23-Phil's Pov

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Since this is a Lola chapter, I decided to draw her! So, here's a drawing of this beautiful queen!

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Since this is a Lola chapter, I decided to draw her! So, here's a drawing of this beautiful queen!

The sound of laughter and music filled my heart and the room as I watched Dan dance with April, both of them laughing. Lola laughed as she watched and I just smiled at the pair. Lola smiled sweetly and turned back to me as I watched "hey, Phil?" I turned to her, nodding. She sighed and went into her bag, pulling out a book "I thought it was about time I gave this to you" I took it with curiosity, looking at the brown notebook "it's from your mum, real one. She gave it to me years ago and told me to give it to you when I thought the time was right" my eyes widened and I stared at Lola. My mum? Birth mum? Blood mum? I look down at it and open it, looking at the inked writing. I got up, smiling and went somewhere private earning a look from Dan. Once in our room, I looked at the message with concentration 'my love will always be with you' I smile and saw that next to it was a hard drive. Dan came in, walking to me "are you ok?" I take out the drive that was stuck to the page with tape and open it, plugging it into the computer. We both sat down and I played the recording. A woman showed up, laughing "Phil! Come say 'hi'!" I watched as a little boy came up and waved to the camera: me. Another woman took young me away and came back. The woman seemed recognisable. "Hi honey, it's mummy. This is for the future, when you're seeing this you won't remember me" Dan held my hand and watched. The other woman kissed my mums cheek and sat down next to her. She smiled and started speaking "Phil, you're being sent away to a orphanage. It's not that we don't love you, we do but things are complicated at the moment for your mum and I" one thing I noticed is my mum looked young, about 18 I'd say. So did the other woman, both teenagers. Dan's eyes widened and he looked at me, but I was too busy watching the tape "Lola is going to take care of you and the Howell's son, and I'm afraid I won't be apart of your childhood" I saw young me playing in the background with another boy, which was Dan. Dan paused the tape and looked at me "that's Lola. She's with your mum" I got up, about to go see Lola but she was already in the room standing at the door way. Her arms crossed and her shoulders tense "explain, now!" Dan told me to calm down, but I couldn't. She came and sat on our bed, across from us "you deserve the truth. Julie is my wife, and we got a surrogate to have you. Dan's parents had died and we had to take care of him, but things started to get complicated. Julie's powers started to get out of control and so did yours, not to mention she started to get ill from her powers. It got to the point where we couldn't take care of you, but I couldn't trust the orphanage to take care of you both so I took up a job there and looked after you" I couldn't believe my ears, she's lying! There's no way Lola is my mum! Dan stared, unable to speak "the records...the records said 'Michael Lester'! There was no mention of you!"

She sighed and started to cry, with both me and Dan looking at her "cover name. The orphanage wouldn't allow me to work there if they knew we were related, so I had to lie about my name. So, on the records, that 'Michael Lester' is me" this is....this- I don't know! I don't know how to feel, to think about this! Lola's my mum? I got up and sat next to her on our bed and hugged her, to the surprise of her and Dan. Dan asked Lola if my mum is still alive and she nodded, telling us the location. I have to see her. Dan suggested to look after April and the other two while me and Lola went to see my mum. I nod and walk out with Lola to the front door to get my stuff "Phil" I look up to Dan who smiled at me "good luck, darling" my blush was visible, he's never called me 'darling' before. I like it, it's nice. I nod and kiss him before leaving with Lola. The car drive was silent and awkward, as Lola drove "so, have you been in touch with my mum?" She nodded, keeping her eyes on the road "yeah, for years. I've been keeping her updated on you, she worries" I nodded, I guess that makes sense. I can't believe Lola is my mum, that's insane! After an hour, Lola parked and we both got out. We walked up to the door and Lola knocked, with my standing around awkwardly. A woman opened the door and gasped, hugging Lola "what a pleasant surprise!" I watched them kiss and saw the happiness on both their faces, they really love each other. She pulled away and saw me, her mouth ajar "P...Phil?" I nodded and she ran up to me, hugging me. She cried into my shoulder as we hugged, I couldn't stop the wide smile that was growing on my face. I remember all the times I'd ask Lola about my mum at the orphanage and all the times I had wondered about my mum and now here she is! In my arms! "Julie, he knows. He knows everything" she pulled away and looked at Lola with shock before turning back to me. I asked Lola to translate and I started to sign, with a smile on my face "he says he knows it all and he's very happy to meet you. He can't speak so he signs" this knowledge seemed to upset her and she hugged me again, still crying "oh, my boy!" She let us both in and I got a chance to see all of the pictures she has. Lots of her and Lola. Lola went to sit down and I suddenly started to feel sick. I ignored it and sat down, looking at them "tell me everything, love. Lola's been keeping me updated but she hasn't told me everything" I chuckled softly, though it didn't come out as anything

