11. Anguished

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Zhan pov

Today it's sixth day that yibo has not attended classes. He has not contacted anyone after that day nor he is answering anyone's calls. I was really worried for him, I just hope he is doing fine and I don't want to him to depress over that day due to me. He is strong, he can easily move on with a girlfriend because we both can't be together. I knew all this will surely effect our friendship too and this is exactly what's happening. For the last six days, I had daily waited for his texts at night but he never sent one. I was completely embarrassed to contact him in any way as he needed some space and time. Anyways, I can't force him to keep me as his best friend, of course he won't forgive me and never want me anymore in his life. But then why does it hurts, it hurts so much. I want to see him and if he allows I want to hug him even for the last time if he says so.

"Zhan why are you not eating" ziyi asked

"Emm ziyi jie I don't have an appetite, I will see you guys later" I left the cafeteria and sat in an empty class as i wanted to have some alone time. It was raining and I was feeling cold , but there was no yibo to hold my hands. I was feeling really sad and yes I was missing him badly.

"Hey hottie, hi I am Alec from business department. Why are you sitting here alone?" This guy was surrounded by negative aura and he was a bully too. Every student was afraid of him as he is rich and has a big gang of bad boys so no one dares to complain against him. This all has been hidden from the authorities as he is really cunning and pretending enough to not to leave any evidence of his deeds. He uses innocent boys and girls for satisfying his sinful desires.

"And why should I tell you? Just mind your own business!!" I snapped and stood up to leave the class as I don't want to breath the same air with him.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him forcefully "Fierce kitty huh? Why are you so rude when I am talking to you nicely..don't you know who I am?" I was completely disgusted by his touch and wanted to slap and puke at his ugly face right then and there.

"I don't know you and I am not even interested in knowing you. Just leave my hand and let me go you bastard" I shouted but he tightened his grip and pulled me more towards him. He covered my mouth when I was about to shout and was going to lick my neck by his poisonous tongue but I stepped on his foot hard, very hard, crushing it. He left my wrist and shouted in pain and i didn't waste a second to run outside as fast as I could.

I ran towards my friends but decided not to tell them anything about this incident as I already taught him a good lesson and will protect myself in future too. I am not weak and will never submit myself to such felons.

End of pov

"You fierce kitty, you want it rough right? Don't worry babe I will give you exactly what you want. I will fuck you so hard that you will never forget this face ever in your fucking life." He said with his red eyes and a dangerous smirk, his eyes were filled with anger and lust. He was aroused the second he saw the beauty before him, zhan's mole and pink lips invited him to devour him completely. He looked and caressed the visible bulge formed in his pants and left the classroom towards the campus to find another innocent victim to vent his desires.

"Yibo why are you skipping your classes since six days and spends your whole day in office only? You even return late at night always, you know mom is really worried for you." Ying yue brought his breakfast as he mostly remains in his room only, he even skip his meals sometimes and keep himself busy with office files and meetings.

"Saozi don't worry, I will resume my classes from tomorrow, it's just that i was neglecting some important matters of office from a long time so I needed to solve them first, but now they are all done, don't worry you all will get your old yibo back from tomorrow." He smiled at her but deep down he know that it won't be same ever again. He is brokenhearted and only Zhan is capable to mend it again. He will try his best to get zhan's love but then he will never force his baby to do something against his will. He sipped his coffee flipping the pages of his file.

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