7. Baffled heart

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"aaaaaahhhh" zhan shouted in horror when he checked his phone next day. His phone was full of notifications from all his friends who were teasing him and yibo. They commented weird things on yibo's post.

' You both look damn hot together😍 ' Hao Xuan.

"Do we really look hot together? He is hot though.."

' I wish you both years of togetherness filled with love😘' Yubin

"What the hell with him, why are they teasing us like this "*huff*

' So did you kissed like other couples on the first date💋? ' Meng ziyi

"He kissed my forehead though but can't best friends kiss each other's forehead and it was a friend's date."

' Did you enjoy your day bozhan🤭? ' song jiyang

"Bozhan woahhhh"

' Best friends🙄🙄 ' jiyang cheng

"Yeah but why these stupid emojis"

' So cute😻' mingmei


He stretched his hands and left the bed sluggishly towards restroom.

At University :-

Yibo was walking towards his class with a stoic face when his group tried to meet with his fast steps to tease him more.

"Stop just stop it, are you stupid or what ? You know what, Zhan has not come to University today just because of you all. What was the need to comment all that shit? Huh?" He raised his voice but found himself at fault when he saw sad faces of his friends so he continued in low but deep voice "You know this was his first outing with someone...I know you were just trying to have some fun but ..but.. he is not used to all this. I...we all are his first friends and you all made him embarrassed. I am so disappointed in you all guys." He was really sad as he couldn't see his zhanzhan today.

Meng ziyi stepped closer to yibo and held his hand "Bobo we are really sorry for this..but you don't have to worry zhan will be here very soon, actually Cheng had to attend some meeting in absence of his father as he is on a business trip already so xiao zhan will be here soon with their driver in another car."

"And how do you know?"

"Bo! Cheng is my boyfriend!"

'We talked well with each other last night, he didn't even reply me and today also he didn't even inform me that he's going to be late . Zhan do you resent me so much just because of their stupid comments and do you forget your promise to be my best friend?' yibo was really sad and angry on Zhan at the same time that he didn't even noticed when he jerked his hand out of meng ziyi's and sprinted towards the class.

 Zhan do you resent me so much just because of their stupid comments and do you forget your promise to be my best friend?' yibo was really sad and angry on Zhan at the same time that he didn't even noticed when he jerked his hand out of meng ziyi'...

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"Ehh Yibooo??" His friends shouted and called him but he didn't spare a single glance.

" I am too late..my first class is probably over. That grumpy ge of mine..can't he tell me beforehand that he will go for a meeting and not to the university" he checked today's schedule "ahh wow i have a break for an hour now" he went towards the library to complete his notes.

After the first class yibo doesn't wanted to attend anymore classes as the thoughts of certain someone kept distracting him whole time so he went to library in order to have some alone time and forget someone's thoughts by reading books "why do you effect me so much huh"

"Ehh yibo?"

"See I can hear your voice too now" he murmured angrily still keeping his gaze into the book.

"Yibo" Zhan tapped his shoulders.

Yibo jolted before looking towards the source "You? What are you doing here?" Displeasure and shock was clearly visible in his tone and eyes.

"What happened bo? Yeah i still have one hour before another class, so I thought to complete my notes" zhan said happily to ease the tension.

"Mn" yibo blurted concentrating on the book though he was just trying to put on an act.

'Mn only Mn , what has happened to him? Why do I sense anger in his voice? Is he angry with me?' "Yibo what happened?"

"Nothing just do your work and don't disturb me." Zhan felt hurt when yibo talked rudely. He took a seat beside yibo and continued while staring deeply "Yibo what happened? Have i done something wrong? Please tell me, we are bestfriends right so please tell me" his voice was soothing and sweet as calm waves and his eyes were shining.

Yibo anger wavered with the sight of masterpiece before his eyes for a second but 'Do he show these eyes to everyone, his eyes, voice, lips can win hearts of almost everyone and I CANNOT STAND IT AND I DON'T KNOW WHY? Soon his anger rose again and he whispered yelled as it was a library and he couldn't shout "Can't you not disturb me anymore, can't you see I am busy here, JUST LEAVE ME ALONE" his eyes were showing pure annoyance with his deep voice which really, really hurted the soft hearted person sitting beside him.

Soon Zhan's eyes glistened with the unshed tears and he ran out of the library 'Shit what have you done. Why yibo? Why are you soo absurd ? Why did you vented your anger on him? What was his mistake ? He was just trying to talk? Why are you so mean yibo? You are the one struggling with confused feelings then what was his mistake ? If you like him or whatever then it's your problem but why, why did you make HIM cry?' He questioned his self in mind which added to his frustration but he fought his baffled heart and ran out of library towards men's washroom as he saw zhan entering one.

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