2-Phils Pov

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I slammed my hand on my alarm, groaning as I rubbed my eyes "fuck! It's Monday!" I threw on my glasses, staring at the alarm cursing at it. I'm not a morning person, I'd rather sleep forever and never get up. I get up, throwing my head forward letting my hair be thrown in my face and looking around. Nothing out of the ordinary, just my boring and plain room. Nothing bright in it except the cool, winter light piercing through the blinds. I reluctantly get up, kneeling on my bed to open the blinds. I stare at the mist down below that surrounded the London streets, the snow that lay gently on the ground like a blanket of white icing. As a kid, I adored winter and Christmas! Seeing the snow was thrilling for a small orphan boy! But now? As a depressed adult? There's nothing to look forward to, it's not like I have Christmas to spend with anyone. Don't get me wrong, I have a wonderful family and everything but they're all busy and too far away. And I'm not going all the way to New York just for Christmas! I was raised there and it's nice, sure but I wanted to come back to London. It's my home. I groan remembering I have to go out today, out in the freezing cold and interacting with people. I stare down at my ring, the gold ring that I never took off. It was engraved with the letter 'D'. I don't remember who gave it to me but I do remember it is precious. My phone rang making me jump and I saw the ID card to be Martyn "hello?" I heard my older brother chuckling on the other line, making me smile a bit but it wasn't at all a happy smile "you sound like you just got up!" I rubbed my eyes and groaned into the phone, putting it on speaker and placing it on my bed being too lazy to hold it to my ear "let me guess, your calling to ask if I'm coming to New York for Christmas?" I could practically hear Mart smiling from his end "actually no, I'm coming to London to visit my friend and was wondering if you wanted to meet up?" Inside my heart was beating so loudly I think it would've beat out of my chest! I never see my brother! And he's coming to London? And wants to see me? My day is instantly better! On the outside however, it didn't get better "Mart, I can't. It's Monday" he sighed through the phone, clicking his tongue "can't we meet up after your work?" I pondered to myself, thinking "I guess, are you at London all day?" He hummed in agreement. I smiled and told him that I'll meet him after work

The chattering sound of students filled the cold air as my feet crunched in the snow, rubbing my shoulders and watching the mist form from my lips. Several students waved to me as I made my way to the classroom, which I waved back. I fought every urge in my body to not go into my pocket and take out a cigarette. I try not to smoke in public, as to not have a impact on my students or others. I know it's a nasty habit, I can't seem to stop myself though no matter how hard I try. I sigh, closing the door behind me and taking off my jacket, placing it and my bag on my desk. As I'm unpacking I hear a knock at the door, not looking up I tell the person to come in and wait assuming it's a student "can't I come in? It's bloody freezing in the hallway" I look up, knowing that isn't the voice of a student. I turn looking at the man, raising my eyebrow and looking him up and down. I didn't recognise him "...yes. You can wait in here, I'll be with you in a second" the man closes the door and waits by it, watching me unpack for the day. Something about him is awfully familiar, something about his brown curls. I finish and turn to him "what can I do for you?" He smiles at me and walks up, smiling down at me "Adrian left his bag here last week, he asked me to collect it for him" I nod and go to find it "and why can't Mr Howell come here himself? I'm pretty sure I have him today" the man chuckles as I rummage for the bag "he's ill, also I wanted to see you" I give him the bag after finding it, leaning against the desk crossing my arms "any reason?" He chuckles, putting the bag on the desk smiling "we went to the same orphanage, we were roommates. When Adrian told me you were his professor, I had to come and see if my roommate got his dream job" I stared blankly at him, trying to wrap my head around what he was saying "D..Dan?" He hums in response, nodding. I instantly smile and laugh "oh my god, Dan!" I wrap my arms around him, letting him spin me around laughing. I break away beaming "what a pleasant surprise! You got a family, how wonderful!" He nods, chuckling and leaning against my desk "and you?" I nod, telling him mine are in New York except for my brother who I'm seeing after work. He hums in response, nodding "you kept the ring I see" he looks down, smiling sweetly "of course I did, you gave it to me!" I felt myself blushing unintentionally and unexpectedly, rubbing the back of my neck nervously. I felt myself getting hot, so I pulled my turtleneck back to give my neck some air "you got a job?" He nodded, running his fingers through his bush of a hair "yeah, I work in the library here. Nobody ever goes in there though so I'm practically invisible" I mentally slap myself for not actually noticing him for so long. I have worked here for years, how have I never noticed him?! "I would've come sooner, but every time you looked incredibly busy and I knew you didn't remember me" inside, I was screaming. How could I forget someone so important?! On the outside, I simply laughed making him have a face of confusion "you should've come sooner, I'm never too busy. Come any time you like, apart from class time. I...I'm busy then b-but I'm not busy other times. Well, strictly speaking I-"

my stuttering was interrupted by what looked to be Adrian walking through the halls "Mr Howell! I thought you were ill" Dan turned and stared at him angrily, Adrian walked in timidly "that's exactly what I thought" he stood awkwardly behind Dan, I smirked at Dan crossing my arms "surely my class isn't so boring that you tried skipping?" He didn't answer leading Dan to clear his throat with annoyance "no Professor!" I smiled, turning to Dan "I think your brother here would agree that I should give you extra homework, just for lying to him and making him come all the way here to collect your bag" Dan laughed, nodding and humming in agreement "he's not my brother Professor, we don't even share the same blood" my heart broke silently for Dan, I didn't even take into account that some families might not except children that aren't of the same blood. I guess not everyone is like my family "not that it's any of my business, but blood or not he's your brother and I'm sure he'll be happy to help you with your extra homework" I whispered to him that everyone is getting extra homework, just to clarify that I'm not just being harsh. He left leaving me and Dan alone "I'm sorry, Dan. You shouldn't have to put up with that" he seemed to shrug it off, not seeming phased by Adrian's words "it's alright, he does it all the time. I'll see you later?" He started walking away, stopping at the door awaiting my answer "see you at lunch?" He smiles, throwing the bag over his shoulder "it's a date, see ya Lester"

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