20-Dan's Pov

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Dark clouds filled the sky, rain starting to fall. I smiled with content as I cleaned glasses, blaring jazz music rang in my ears. My attention was drawn to a young man drunkly stumbling up to the bar, which was making me wonder how much he's drunk "another shot, please" my mind wanted to refuse, but that's not my job. I nodded and started refilling his glass with the alcohol. He started asking me questions while waiting for his drink, some I'd rather not answer. Then came the question I was dreading: "so, you single?" I gave him the drink, my stomach twisting into a knot. I've been asked that question so many times, and nobody seems to get the hint "no, taken" he frowned in disappointment but shrugged and stumbled away. I went back to cleaning glasses, looking up at the giant clock that was hung on the wall. I'd be lying if I said this job isn't nicer than my last, where I worked at the university. I prefer this job, while at the university all I would do was check in books and fill the shelves, finding comfort in my music and Phil's....Phil's voice, here I like listening to the jazz music and serving drinks. I admit, it gets rather annoying when drunk guys come and flirt with me. I finish cleaning up and grab my stuff, pulling out my phone to call a taxi. Once home, I kicked my shoes off and took in a silence. No music, no laughter, no Tv and no Phil. I put down my bag and make my way to our room, only stopping half way when I hear muffled music coming from down the hallway. I guess I was wrong about the house being silent. I make my way to the room, pushing the door open and smiling when I see Phil painting calmingly. I walk up, looking over his shoulder at the painting. Phil turned to me smiling and put down his paintbrush to sign "you're home early" I check my watch, shrugging and kissing his cheek "am I? I didn't notice" he threw paint at me, laughing at my sarcasm and smirked. Phil, also prefers his new job. He's still working at the school but as a high school art teacher, not a university English professor. He explained he needs a voice in order to be a English professor and for a art teacher he doesn't really need a voice, he's also found he loves art "have you started dinner?" He dropped the paintbrush and cursed in sign language, running out of the art room to the kitchen. I laugh as he does so, staying in the room for a minute to look around

When we moved here, there was this spare room and we turned it into an art/chill room. Phil spends most of his time in here. The walls were white with splattered paint of all colours covering every inch of the walls, same goes for the floor boards. A brown desk lay in the corner, also covered in paint and it's where I spend most of my time doing astrology. Clear windows were lined neatly across the walls and on one of the walls was a bunch of pictures and paintings. Pictures of us and paintings done by Phil and some by his students. I smiled sweetly at the room, before looking at Phil's unfinished painting and running out to the kitchen "don't stress, Phil, it's fine" he sighed and smiled at me, putting the knife down to sign "shut up asshole, go get changed and then tell me about work" I laughed, kissing him and going to get changed. Once in our room, I closed the door and sighed sadly. Life isn't the same anymore, not without Phil's voice. I'm thankful he's alive! But his voice was so lovely, everytime he laughed the world became a little brighter. I sit on my bed, looking at my palm. Another thing that's changed our lives, is our powers. Without our powers, life just isn't the same. It was so fun, so full of adventure. This is all my fault. I change and go to the kitchen, where Phil was preparing dinner. I'm brought out of my thoughts when I heard my phone ring and I answered, propping the phone up against a box of cereal. I smiled when I saw Claire and Jessie's faces "Uncle Dan!" I wave at them and so does Phil. Lola waves at me through the phone as she passes, making me smile wider. The girls proceeded to tell us how their day was as Phil made dinner and I listened intensely "are you two coming to my 15th birthday party tomorrow?" Phil stopped cooking for a minute to sign at me, in which I translated for the girls. He seemed more shocked than me that Jessie is gonna be 15! "We wouldn't miss it for the world, Jess" she giggled through the phone before Lola told them they had to go to bed, understandably. They said goodbye to us and I hung up, smiling "I can't believe she's gonna be 15, time flies" I hugged Phil from behind as he continued preparing the food. We stayed in comfortable silence before I broke the silence "Phil?" He nodded towards me, not taking his eyes off the food. My grip tightened around his stomach, making him look up "do you miss our old life?" He turned around in my arms, furrowing his eyebrows and looking at me with concern "old life?"

I look away from him, biting my lip before answering his question "when we had powers, our old jobs, the orphanage, when you could...could talk" he placed two fingers under my chin and slowly moved my face so I was looking at him "I miss our powers but Dan, the orphanage was hell. We both suffered because of it and I don't miss that at all. As for my voice, we did what was necessary and-" I stopped his signing to interrupt, placing my hand on his "necessary? You think losing your voice is necessary?"
"I'm saying losing our powers was necessary, trust me if I could have my voice back I would. I know you miss it, I do too but I'm still the same as always" I understand that, it's not like he's changed at all. He's still the same boy I fell in love with at the orphanage, things are just difficult at the moment "I know, Phil. I'm sorry" I saw a smile form on his face and he kissed my cheek lovingly "how many times do I have to say it? Don't apologise for your feelings" he pecked me on the lips and went back to making dinner, luckily not seeing the blush on my cheeks and my idiotic smile. One day, I'm going to marry this man

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