43. The first snow

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"Cause I got addicted to a losing game"

"Wang Yibo, where are you taking me?" Xiao Zhan enquired while looking around. Looks like they were going towards the small garden situated near the hotel. His eyes had dried up tears around them, proof of how he let it all out on the stage few moments ago.

"Wang yibo I am asking you something!" Other one kept him dragging without bothering to his questions.

"Wang yibo?" He felt like he was talking to a deaf person as to why yibo was ignoring him purposely.

"SIR STOP DRAGGING ME FOR GOD SAKE" Xiao Zhan opposed in a slightly raised voice making the other stop in the tracks when heard about the way he was addressed.

"Why zhanzhan!" Wang yibo breathed out, his voice reflecting the storm that was going on in his heart.

Xiao zhan pursed his lips, ready to listen to the explanation he deserved.

"Xiao zhan i-that can we talk?"

"What do you think what we are doing right now?"

"N-no I mean let's go somewhere calm and private"


Both of them sat on a bench with Wang Yibo playing with his fingers as words weren't coming out of his lips. He don't know how to start, what to say! He is not even sure of what he expects from the other.

Xiao Zhan patiently waited for him to initiate. He cleared his throat for a number of times but the other person seemed to be in deep thoughts. Frowning, xiao zhan decided to speak!

"You know upto today, I used to think that time will teach me to live with pain and maybe one day, i too, will become oblivious..maybe one day I too will don't care. I used to think that I won't give up, but I feel tired now. But it's not happening. So what to do then?" he glanced at yibo who was watching him without any expressions. He chuckled which was followed by a sigh. Shuffling his pockets, he pulled out an envelope and stood up before handing it to yibo. Yes, he had already prepared for this day in case he loses the battle.

Wang yibo opened the envelope impatiently and let out a sharp breath as he read it. "Th-this.... why?"

"Thanks for taking my care upto now. I have learned many things due to the opportunities you provided me this far. But I have decided to expand my ocean now. I need to explore ..sir." digging his nails in his own skin, he waited for other to react.

Wang yibo kept staring at the piece of paper that was held in his trembling hands, his eyes getting blurry due to many unknown reasons.

Xiao Zhan tried to stop the fluid building up in his tearducts by trying to find something interesting on the ground. Getting no reactions from the other, he nodded in understanding. "Since you have nothing to tell me, I will get going".

As xiao zhan moved, he heard a deep voice making him hault his steps "Xiao Zhan!"

Xiao Zhan didn't turn around but waited for him to finish!

"Do you have to do this? Can't you give me some time?"

"I can't! I don't want to! I have finally understood something very important sir and i have finally realised that what i am doing is something that should be done long ago"

"What do you mean?"

"What i mean is i don't want to be a part of your life anymore and same goes for you. I ...don't want you to be a part of mine. Since I am already leaving, I hope to never cross our paths again " xiao zhan walked off with long, fast steps afraid to be stopped. He can't get weak now. It's really too much for him to handle. He has done everything that could be done, he is already trying since three years but nothing seems to work out for him now. Wang yibo is bad for his heart and it can't be changed. He needs to get away before he dies of agony and longing.

Wang Yibo missed the hold of zhan's hand as the said man walked away very quickly, like the shared air was suffocating him. He wanted to beg that person..to stay, to not leave him but he left. Why? Why did he do this? What has he actually done? It's not his mistake to forget everything like this, he is not to be blamed right? He was trying, despite falling everytime, he was trying by again climbing from the very start. Falling on his knees he couldn't help but shed tears. It was paining, yes it was too much right there...in his chest. Sitting and crying like that, he didn't realise how much time has passed. A minute, two minutes or a whole hour! He don't know!

"Don't go xiao zhan, I need you" he whispered in a cracked voice as he stood up to look out for the person who had already left.

Xiao Zhan rested his head on the headrest in the backseat as he sat in a taxi. Soon, a hot stream left his eye draining his cheeks wet. He has finally done it, the thing he thought he would never do. He never even in his dreams had thought to take a step like this. But it was something that needed to be done. He had to let go some day or other. He shifted his head to the window as his sobs increased with the volume of tears.

"We both were trapped yi-bo. I-I didn't want t-too hurt you, but i had no other w-way. I can't do it anymore" he clutched his pants tightly and tried to stop his sobs but he just couldn't stop. Bringing his hands over his mouth, he cried more bitterly turning his eyes red and swollen. "W-wang yi-yibo t-today, i-i l-let y-you g-go. B-be h-happy" it was becoming difficult to breathe for him. His eyes and heart was not listening to him. The pain in his core kept increasing with every minute he went away from yibo while his eyes were dripping wet. He just couldn't stop.

The driver glanced at him through the mirror as he was feeling bad for the poor guy who was crying so badly. The person must be having a tough time, he thought.

"Sir can I say something?" He dared to speak when he found the person in the backseat has stopped bawling his eyes. Though the person was still hiccuping and sobbing from time to time but it wasn't bad as before.

He wasn't asked to go on but then the person didn't deny too so he thought to continue. "Since it is so difficult for you, then why did you leave that person for whom you are crying so badly?" He heard the other's words and by the look of it, it's a matter of heart and feelings.

Xiao Zhan never replied. What could he even answer? Why did he leave yibo? Because maybe he was selfish by trying to drag the other in the past, forgetting that he was actually holding him back, he was trying to cage him with himself but in actual, he, xiao zhan, was the one who was stucked. Wang yibo was already standing miles away and the distance between them is difficult to cover in this lifetime. He wasn't in the state to explain his condition to anyone, specially to a stranger so he decided to keep his mouth shut but he managed to whisper something which didn't go unnoticed by the driver. "Because my opponent was fate! I had to lose".

"But sir.." the driver stopped talking as he heard few horns before a car overtook them stopping right in front of their way horizontally. He abruptly pressed the brakes hard making zhan jump in his seat. He swore his heart was about to jump out of his mouth too!

"Who is this bastard?" xiao zhan shouted but he gasped and couldn't realised when Wang yibo opened the car door and engaged him in a tight hug. Xiao Zhan was in a daze, he was still processing if he was dreaming when Wang yibo, pulled back and cupped his cheeks only to press their moist lips together.

The weather in the night, turned more colder when soft, small pieces of chilly clouds drifted down the starry sky, falling on and around the two pure souls, who were busy inhaling each other's breaths seeking union and just ...love. Yes it was first snow of that season!

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