12. Friends?

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Zhan and yibo were sitting opposite on the same round table on which they used to sit beside each other, sometimes holding hands when the weather turned cold, which has witnessed their once good moments, their happy chats and laughter, antipodal to now how they are feeling weird and awkward in each other's presence which is triggering the rush of memories from the last week which proved to be devastating for both of them . One, who laughed carelessly before, who felt lively before and wants to spend his forever with the other and the other one who is confused of himself, restraining his heart, don't even want to listen anything else.

They both were stealing glances at each other secretly trying not to lock their eyes, as eyes are meant to be the reflection of heart, and their hearts were shattered, so they don't want the other person to notice it, unaware of the fact that their hearts were also connected, so from whom and how they could hide it anymore.

Their friends were confused with the behaviour of the duo, they already knew everything but have they decided to end their friendship too? Is it right when people say you can either be friends or lovers..And if one of you develop feelings then the strings of your once shared bond will eventually break?

"Ahh ziyi jie i will just have this soup. I am not feeling to eat anything heavy and solid." Zhan just took a bowl of pea soup when ziyi, hao xuan and yubin volunteered to bring everyone's lunch from the counter.

"What happened to you Zhan? I am seeing that you are not eating properly since few days? Are you perhaps sick?"

"No ziyi he is fine. He ate breakfast properly." Cheng covered for him as he don't want his precious little brother to get embarrassed or certain someone to get more tensed.

'Is he not eating properly? I shouldn't worry as Cheng just said that he ate breakfast well but then why is he looking so pale and more skinny? Leave it yibo, cheng knows him better than you, he must be fine.' Cheng's answer does solaced yibo and he felt less worried and concerned.

"Yibo why you didn't come for the whole week? And why weren't you even answering our calls?" Ziyi asked to change the topic and distract yibo from his daydreaming.

"Ahh I was busy with some important matters of office"

"But I called Haikuan ge and he told me you had a high fever the other day but asked me not to tell others and not to visit as you didn't want to see anyone." Hao xuan revealed which broke zhan's heart more and he bit his lower lip to suppress his tears.

"It was nothing serious and here I am sitting perfectly fine, i was just busy with some important office affairs." yibo said looking at his love, trying to convince him as he could see the sudden unhappy changes in his expressions.

Yibo excused himself for a while to attend an important call from the office. After some time Zhan got worried when yibo was not back afraid if he has already left. He too went out to look for him and he spotted him not very far away, busy on a call. He gathered courage and decided to have a small hearty talk with his 'probable' ex best friend.

"Y..yibo?" He stuttered and called yibo. Yibo suddenly stopped taking as he recognised the voice and turned around. There he saw Zhan looking at him in desperation to have a chat.

"Jenny bring the remaining files in my cabin, and fix a meeting with Mr. Guo today. Yes I will be there shortly.!!" He cut the call and cleared his throat "*Ehemm*..Zhan?"

"Yibo..I..I..how are you?"

"Fine and you, how are you doing?"

"I am okay. Yibo..I wanted to say sor..."

"No, don't apologize or feel guilty about anything. I just need some time but i want you to approach me without any hesitation if you need my help, anytime ."

"Aren't you mad at me and will you still talk to me?" Zhan widened his eyes in surprise.

"Yes I will and I am not mad at you."

"So are we still friends yibo?"

"Yes, *sigh* yes we are, now go back and eat properly. You are getting skinny and weak.*

"And you?"

"I have a meeting and I am already full so go back and eat properly ." Zhan nodded slightly with a little pout. "Now you will not listen to your best friend right?"

"No..no yibo I will eat properly, I promise" Zhan wished to hug yibo but at last he decided not to as everything is still not okay between them. Yibo left for the office after saying his goodbye to him. He was standing in a daze when someone shook his shoulders in order to get his attention "huh?" song jiyang and ziyi were there to look for them as they were still not back.

"Zhan are you fine and where is yibo?" song jiyang asked.

"Jiyang ge i am fine and yibo just left for an important meeting. Ge i am really hungry, let's go back and have a good lunch."

"Haa?" Jiyang was confused as zhan had no appetite few minutes ago and now he is behaving like he wants to eat everything available in the canteen. But he was happy as zhan is feeling okay now so he hugged him, stroked his hairs and they both went back to the canteen hand in hand.

"Interesting. You got your appetite and joy back after talking to yibo. Zhan you are confused but I am not. I know you too harbour something for him deep inside. So let me handle this and I will make sure that you accept your feelings very soon and you, yourself will ask yibo to be yours. Ziyi best of luck, just don't let anyone to find out about your plan." ziyi let a sly smirk and bit her lips in excitement before following Zhan and jiyang.

"These chow mein noodles are so tasteless and nothing compared to what our Zhan cook at home" Cheng blurted while gobbling the bland noodles down his throat.

"Oh really?" ziyi.

"No jie he is just overpraising me" zhan said shaking his both hands in denial.

"Zhanzhan I am craving for good Cantonese chow mein with lots of soy sauce from many days. I tried at some places but they were all just mediocre." Ziyi sulked and pouted her lips which melted Zhan.

"Don't worry jie i will cook and bring it for you tomorrow." Zhan encouraged her while smiling.

"Only for ziyi? I see Zhan." yubin sulked with a frown.

"No, yubin I will cook for everyone alright? Now don't sulk and eat." Zhan shook his head while putting a big piece of dumpling in his mouth.

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