14-Phil/Dan's Pov

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Just saying, this story is gonna be really long. If you're someone who doesn't like stories with lots of chapters then don't continue reading

I scrunch my eyes, shaking my head on my blue pillow. I eventually wake up, gasping and breathing in and out heavily. I throw my palm to my forehead, feeling the cold sweat drip down. I look over to Dan, who was sound asleep. I shakingly get up, out of bed and head out of my room carefully, not wanting to wake him. I stumble as I try finding the light switch "ok, Phil, ok calm down" I dizzily look up towards the kitchen, thinking if I get a nice cold drink it'll help. I walk up, my hair falling on the bridge of my nose. As I'm making the drink, I noticed my hand going invisible and not by my control. My eyes widen and my heart starts thumping faster and faster. I drop the cup, making a smashing noise as it hits the tiles below and sprint to the bathroom to look in the mirror. My breathing becomes heavier and shakier as I stare at myself in the mirror, my skin as ghostly pale and a cold sweat was running down my forehead. I turned invisible and visible every second. I closed my eyes, trying to control my breathing and when I opened them again I saw a bit of my pitch black hair was turning white. Slowly, every strand turning snow white "Dan!" I picked up the now fully white strand of hair between my fingers, gasping when I turned invisible again. My panic grew larger as I called for Dan again, cursing that he was a heavy sleeper. I heard footsteps running out of the room and towards the bathroom "Phil, what the hell are you doing aw-" he must of saw my state as he stopped and stared. I stare down at my hand as it went invisible again, tears falling down my cheeks. He ran over, taking my hand and squeezing it "breath, ok? Breath with me" I look in the mirror seeing the once white strand of hair now turning turquoise, making my fear worse "I...I don't know what's happening to me!" He hugged me tightly, doing breathing exercises with me and trying to calm me down "breath, lion. Ok? I'm here, shhhh, just breath" I eventually managed to calm down and I collapsed, with him catching me and my weight bringing him down too. He brushed my hair out of my eyes, watching me cry into his chest "my brave lion, you're ok" he asked me what happened and I explained how I had a nightmare and felt all dizzy and shit and then this happened! I look up at the turquoise strand of hair, breathing heavily "I'm really scared, Dan. This has never happened before" he stroked the turquoise hair, tilting his head at it and humming "it's got something to do with your power, I'm assuming" I had calmed down fully now and the turquoise hair went back to white, making Dan stare "what's this got to do with invisibility?" He helped me up, sitting me on the bathroom floor and hugging me tightly "I don't know, lion, but don't stress about it. We'll figure this out" I nodded, wiping my tears away with the back of my hand and shooting him a weak smile

Phil graded papers as I sat next to him, on my phone. I'm allowed in the staff base because I work here, I don't really understand the logic behind it but it means I get to be with my boyfriend so it's a plus. I look over to see him scribbling down markings "having fun?" He chuckled, looking up at me and shrugging "what I don't understand is how so many students can get such a easy question wrong" I put my phone down, looking over at the papers scoffing at the question. I push my hair back, looking up at him "stupidity?" He gasped playfully and hit me with a book "you can't call students stupid, Dan!" I laughed, regretting my choice of words. My laughter stops as I see his white strip of hair transition to yellow "nice hair, Lester" he rose his eyebrow, then realising and rolling his eyes, going back to papers "colour?"
"Yellow" I was secretly praying to every god that none of the teachers saw his hair magically change colour, but I must say he's taking this quite well despite it being a new thing "what are your students reactions to your hair?" He put down the pen, lifting up the strand of hair with his middle finger and sighing "they think it's cool" I cross my arms, smirking slightly and raising my eyebrows, feeling cocky "I second that" he finished marking and put the papers in his bag, falling back in his seat "well, I don't. How am I supposed to explain that my hair now changes colour because of my unnatural power? Follow up, how can I go outside with it changing every second?" I stop acting cocky, seeing he was generally concerned and upset. I reach over, placing my hand on top of his and looking at him "hey, we'll figure this out" He nodded, smiling at me. His hair changed back to white, making me giggle

The car had broken down, leaving us walking home and to work. On our way home, we passed a graveyard making me look "what?" I see a stone that had the word 'Lester' on, though from a distance I wasn't sure. I let go of his hand, going to see "Dan! There's a couple at that stone!" I ignored the whispered cries of my boyfriend, walking up and asking the couple if I could take a look. They nodded, confused a tad bit. I heard Phil running up, apologising to the couple for my actions "I thought so, it says 'Lester'" I looked up at him, over my shoulder. He looked over, his eyes widening "doesn't mean we're related, Dan" I saw the women's eyes widen and she stared at me, making me raise my eyebrow. I get up, chuckling softly "it's your mum. The file was wrong" I saw his white streak of hair go red and he crossed his arms, scoffing "so what? Good riddance, I say" I sigh, looking down at the couple and smiling sadly "how did you know Julie?" I sighed, crossing my arms and looking at the woman as she got up "this is my boyfriends mu-"
"Not my mum" I tell him to calm down as I saw he was getting angrier and the red in his hair wasn't leaving "fine. Birth mum, I'm sorry for your loss by the way. We're you close?" She nodded, looking at the man in which I assumed was her husband "close friend, we bonded over our children" Phil had calmed down now and looked at him, his eyebrows raising "what's so special about your children, if you don't mind me asking" he looked at his wife and dropped his shoulders, seeming less tense "they both had powers"

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