Warning: strangling, choking, blood
My head started to throb painfully and I started to get a lump in my throat, but I tried my best to ignore the pain "I have a boyfriend and little girl, I work as a art teacher, I'm powerless and I'm very happy that I've met you" she gasped and clapped happily when Lola translated that I have a boyfriend and kid. Lola laughed at my mums reaction and I just smiled, despite the pain "what's he like?! And your kid?! What's her name?!" Lola laughed and told her to not overwhelm me "his name is Dan, we were together at the orphanage. He's incredible! He's handsome and smart and kind and funny, he's so amazing. And our kid is called April, we adopted her a couple months ago" Lola once again translated for my mum and her happiness grew, her smile was so beautiful! My vision started to go, despite the fact I was wearing glasses and I started to hear voices. Faint, faded voices. I asked to be excused and went on a adventure to find the bathroom and once in, I collapsed to the floor as the pain grew. I can't scream, I have no voice. It's actually a good thing in this situation, I don't want to raise suspicion with my mum and Lola. I stared as a rope appeared around my neck and started strangling me. I made a choked sound as I tried desperately to remove the rope, but it only tightened. Blood started to flow from my mouth as the rope tightened and the voice grew louder. The pain became unbearable and I started to cry, I need help. I want Dan, I need Dan. I want Dan, I'm scared! The rope tightened and tightened and then snapped and then there was silence. I breathed heavily, looking around and feeling my neck. No rope. I get up, looking in the mirror. No rope marks, no blood. Nothing. I heard a knock at the door making me jump "Phil? Are you ok in there?" I sighed with relief when I heard it was just Lola "yeah, I'm fine!" Wait, did I just talk? With my voice? I stared in shock and looked down at my hands, closing my eyes and concentrating hard. When I opened my eyes, I was invisible. I laughed with joy and became visible again, looking in the mirror and seeing a beautiful blue and turquoise gradient strand of hair. I shrugged at it and opened the door "are you ok?" I hug her and continue laughing "Lola! My powers are back! And my voice!"

She called for my mum and told her the situation. Before I knew it, we were having a big family hug. Me and my mums, my real mums "ok, I'm really sorry but I'm calling Dan" both of them laughed and told me to go for it. I pulled out my phone and went into the kitchen, bringing the phone to my ear "hello?"
"Dan! My powers, they came back and so did my voice!" He gasped through the phone and laughed, I can practically hear his smile through the line "lion, that's amazing! It's so wonderful to hear you again!" I told him I've got to go and I went back to my parents. We talked for about an hour or two and then it was time to leave "tell me how the proposal goes" I nodded and hugged her, then letting Lola kiss my mum and we both left. We headed to the car but before we got in I hugged Lola, taking her by surprise "thank you for this, mama. I'm so happy you're my mum" she pulled away and started crying, her smile was so big and bright. That night I put April to bed and collapsed onto my own "so, big day huh? You found your real parents and got your powers back" I laughed at Dan as he walked in and got into bed, sighing "it's crazy, but it's also amazing and exciting" he got in bed and kissed my cheek, making me smile "you sound beautiful" I laugh and kiss him, settling down for sleep

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