead'! They might be alive!" Dan walked up, grabbing my shoulders and staring at me sternly "just stop for a minute! Phil, you've been gone for about a week! I've been looking for you, as well as Lola! We called the police for gods sake! And you were at the orphanage?!"

He sighed and took me to the couch, holding my hands "look, I'm sorry but you have no idea how scared I was. I thought I had lost you" I don't look at him, exhaling sadly "I didn't mean to scare you, Dan" he took my file out of my hands, letting go of one of my hands and looking at it "as for this, your parents abandoned you because of your powers, do you really wanna find them?" I nodded, looking at him and letting my shoulders drop, feeling less tense "yes, maybe I can find out more. And this is huge for me" he nodded, smiling at me and closing the file, placing it down next to him and resumes to holding my hands "then we'll find them" I blink, trying to take this in. I hug him tightly, thanking him. He seemed nervous all of a sudden, making me back away and tilt my head in confusion "you alright?" He sighed, breathing in and looking into my eyes "Phil, I really like you. I know we're friends, we've known each other all our lives but I don't want to stay friends. I want to be more" I let go of his hands, blinking at him. My mind was racing, was this a joke? "are you serious?" He nodded, gulping slightly. My heart thumped loudly in my ears and I stared at him. Was he serious?

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