25. The split up

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Zhan came back dazedly without any conciousness of his surroundings. The old man's words were ringing inside his head continously.

Earlier in the car:-

"Xiao Zhan, child are you sure you don't know me?"

"Huh? I really don't remember grandpa, it's my bad!"

"Haha it's fine child. This old man will remind you then." The old Wang laughed slightly but his expressions became serious before continuing "A small child crying and screaming for help everywhere inside his house. He has been tortured and assaulted upto the extent that he could die anytime. When he was about to perish an angel came to save him from the clutches of greedy fox...you named him yourself xiao zhan 'a fox'. Do you remember now?"

Zhan's breath slightly laboured and he felt restless. His heart pounded so wildly that he could feel the throbbing beats in his ears. Heavy beads of sweats appeared on his forehead and he whimpered "Ahh no..no".

"Calm down child, your angel is beside you. No one will hurt you" the grandpa said softly and caressed xiao zhan's head. Zhan calmed down slowly and smiled towards him.

"s.so you were the one who saved me that day. I remember you now grandpa, my angel."

"Will you return my favour child?"

"I..I yes..of course"

"Haha then leave my grandson!"

"Huh?" Zhan trembled in fear and asked in a whisper "but why? Don't you like me?"

"I love you so much child. You don't know how much i....actually..what if this angel is a villain in real?"

"Huh what do you mean?"

"Don't you wanna know what actually happened with your parents?"

Zhan was jerked back to reality when he heard few car horns around. He realised that he was walking in the middle of the road. Reaching home, he shouted loudly when his father tried to hug him.

"N..no d..don't touch me fox"

"Zhanzhan" Jiang fengmian panicked and tried to calm him down.

"NOOOOO I said no..no. STAY AWAY!" He shrugged his hands off his shoulders and slumped down in a corner while hugging his legs. He was trembling and crying and was mumbling incoherent words.

Hearing the commotion, Zhang Jing and yanli too came out of the kitchen and tried to hush and soothe Zhan but he was not responding.
Yibo who was pacing back and forth restlessly as he was trying to reach xiao zhan's and his grandpa's phone which were already switched off. He was really scared since the minute he recieved zhan's message about going for a drive with his grandpa. What if he hurts him? What will happen if zhan gets to know everything from him suddenly, then how would he handle himself? What if he does something bad to himself? His chain of thoughts broke when he recieved Jiang Cheng's call.

"Yibo!" Cheng sounded very anxious and agitated.

"Cheng what.."

"Please reach my house asap. I have already texted you the address, shijie called me few minutes ago. She said Zhan is having a panic attack, I am too coming back but it will take..." yibo didn't listen anymore and cut the call. Calling a taxi, he rushed towards jiang's residence.

On the other hand Jiang fengmian already called a doctor as situation went out of their hands. The doctor was about to inject a tranquilizer to zhan when a strong hand stopped his hand while gripping it hardly in air.

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