16. Only your kiss..

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"Ge, ge can you do me a favour?" Zhan pleaded Cheng with his puppy eyes.

"What?" Cheng asked rolling his eyes and scrolling his weibo.

"Umm how should I put it..umm..ge that's.."

"Are you blurting or not? I don't have a whole day for your whining" Cheng rolled his eyes again but kept scrolling.

"Ge can you kiss my forehead?"

"What!! No way?" Mistakenly he pressed the like button on the picture of a girl whom ziyi hates a lot, you can say they both were each other's competitors who competes in studies, outfits, foods and boyfriends. She always wanted Cheng to be her boyfriend instead and that's why ziyi had strictly warned him not to interact with her in any way. "Shitt I am dead. She will kill me ahhrrrgghhh" he shouted in frustration and pulled his hairs.

"I can help you. I can be a witness for you and she will never suspect me but... on one condition" he smirked and cheng raised his eyebrow. "Kiss my forehead".

"Eww zhan you...you are so gross" He squinted his eyes "why do you want me to do that anyway? Don't tell me you..."

"Shut up, I am your little brother ge. I am just asking you to peck my forehead out of affection and brotherly love you have for me. I might be not your biological brother but you are not less than one for me".

Cheng sighed and pecked his forehead smiling. "My didi. You are my favourite brother Zhan. Come and hug gege". He opened his arms to embrace him.

"Ewwww" Zhan rubbed his forehead aggressively until it turned red. "Noooo" he ran towards the bathroom to wash his face. Cheng was shocked and his hands remained open. "Youuuu brattttt, don't forget to call ziyi" he shouted at top of his lungs and stomped his foot angrily before dashing towards his room.

Zhan came out of the bathroom and held his chest. "It doesn't beat crazily. It felt so gross, ahhh I didn't feel good". He whined and went to the kitchen in order to find his mom.

"Mommm" he pouted and hugged his mother's back. Zhang Jing was preparing dinner when zhan came whining and pouting. She smiled towards her son and patted her head slightly. "Are you hungry dear?"

"No mom, i want you to kiss my forehead."

"Huh? But you never let me kiss your forehead or cheeks before?"

"Mom now i want. Please kiss my forehead now..now..now" he whined again and Zhang Jing happily turned around and kissed her baby's forehead with lot of motherly love. Zhan smiled and took some snacks before rushing to his bathroom again. He didn't wash it this time but he looked himself before the mirror. "It didn't beat crazily. Why yibo? Why whenever you kiss my forehead my heart beats like a drum? And now why am I craving for your forehead kiss and no one is able to satisfy it except you? I want forehead kiss ahhh" he cried and recalled the events of painting room that happened earlier.

Earlier in the paintings room:-

"Yibo it's been two hours. I am scared, the sun is about to set too" zhan whispered against yibo's chest while trembling.

"I am here. You don't need to be scared. I won't let anything happen to you." Yibo hugged him more and took him on his lap.

"Yi..bo" zhan sniffed and yibo's heart clenched. He kissed his forehead and hugged him again. Zhan was really scared and sunggled more and more in yibo's chest. The room had no lights and windows. There was only a ventilation fan in the room which kept the air clean and fresh. The room was turning dark with each passing minute and zhan's fear too rose along with it. He got up and ran towards the door. He tried to open it and banged it hardly. Yibo too stood up and stopped zhan from bruising his hands more. He hauled his body towards him and in the process Zhan lost his balance and gripped yibo's shirt tightly, yibo too held zhan protectively but fell down with Zhan on top of him. They fell in an awkward position, zhan body lied on top of yibo and their lips touched accidentally. Their eyes widened but zhan didn't leave yibo's lips. Their lips just touched each other but none of them were breaking this mere touch too, nor made any progress. Yibo slightly pushed zhan away and got up and took him onto his lap again, while he himself supported his back against the wall.

"Zhan baby calm down!!" Zhan sobbed again, he was on verge of getting a severe panic attack and yibo's eyes got dark from fear due to zhan's condition "Zhan, baby can I..can I kiss you? It will help you calm down. Don't take me wrong but when our lips touched accidentally, your mind actually diverted so..are you into it?" Zhan kept sobbing not replying anything to yibo's abstract idea. There were still many ways to distract his mind though, why did he only thought of kissing? Actually he was still preoccupied with the previous accidental touch of their moist lips. He wanted more and he became selfish, he wanted to touch his lips one more time, and Zhan would never allow him to do so. So he decided to take advantage of the situation, not letting this chance slip out of his hands and asked his permission shamelessly.

Zhan was truly scared but he won't deny that he liked the touch of his lips too. Maybe, it could truly distract him. Not realising his true feelings and his craving for love, he still didn't say anything.

Yibo was blinded by his desire so he asked again "Baby you will feel good. You don't need to return the kiss, just let me divert your mind please?" he looked in yibo's eyes which appeared vague due to darkness, while yibo getting no signs of protest and denial from zhan's side took it as yes and leaned forwards towards zhan's forehead. He kissed there again, and brushed their nose together. Zhan closed his eyes and found himself lost in the tingling sensation inside his stomach. His heart was doing backflips while he was breathing heavily. Yibo too closed his eyes and touched his lips softly. Zhan moaned due to the new feeling and yibo groaned in satisfaction. He slowly moved his lips but zhan stayed still, frozen in his place. Yibo kept moving his lips softly and it worked like magic on zhan's anxiety.

Zhan too was lost in the kiss and his lips were about to move automatically when they heard a clicking sound of the door. Zhan got up hastily and ran towards the opened door to find ziyi and Cheng together. He hugged Cheng and cried loudly. Cheng patted his back and soothe him while glaring at ziyi.

"Woahh how did you found us?" Yibo came out of the room while dusting off his clothes. He ruffled zhan's hairs who was hugging Cheng tightly, burying his head in his shoulders. He felt a little jealous but he had no rights over him right?.

"Actually yibo i..i saw you both while keeping the paintings and you two hadn't showed up at xuan's apartment, so we decided to have a look" ziyi stuttered making yibo suspect her more but he shrugged it off. They rushed towards the parking to go back.

"Zhan let's go home" Cheng helped him sit in the car and drove off. He dropped ziyi back to her house, but didn't even say his goodbye.

Flashback ends

Zhan dropped himself under his blankets and sighed continuously. He fell into sleep while thinking about the store room kiss and the forehead kiss he was craving for.

Yibo's pov:-

I can't sleep like this. Why are you haunting my dreams too? I can't stop thinking about the kiss arrghh I am so pathetic... Do you think it was wrong kissing you? I was being selfish I know, but it was the only way to save you from having a panic attack too. If we weren't in this situation, I swear i wouldn't have done that to him. But now what? He didn't return the kiss! He didn't even spared me a glance after that! He didn't even say goodbye! Yes he was scared at that time, but now if he misunderstood me as a pervert then what? If he felt disgusted and angry then what? If he ignored me then what? Then I will surely die..Zhan I am sorry baby. But I love you so much..tell me, how to let you go *sniff* *sniff*

He too fell in a deep sleep while crying and thinking about the awful yet a surprising day.

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