35. Flashback-1

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Flashback 1:-

After being satisfied, yibo cleaned themselves, removed his cum from zhan's ass, helped his partner in shower and applied ointment on his red swollen bruised hole. Drying their wet hairs and dressing themselves in a set of comfortable clothes, he gave zhan a painkiller to reduce the pain and massaged his back gently. He hugged him tightly while they cuddled on the bed, lying in each other's arms.

Zhan's tees and shirts were of smaller size and didn't fit yibo due to his broader shoulders so he was lying bared chest as his own clothes were drying up. He was only wearing a set of lowers which belonged to xiao zhan.

Yibo pecked zhan's forehead and lips out of affection and love with a wide smile plastered on his own swollen lips. They had kissed so wildly earlier that both of their lips were swollen and bruised due to the bite marks.

"I love you so much xiao zhan" he confessed while holding zhan's hands and kissed the back of his hands.

"I love you yibo. You don't know how much I missed you. Why you didn't come back? Didn't you miss me?" Xiao Zhan asked while hitting his chest lightly.

"Babe a-actually when you left me I was really heartbroken. You know I felt so betrayed by e-everyone around me" yibo stuttered and his voice cracked up in between.

Xiao Zhan caressed his back soothingly and nodded at him to assure him. Yibo nodded back and continued "I could't digest whatever happened nor I could turn it back. So I chose to just escape, i know i became selfish that i never thought of you all when I chose to leave but i needed to break it free. The reality was hard to accept, for both of us. I decided to give you some space and time but i swear i never had any idea that you would blame yourself for everything that you would punish yourself like this. Though I am happy, zhanzhan, that you decided to forgive everyone but I know it wasn't easy for you. You too have suffered a lot" yibo said and hugged him again. They both were crying with their closed eyes while they rubbed each other's back to calm the other down. But their sobs just couldn't stop.

After crying for good minutes zhan spoke "I-I never thought about how you must have felt. Punishing you for something you didn't even know of, I really was a meanie. But you know, when you left me I realised how much important you are to me. While waiting for your blooming smile and blissful eyes to come back to me again, i matured enough to realise that our love worth more than anything, it can withstand all the typhoons and difficulties. Yibo ,now everyone got their lessons. Please don't leave me now *sob*. My heart *sob*, it belongs to you only. Do you underst ....mmpphh" yibo shushed him with his lips and kissed him once again, pouring all his longings and pain in it. Zhan reciprocated the kiss with equal passion but opened his tear filled eyes when yibo broke the kiss.

"I missed you so badly Baobei. I can't believe that you are with me in my arms" yibo said while smiling.

"Yes this is not a dream yibo. We are together, we made love and we still love each other. This time, let's do it more passionately baobao. But where did you went huh and what did you do all these years?"

"Actually i went to cuba and i decided to pursue my studies there. With all my investments and savings, I left for the country and joined a business University there. I didn't want anyone to know about me so I chose a simple university and I seized all my bank accounts and stepped down as a CEO. I tried to live a normal and a simple, lowkey life there. I lived in the dorm and seungyoun and wooseok were my roommates there. That couple helped me to cope up with my mental health while I went for therapies and motivated me everytime I felt low. Seungyoun was a business student and was my classmate while wooseok was a law student and was our junior. Wooseok is very innocent and naive just like you, that's why I never told everything about my past to him otherwise he would have recognised you *chuckle*. I recently completed my higher studies and then I decided to come back."

Zhan, with his slightly opened mouth listened everything curiously. His lips turned into an 'o' shape when yibo stopped talking.

"By the way, congratulations bunny for your graduation. I am so proud of you that you have reached your goals. You are a hard working bunny and you deserve a reward" yibo gushed while rubbing zhan's nose to tease him.

"Ahh reward? What is it?" Zhan impatiently and excitedly shook yibo's shoulders asking for his reward.

Yibo chuckled before taking his cellphone that was lying invertly on the bedside table. He scrolled through his gallery and smiled when found what he wanted to show Zhan.

"Here, Baobei see this couple ring". Xiao Zhan gasped when he saw an expensive diamond ring in the picture. Yibo smiled when he saw sparkles in zhan's eyes.

"Baobei will you marry me? I want to slip this ring in your ring finger while I vow to love you till my last breath

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"Baobei will you marry me? I want to slip this ring in your ring finger while I vow to love you till my last breath. Will you let me take care of you for this lifetime? Will you be my husband?" Yibo asked softly while looking directly in zhan's eyes with glistened orbs.

Xiao zhan bursted into loud sobs and hugged yibo tightly. "Yes yes yes yes. I will marry you. Of course I will" yibo chuckled in tears and kissed his hairs. He took zhan's right hand and placed a kiss on his ring finger where he would place the ring at the altar.

End of flashback

Xiao Zhan daze broke when he heard the door opening. A second class ranked police constable entered the cell with a jail uniform in his hands.

"Oyi inmate, remove your clothes and change into these Jail uniforms. These clothes needs to go for further investigations. Inform me when you are done, I will take you to the dining for food" the constable kept the uniform on the bed before leaving.

Xiao Zhan stood up and changed his clothes silently. He folded the clothes and was about to leave when he felt dizzy. He sat on the bed and held his head.

"Yibo, it's so suffocating here. It's difficult to even breathe properly" he muttered weakly while looking at his ring finger. He kissed his finger and smiled when yibo's giggling face flashed in his head.

Too innocent!

He called the constable to hand over the clothes.

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