23. "Leave him"

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Yibo felt uneasy since his secretary informed him about his grandpa's arrival, he was afraid of losing xiao zhan, the way he yearned for the guy and always wished him to be his, his instincts told him that something was definately not right. On reaching back his mansion, xiao zhan held his hand in nervousness and pouted cutely. Yibo chuckled at his cuteness and felt somewhat better. He tapped his hand with his free one and they both came out of the car.

"Welcome to my home Baobei" Zhan smiled and followed yibo while biting his lips. How would he going to greet everyone? He was not visiting some friend's home, he was going to meet his boyfriend's family. With his trembling and short steps he just stayed behind yibo and looked around everywhere. The villa seemed big though, way bigger than his.

They entered the big gate, passed the beautiful fountain and stepped inside. Zhan slightly peeked from yibo's back to take a look and smiled when he saw a woman of around his mom's age. She must be his mother, he thought. He was busy looking for the other members as yibo told him about his family on the way, so now he knew about almost everyone there. He frowned when he saw a familiar face and scooted towards yibo's ears to say something. He tapped yibo's shoulders and whispered in his ears "Yibo that woman! I saw you both leaving a mall together once! And I thought she was your new fling and you are just a playboy! But now I feel so stupid, she must be your Saozi right!!"

Yibo clenched his fingers as zhan's warm breath fanned his ears. Gulping a mouthful of saliva, he slightly tilted his head to whisper back "How can you zhanzhan? Yes she is my Saozi and I think you need some punishment for assuming me as a playboy! You should know that I only love my Baobei!"

"You can punish me later but now are you going to let me in or not?"

"Yes! Sorry!" He smiled awkwardly and cleared his throat to gain everyone's attention. The ladies got shocked but were happy seeing yibo back, they were confused as to why yibo came so early from his trip when he was supposed to come few days later.

"Yibo, son you are back? Why are you still standing there, come inside! Do you know your grandpa is home too.." carman lee stood up and hugged yibo but gasped in surprise when she saw a beautiful boy hiding behind him. Yibo chuckled and broke the hug before holding zhan's hands and pulling him beside himself.

Ying Yue too came to greet their guest and smiled at him. Zhan gave one of his wide, captivating smile making the two ladies squeal. Yibo held his waist tightly and introduced him "Mom, Saozi meet him. He is xiao zhan, my boyfriend" carman's smile faded but ying yue gasped and clapped in excitement "Congratulations bobo, welcome home brother in law" she teased Zhan making him blush.

"Boyfriend?" A rough, raspy voice echoed in the hall flinching everyone and earning all of the attention. Zhan jumped in fear and digged his nails into his palms. Yibo tightened his hold around the latter's waist as an angry old man took slow steps towards them. He was followed by Mr. Wang who was switching his gaze between Zhan and yibo.

"What did you say wang yibo?"

"He is my boyfriend grandpa, Xiao Zhan"

"Xiao" the old man stared at Zhan with his raised eyebrows and closed his eyes for a second in order to calm his temper "Xiao zhan, you look so familiar. Have we met before?"

"Good evening grandfather" he bowed and added "We might but my memory is quiet weak, it's my bad" he smiled and looked at yibo. The old man chuckled and turned his face only to look at Wang zhou, his son sternly.

Wang Zhou immediately understood what his father meant and marched towards yibo "Are you out of your mind. Stop playing around.."

"I am not. He is.."

"Tell me what happened to the deal I asked you to work onto?"

"I refused the project. The investors seemed unprofessional and their plans were not eye catching.."


Yibo touched his burning cheek and peered at his dad with a shocked expression who slapped him for the first time. What wrong did he do? Whether to accept that deal or not was solely his decision and why would he when he was gaining nothing out of it. He could easily bring triple profit to their company by other projects then why? No, actually the work was just an excuse to hit him, to show him his place and to embarrass him in front of Zhan.

Carman approached yibo and hugged him while crying but the latter was standing without any expression. He fisted his hands in anger but tried to calm himself down.

On the other hand, Zhan covered his mouth in shock. He was feeling yibo's pain and hurt. When he saw his red cheek, he couldn't help but cry silently. He just wanted to hold yibo's hands and take him away from there but he was so helpless!

"Sorry for the inconvenience eh what did you told your name ahh yes xiao zhan." The oldie grandpa looked at Ying Yue who was busy texting hai kuan to come home as soon as possible. She couldn't help but shed few tears for yibo. "Ying Yue, daughter take xiao zhan with you and show him our garden. Don't take stress it's not good for my great grandchild." He added and gestured her to follow his command. Nodding she walked away with Zhan following him closely.

In the garden:-

"Jie...that.." zhan tried to ask something but he stuttered in hesitation.

"I don't know why did dad behaved like that. It was so unusual of him, he didn't even raise his voice on us ever, then why did he s..slap yibo" she sobbed and zhan rubbed her back soothingly.

"Jie please don't cry. It's not good for the baby" she nodded and they sat on a bench to talk about other things. Zhan tried to divert her mind but he was too much worried for yibo to think anything else.

Whereas inside the mansion yibo clenched his fists more tightly, turning his knuckles white when he heard his grandpa's words "Leave him"

"I won't, never" he gazed back sharply with his red bloodshot eyes.

"Ohh now you are gonna talk back to your grandpa. See whatever I am telling you is for your own good."

"I don't wanna listen to your bullshit anymore. I realised today that you just want me to be your obedient dog and nothing else grandpa." Yibo mocked him without breaking the intense eye contact.

"Hahaha you don't wanna listen, good very good but don't ever think my dear grandson that I won't go hard on you. You just see how I make you come and beg me" he chuckled and walked back to his room.

Yibo came out of Carmen's hold and sprinted towards stairs to shut himself in his room when his dad's voice stopped him in his tracks "You are bringing disgrace to our family by having relationship with a boy. ..son it's..it's for your own good, choose anyone in this world, be it a boy or a girl anyone but not him" he pleased with shaking voice but yibo didn't budge.

"No, not anyone it will be just him for me. It's better not to come in my way dad, especially when it's related to xiao zhan" he said darkly and sprinted towards his room.

Reaching inside his room, he sat on the floor with his eyes closed. His aching head was resting on the bed while his fists were still closed. His daze broke when he felt a soft touch on his slapped cheek.

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