22-Phil's Pov

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I smiled warmly as Dan worked, serving drinks and humming along to the music. He waved towards me a couple of times before resuming his work. I've been keeping an extra eye on him since his power suddenly returned, he's still not learnt how to fully control it and I'm still worried about him. From what he's told me, the experience wasn't exactly fun. At the orphanage, we learnt how to control our powers together but this time his are stronger and he's spent so long without them. I pulled out my phone, taking a sip of my alcohol and texted Lola. I'm thankful she's looking after April tonight, gives me and Dan a chance to spend time together. I looked up and was taken back when I saw a familiar man walking up to me. He sat down across from me and looked me up and down "Phil, long time no see" I glared at him and drunk my cider, completely ignoring him. No words were needed "ok, look I know you hate me. So does Dan, but hear me out" I look over to Dan who had noticed Oliver as well and was shooting him a death glare. I roll my eyes and look at him, why should I hear him out? After all, he kinda ruined everything about our lives. But, against my better judgment I decided to hear him out. I nodded towards him and he sighed, preparing himself "my actions, what I had said and done back then I am so sorry. Though, I wasn't completely wrong" he laughed but I didn't seem to get the joke, was this his apology? I got up bitterly and walked towards Dan, only stopping when he said something interesting which also caught Dan's attention. I turned around on my heel, looking back at him "I wish I could say it's all my fault, but I can't. I can't blame myself if I tried. I have something else to blame" I walked back, sitting down and looking at him. He fiddled with his hands slightly, as I continued to stare. Dan walked over, seeing he had to interfere "Oliver, this whole 'powers' thing you've made up is just to trick us. If you have nothing else to say, leave Phil alone" he snaked his arm around me and placed his hand protectively on my shoulder, eyeing Oliver darkly "I'm not making it up! I was born with these powers!" God, I wanted to tell him to not be so loud. I wanted to slap him. I wanted to do so many things to this man, he's mocking us! Dan looked down at me skeptically and back at Oliver who was just calming down "my powers are dangerous and dark, they allow me to change someone's personality" I gulp down my drink, scoffing and looking up at Dan who wasn't exactly taking him seriously "prove it" my eyes widen, staring at Dan. He's insane! If what Oliver is saying is true, that means he's extremely powerful. A power like that is very dangerous and sometimes can't be reversed or controlled. Oliver chuckled and looked at me, his eyes soon glowing golden

His eyes, glowing golden and my heart growing dark. I smirked and removed Dan's hand harshly, earning a look from him "Phil?" I stood up and grabbed Oliver's shirt, gripping it tightly. My smirk grew more evil and I brought up my hand to punch him "Phil! Stop" I look over my shoulder towards Dan with dark eyes, before looking back at Oliver. My grip tightened in Oliver's shirt and I felt Dan desperately trying to pull me back. I throw my hand at his face but before my fist could touch his cheek, his eyes glow golden and I stop my movements. My eyes widen and I let go of his shirt, pulling away shakingly "there's your proof" I stare at him, more intrigued and scared than angry. Dan, on the other hand, was furious. He asked me if I'm ok, before turning to Oliver "there was a better fucking way to prove it than controlling my boyfriend!" Oliver simply shrugged and picked up his glass, looking at both of us. I sat back down, still shaken that I did that to him "back to me" Dan groans at his cockiness and I just focus on my shaky breathing "my power is so strong, I can't control it sometimes. It was a risk using it on Phil-"
"Risk?! Are you telling me you weren't certain you could reverse it?! And you did it anyways?!" I signed to Dan to calm down, but he didn't listen to me. Oliver ignored Dan's angry rambling and continued his story "-and one day, I used it on myself for practice. I couldn't reverse the effects, and now I've just gotten used to this personality I have now" both me and Dan looked at each other, both with curiosity. Oliver, who had now propped his legs up onto the table, was looking at us as we silently communicated. One thing I didn't take into account about powers was how dangerous they could be, I mean me and Dan haven't really had any problems with ours except that one time mine went out of control. I guess it does depend on the powers and the person "that doesn't excuse your actions" I pinched Dan's hand making him jump away and make a yelping sound. I smiled at Oliver, taking a sip of my drink "excuse Dan, I forgive you. I understand your actions are a result of your power, and it's all in the past" Dan reluctantly translated for Oliver and took his empty glass. I followed him to the bar with my empty glass and sat down. I passed him my glass and watched as he cleaned "that's a very powerful power, one I've never heard of" Dan sighed and turned to me, leaning on the wood of the bar "too powerful. And dangerous, we need to keep away from him and keep April away" I nodded, agreeing with my boyfriend's words. It's clear he can't control his power all the time, and what if he couldn't reverse the effects on me? He couldn't do it on himself. He can't meet April, not at all "I can't believe he did that to you, it's like he's got something against you"

"He's always been out for me, it's not a surprise he used me as a puppet" Dan hummed at my choice of words and carefully watched Oliver with his eyes. I took his hands and kissed his knuckles, assuring him everything will be ok. He's angry, I can tell and when he's angry he's not always rational and doesn't think clearly "but, you're definitely ok?" I nodded, explaining again how I'm positively ok. He smiled, nodding and got Oliver another drink and me a glass of water. I smiled sweetly and leaned across the bar, kissing him "Jesus, get a room you two" Dan pulled away, growling at Oliver who had come up to us "I can put extra on that drink and all the others you've had, you know" I smile, snorting at Dan's threat. Oliver, didn't seem to take it seriously and smirked at Dan, leaning on the bar "but, you wouldn't" this made Dan more angry and I once again told him to calm down "I still don't like you, nor trust you" Oliver shrugged, taking a swig of his alcohol and smirking slightly "understandable, I don't expect you to like me after what I did to you and mute over here" I tensed my shoulders, shrinking into the corner and sipping my water slowly watching as Dan's eyes started rising with flames of anger "what did you say?" Oh boy, Oliver's in trouble and he better run "relax man, it was a joke" Dan gritted his teeth and brought his palm up. I quickly grabbed his hand, knowing what he was about to do and squeezed it tightly, restricting his movements. Oliver soon left, paying the extra Dan made him pay and then it was just me and Dan in the bar, with me waiting for Dan to finish cleaning up so we could leave. Dan looked at me as I sat there bored, sipping the bottle of water "hey, get up and go to the centre of the bar" I rose my eyebrow and did as I was told, walking to the centre of the bar. Dan smiled and sketched something in his palm before swiping his fingers towards me. I watched as my clothes changed into a waistcoat, shirt, tie and neat trousers all made out of the night sky. I smiled impressively and watched as Dan changed his own outfit to a night sky dress and put on some music "you looked down, so I thought a dance would cheer you up" I smiled sweetly and bowed, looking up and watching him bow. He walked up to me and I took the lead, making him smile "this is nice" I agreed with him and danced with him. One day, I'm gonna marry this man

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