13. I know you care

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Next day as ziyi asked him, zhan prepared cantonese noodles for his friends. He didn't add much spices as someone don't like too much spicy food. He packed them in an airtight lunchbox so that they remain hot before leaving for the University.

"Wow Zhan you are just too good. You really made them for me? Ahh I am touched" ziyi touched her chest dramatically "hey but you did added enough soy sauce right?"

"Not just for you but for all of us!" Cheng glared at ziyi followed by yibo.

"Yes jie you already told me to add a lot of soy sauce so i did. Now enjoy.."

Yibo face went pale and he stood up to leave the empty classroom where they were going to enjoy zhan's handmade noodles.

"Yibo where are you going? I made them for everyone. Won't you even taste them?" Zhan asked dejectedly with a sad tone.

"Z..Zhan i want to taste them but i.."

"No buts yibo, he specially cooked them for us. Don't break his heart!!" ziyi intervened and smirked inwardly.

"O..Okay zhan if you really want me to eat them, I will surely then" a faint and sad smile appeared on yibo's lips and zhan served everyone including him.

Yibo closed his eyes and opened them before gulping down the noodles which were filled with soy sauce. He looked at Zhan and smiled before putting some more in his mouth. Zhan was confused at yibo's behaviour but he eventually shrugged it off.

After a minute or two a very painful expression appeared on yibo's face and he started rubbing his chest and he gasped for air.

"W..what happened yibo. Are they too spicy" Zhan panicked and gave him a glass of water while rubbing his back. Yibo shook his hand in refusal and his body started to itch. "Y..Yibo what's happening" Zhan was on the verge of crying.

"Oh My God i forgot yibo is allergic to soya. Oh my how can i forget it. Here yibo take these antihistamines. Oh my it's my fault, i should have remembered it, he was even denying but I insisted him to eat them. I am so sorry yibo, please have these tablets." ziyi took out two tablets from the medicine pack she had and stretched her palms in front of struggling and huffing yibo.

Hai Xuan and Yubin ran towards the infirmary to call the nurse while Ming mei and song jiyang tried to help yibo have the medicine. On the other way jiang cheng was in a deep thought and later a frown appeared on his face.

"Yibo take these pills, please open your mouth." Zhan pleaded with a cracked voice and glassy eyes. He felt like a culprit, and due to him yibo ended up in this state. If he hadn't forced him or let him complete what he was trying to tell him then this could have never happened.

Yibo was not in a state of speaking anything as he was continously coughing and rubbing his chest in pain. Zhan didn't waste time and put pills and water in his mouth. He parted yibo's lips and forced the pills with water in his throat. Yibo swallowed them but he was shocked. His condition improved slowly and now he was feeling almost fine. His breathlessness and itching were gone too. Everyone's was gawking at zhan for his boldness. But no one dared to speak anything.

"Yibo it's all my mistake. I should not have asked you to eat them in the first place. But are you an idiot? You know you are allergic to soya then why you didn't protest? Why yibo? Do you have any idea what could have happened if ziyi jie didn't have the medicines with her?" He shook yibo's shoulders while crying.

"Zhan you specially prepared these for all of us. I couldn't bring myself to turn you down, I am sorry." Yibo answered with his flushed cheeks. Zhan gave his first kiss to him, of course it must be his first as zhan is so reluctant towards love, although he didn't imagine it to be like this but there's no sin in counting this as one isn't it?

"Thump Thump Thump" Zhan heard his heart beating crazily in speed inside his chest, do yibo love him so much, that his pleading and his handmade food is more important than his own life "B..but if something had happened to you then what.....How can you be this stubborn and stupid yibo?"

"I am sorry" yibo apologised for his careless behaviour but was totally surprised when zhan hugged him tightly.

"Don't let something like this happen again ever." Zhan scolded him in muffled voice and a small but unrecognisable smile appeared on yibo's poker face.

'I know you care' he squealed inside his head while hugging his bunny boy back.

'I know Zhan you do care for him, today you yourself proved it haha. You will accept your feelings yourself soon my zhanzhan' ziyi screamed and clapped inside her fujoshi head. She smiled visibly totally satisfied and delighted.

"Ziyi come with me. We need to talk" Cheng whispered while glaring at his girlfriend. Ziyi shrugged her shoulders before following him outside.


"What do you think I don't know what you are trying to do?" He yelled at her in disappointment.

"What are you implying cheng?" ziyi started sweating up but she maintained her innocent look and tried to act confused.

"You have no idea what could have happened if Zhan didn't force yibo to swallow those tablets. What do you want? You think you can change zhan's heart like this? Like this? By hurting them to this extent? That stupid yibo ate those noodles despite knowing he could..he could have died and you planned all this. Are you out of your mind?" His eyes were bloodshot red and he was fuming with anger and fear.

"So what, he didn't die right? How could I have let him died? That's why I bought those tablets for him. He is my best friend and I care a lot for him. I just can't see them like this sad, broken hearted and losing their happiness and shine everyday. I can't stand it. So let me do what needs to be done and you please stay out of it." ziyi snapped but broke down into tears and Cheng hugged her tightly.

"But just make sure you won't hurt them like this again. Ziyi next time I won't be able to forgive you" he kissed her hairs and rubbed her back to calm her down.

"Hm" she nodded before burying her head in Cheng's chest.

'Ziyi you don't know what all of this can lead to" he sighed and walked inside with ziyi to check on yibo as nurse has already arrived.

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